Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

OpenXLA Dev Lab 2024: Building Groundbreaking ML Systems Together

Thursday, May 9, 2024

AMD, Arm, AWS, Google, NVIDIA, Intel, Tesla, SambaNova, and more come together to crack the code for colossal AI workloads

As AI models grow increasingly complex and compute-intensive, the need for efficient, scalable, and hardware-agnostic infrastructure has never been greater. OpenXLA is a deep learning compiler framework that makes it easy to speed up and massively scale AI models on a wide range of hardware types—from GPUs and CPUs to specialized chips like Google TPUs and AWS Trainium. It is compatible with popular modeling frameworks—JAX, PyTorch, and TensorFlow—and delivers leading performance. OpenXLA is the acceleration infrastructure of choice for global-scale AI-powered products like Search, Google Gemini, Waymo self-driving vehicles, and x.AI's Grok.

The OpenXLA Dev Lab

On April 25th, the OpenXLA Dev Lab played host to over 100 expert ML practitioners from 10 countries, representing industry leaders like AMD, Arm, AWS, ByteDance, Cerebras, Cruise, Google, NVIDIA, Intel, Tesla, SambaNova, and more. The full-day event, tailored to AI hardware vendors and infrastructure engineers, broke the mold of previous OpenXLA Summits by focusing purely on “Lab Sessions”, akin to office hours for developers, and hands-on Tutorials. The energy of the event was palpable as developers worked side-by-side, learning and collaborating on both practical challenges and exciting possibilities for AI infrastructure.

World map showing where developers come from across countries to the OpenXLA Dev Lab
Figure 1: Developers from around the world congregated at the OpenXLA Dev Lab.

The Dev Lab was all about three key things:

  • Educate and Empower: Teach developers how to implement OpenXLA's essential workflows and advanced features through hands-on tutorials.
  • Offer Expert Guidance: Provide personalized office hours led by OpenXLA experts to help developers refine their ideas and contributions.
  • Foster Community: Encourage collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and lasting connections among the brilliant minds in the OpenXLA community.


The Tutorials included:

Integrating an AI Compiler & Runtime into PJRT

  • Learn how PJRT connects ML frameworks to AI accelerators, standardizing their interaction for easy model deployment on diverse hardware.
  • Explore the PJRT C API for framework-hardware communication.
  • Implement a PJRT Plugin, a Python package that implements the C API.
  • Discover plugin examples for Apple Metal, CUDA, Intel GPU, and TPU.

Led by Jieying Luo and Skye Wanderman-Milne

Extracting StableHLO Graphs + Intro to StableHLO Quantizer

  • Learn to export StableHLO from JAX, PyTorch, and TensorFlow using static/dynamic shapes and SavedModel format.
  • Hack along with the tutorial using the JAX, PyTorch, and TensorFlow Colab notebooks provided on
  • Simplify quantization with StableHLO Quantizer; a framework and device-agnostic tool.
  • Explore streamlined parameter selection and model rewriting for lower precision.

Led by Kevin Gleason, Jen Ha, and Xing Liu

Optimizing PyTorch/XLA Auto-sharding for Your Hardware

  • Discover this experimental feature that automates distributing large-scale PyTorch models across XLA devices.
  • Learn how it partitions and distributes for out-of-the-box performance without manual intervention
  • Explore future directions such as customizable cost models for different hardware

Led by Yeounoh Chung and Pratik Fegade

Optimizing Compute and Communication Scheduling with XLA

  • Scale ML models on multi-GPUs with SPMD partitioning, collective communication, HLO optimizations.
  • Explore tensor parallelism, latency hiding scheduler, pipeline parallelism.
  • Learn collective optimizations, pipeline parallelism for efficient large-scale training.

Led by Frederik Gossen, TJ Xu, and Abhinav Goel

Lab Sessions

Lab Sessions featured use case-specific office hours for AMD, Arm, AWS, ByteDance, Intel, NVIDIA, SambaNova, Tesla, and more. OpenXLA engineers were on hand to provide development teams with dedicated support and walkthrough specific pain points and designs. In addition, Informational Roundtables that covered broader topics like GPU ML Performance Optimization, JAX, and PyTorch-XLA GPU were available for those without specific use cases. This approach led to productive exchanges and fine-grained exploration of critical contribution areas for ML hardware vendors.

four photos of participants and vendors at OpenXLA Dev Lab

Don’t just take our word for it – here’s some of the feedback we received from developers:

"OpenXLA is awesome, and it's great to see the community interest around it. We're excited about the potential of PJRT and StableHLO to improve the portability of ML workloads onto novel hardware such as ours. We appreciate the support that we have been getting." 
      — Mark Gottscho, Senior Manager and Technical Lead at SambaNova
"Today I learned a lot about Shardonnay and about some of the bugs I found in the GSPMD partitioner, and I got to learn a lot of cool stuff." 
      — Patrick Toulme, Machine Learning Engineer at AWS
“I learned a lot, a lot about how XLA is making tremendous progress in building their community.” 
      — Tejash Shah, Product Manager at NVIDIA
“Loved the format this year - please continue … lots of learning, lots of interactive sessions. It was great!” 
      — Om Thakkar, AI Software Engineer at Intel

Technical Innovations and The Bold Road Ahead

The event kicked off with a keynote by Robert Hundt, Distinguished Engineer at Google, who outlined OpenXLA's ambitious plans for 2024, particularly three major areas of focus:

  • Large-scale training
  • GPU and PyTorch compute performance
  • Modularity and extensibility

Empowering Large-Scale Training

OpenXLA is introducing powerful features to enable model training at record-breaking scales. One of the most notable additions is Shardonnay, a tool coming soon to OpenXLA that automates and optimizes how large AI workloads are divided across multiple processing units, ensuring efficient use of resources and faster time to solution. Building on the success of its predecessor, SPMD, Shardonnay empowers developers with even more fine-grained control over partitioning decisions, all while maintaining the productivity benefits that SPMD is known for.

Diagram of sharding representation with a simple rank 2 tensor and 4 devices.
Figure 2: Sharding representation example with a simple rank 2 tensor and 4 devices.

In addition to Shardonnay, developers can expect a suite of features designed to optimize computation and communication overlap, including:

  • Automatic profile-guided latency estimation
  • Collective pipelining
  • Heuristics-based collective combiners

These innovations will enable developers to push the boundaries of large-scale training and achieve unprecedented performance and efficiency.

OpenXLA Delivers on TorchBench Performance

OpenXLA has also made significant strides in enhancing performance, particularly on GPUs with key PyTorch-based generative AI models. PyTorch-XLA GPU is now neck and neck with TorchInductor for TorchBench Full Graph Models and has a TorchBench pass rate within 5% of TorchInductor.

A bar graph showing a performance comparison of TorchInductor vs. PyTorch-XLA GPU on Google Cloud NVIDIA H100 GPUs
Figure 3: Performance comparison of TorchInductor vs. PyTorch-XLA GPU on Google Cloud NVIDIA H100 GPUs. “Full graph models” represent all TorchBench models that can be fully represented by StableHLO

Behind these impressive gains lies XLA GPU's global cost model, a game-changer for developers. In essence, this cost model acts as a sophisticated decision-making system, intelligently determining how to best optimize computations for specific hardware. The cost model delivers state-of-the-art performance through a priority-based queue for fusion decisions and is highly extensible, allowing third-party developers to seamlessly integrate their backend infrastructure for both general-purpose and specialized accelerators. The cost model's adaptability ensures that computation optimizations are tailored to specific accelerator architectures, while less suitable computations can be offloaded to the host or other accelerators.

OpenXLA is also breaking new ground with novel kernel programming languages, Pallas and Mosaic, which empower developers to write highly optimized code for specialized hardware. Mosaic demonstrates remarkable efficiency in programming key AI accelerators, surpassing widely used libraries in GPU code generation efficiency for models with 64, 128, and 256 Q head sizes, as evidenced by its enhanced utilization of TensorCores.

A bar graph showing a performance comparison of Flash Attention vs. Mosaic GPU on NVIDIA H100 GPUs
Figure 4: Performance comparison of Flash Attention vs. Mosaic GPU on NVIDIA H100 GPUs.

Modular and Extensible AI Development

In addition to performance enhancements, OpenXLA is committed to making the entire stack more modular and extensible. Several initiatives planned for 2024 include:

  • Strengthening module interface contracts
  • Enhancing code sharing between platforms
  • Enabling a shared high-level compiler flow through runtime configuration and component registries

A flow diagram showing modules and subcomponents of the OpenXLA stack.
Figure 5: Modules and subcomponents of the OpenXLA stack.

These improvements will make it easier for developers to build upon and extend OpenXLA.

Alibaba's success with PyTorch XLA FSDP within their TorchAcc framework is a prime example of the benefits of OpenXLA's modularity and extensibility. By leveraging these features, Alibaba achieved state-of-the-art performance for the LLaMa 2 13B model, surpassing the previous benchmark set by Megatron. This demonstrates the power of the developer community in extending OpenXLA to push the boundaries of AI development.

A bar graph showing a performance comparison of TorchAcc and Megatron for  LLaMa 2 13B at different number of GPUs.
Figure 6: Performance comparison of TorchAcc and Megatron for LLaMa 2 13B at different numbers of GPUs.

Join the OpenXLA Community

If you missed the Dev Lab, don't worry! You can still access StableHLO walkthroughs on, as well as the GitHub Gist for the PJRT session. Additionally, the recorded keynote and tutorials are available on our YouTube channel. Explore these resources and join our global community – whether you're an AI systems expert, model developer, student, or just starting out, there's a place for you in our innovative ecosystem.

four photos of participants and vendors at OpenXLA Dev Lab


Adam Paszke, Allen Hutchison, Amin Vahdat, Andrew Leaver, Andy Davis, Artem Belevich, Abhinav Goel, Bart Chrzaszcz, Benjamin Kramer, Berkin Ilbeyi, Bill Jia, Cyril Bortolato, David Dunleavy, Eugene Zhulenev, Florian Reichl, Frederik Gossen, George Karpenkov, Gunhyun Park, Han Qi, Jack Cao, Jacques Pienaar, Jaesung Chung, Jen Ha, Jianting Cao, Jieying Luo, Jiewen Tan, Jini Khetan, Kevin Gleason, Kyle Lucke, Kuy Mainwaring, Lauren Clemens, Manfei Bai, Marisa Miranda, Michael Levesque-Dion, Milad Mohammadi, Nisha Miriam Johnson, Penporn Koanantakool, Puneith Kaul, Robert Hundt, Sandeep Dasgupta, Sayce Falk, Shauheen Zahirazami, Skye Wanderman-Milne, Yeounoh Chung, Pratik Fegade, Peter Hawkins, Vaibhav Singh, Tamás Danyluk, Thomas Joerg, TJ Xu, and Tom Natan

By James Rubin, Aditi Joshi, and Elliot English on behalf of the OpenXLA Project

The Power of Open Source

Thursday, April 11, 2024

At the day 1 keynote of Open Source Summit North America, Timothy Jordan, Director of Developer Relations and Open Source at Google, will talk about the landscape of open source and AI, the importance of a responsible approach, and the transformative impact of community collaboration. In anticipation of this talk, let’s break down the AI open source ecosystem, and how Google approaches it.

Google believes in the power of open technology to drive innovation and benefit everyone. It fosters creativity and collaboration, while ensuring technology access for developers and allowing customization to fit unique use cases. Open source licenses give developers full creative autonomy without restriction. It is this ecosystem of open source and open technology, shaped by ML frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, and JAX, that has enabled so many incredible advances in AI in recent years.

The open source community has been in discussion on how to apply the Open Source Definition to carry forward the open principles of the OSD while addressing concepts like derived work and author attribution in AI. During Timothy’s keynote, he’ll speak to his own philosophy on Open Source and AI, and share how his assumptions about how we apply open source to AI have evolved. The immediate availability of AI models, powered by the open source ecosystem of ML frameworks, means it’s more important than ever that we establish a shared definition for open source and AI.

While that definition is in development, at Google we’re using precise language to describe our openly available models like Gemma. The definition and license is only one part of this open ML/AI future; advancements in safety tooling, policies, and developer knowledge are all part of creating a responsible and open future for AI. Those advancements are all fueled by a dedication to collaboration. Whether sharing innovations and improvements with the community, or having conversations with policymakers and open source leaders, collaboration is key to a responsible approach to AI in the open ecosystem. AI can only be safe and responsible if everyone’s experiences and perspectives are brought to the forefront as it’s built.

To demonstrate how open source has made AI readily available, Timothy will also take the audience through a “low code” demo of how to run large language models in-browser for web applications. Using MediaPipe, the LLM Inference API, and Gemma, users can quickly add genAI capabilities like document summarization and text generation.

Join us at Open Source Summit North America for this keynote, and visit to learn more.

By the Google Open Source team

Building Open Models Responsibly in the Gemini Era

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Google has long believed that open technology is not only good for our company, but good for the industry, consumers, and the world. We’ve released open-source projects like Android and Chromium that transformed access to mobile and web technologies, and have done the same in AI with Transformers, TensorFlow, and AlphaFold. The release of our Gemma family of open models is a next step in how we’re deepening our commitment to open technology alongside an industry-leading safe, responsible approach. At the same time, the rapidly evolving nature of AI raises important considerations for how to enable safety-aligned open models: an approach that supports broad innovation while promoting safe uses.

A benefit of open source is that once it is released, its license gives users full creative autonomy. This is a powerful guarantee of technology access for developers and end users. Another benefit is that open-source technology can be modified to fit the unique use case of the end user, without restriction.

In the hands of a malicious actor, however, the lack of restrictions can raise risks. Computing has been through similar cycles before, addressing issues such as protecting users of the open internet, handling cryptography, and addressing open-source software security. We now face this challenge with AI. Below we share the approach we took to openly releasing Gemma models, and the advancements in open model safety we hope to accelerate.

Providing access to Gemma open models

Today, Gemma models are being released as what the industry collectively has begun to refer to as “open models.” Open models feature free access to the model weights, but terms of use, redistribution, and variant ownership vary according to a model’s specific terms of use, which may not be based on an open-source license. The Gemma models’ terms of use make them freely available for individual developers, researchers, and commercial users for access and redistribution. Users are also free to create and publish model variants. In using Gemma models, developers agree to avoid harmful uses, reflecting our commitment to developing AI responsibly while increasing access to this technology.

We’re precise about the language we’re using to describe Gemma models because we’re proud to enable responsible AI access and innovation, and we’re equally proud supporters of open source. The definition of "Open Source" has been invaluable to computing and innovation because of requirements for redistribution and derived works, and against discrimination. These requirements enable cross-industry collaboration, individual innovation and entrepreneurship, and shared research to happen with exponential effects.

However, existing open-source concepts can’t always be directly applied to AI systems, which raises questions on how to use open-source licenses with AI. It’s important that we carry forward open principles that have made the sea-change we’re experiencing with AI possible while clarifying the concept of open-source AI and addressing concepts like derived work and author attribution.

Taking a comprehensive approach to releasing Gemma safely and responsibly

Licensing and terms of use are only one part of the evaluations, technical tools, and considered decision-making that went into aligning this release with our responsible AI Principles. Our approach involved:

  • Systematic internal review in accordance with our AI Principles: Consistent with our AI Principles, we release models only when we have determined the benefits are significant, and the risks of misuse are low or can be mitigated. We take that same approach to open models, incorporating a balance of the benefits of wider access to a particular model as well as the risks of misuse and how we can mitigate them. With Gemma, we considered the increased AI research and innovation by us and many others in the community, the access to AI technology the models could bring, and what access was needed to support these use cases.
  • A high evaluation bar: Gemma models underwent thorough evaluations, and were held to a higher bar for evaluating risk of abuse or harm than our proprietary models, given the more limited mitigations currently available for open models. These evaluations cover a broad range of responsible AI areas, including safety, fairness, privacy, societal risk, as well as capabilities such as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) risks, cybersecurity, and autonomous replication. As described in our technical report, the Gemma models exhibit state-of-the-art safety performance in human side-by-side evaluations.
  • Responsibility tools for developers: As we release the Gemma models, we are also releasing a Responsible Generative AI Toolkit for developers, providing guidance and tools to help them create safer AI applications.

We continue to evolve our approach. As we build these frameworks further, we will proceed thoughtfully and incorporate what we learn into future model assessments. We will continue to explore the full range of access mechanisms, with benefits and risk mitigation in mind, including API-based access and staged releases.

Advancing open model safety together

Many of today’s AI safety tools are designed for systems where the design approach assumes restricted access and redistribution, as well as auxiliary controls like query filters. Similarly, much of the AI safety research for improving mitigations takes on the design assumptions of those systems. Just as we have created unique threat models and solutions for other open technology, we are developing safety and security tools appropriate for the differences of openly available AI.

As models become more and more capable, we are conducting research and investing in rigorous safety evaluation, testing, and mitigations for open models. We are also actively participating in conversations with policymakers and open-source community leaders on how the industry should approach this technology. This challenge is multifaceted, just like AI systems themselves. Model-sharing platforms like Hugging Face and Kaggle, where developers inspire each other with novel model iterations, play a critical role in efforts to develop open models safely; there is also a role for the cybersecurity community to contribute learnings and best practices.

Building those solutions requires access to open models, sharing innovations and improvements. We believe sharing the Gemma models will not just help increase access to AI technology, but also help the industry develop new approaches to safety and responsibility.

As developers adopt Gemma models and other safety-aligned open models, we look forward to working with the open-source community to develop more solutions for responsible approaches to AI in the open ecosystem. A global diversity of experiences, perspectives, and opportunities will help build safe and responsible AI that works for everyone.

By Anne Bertucio – Sr Program Manager, Open Source Programs Office; Helen King – Sr Director of Responsibility, Google DeepMind

Magika: AI powered fast and efficient file type identification

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Today we are open-sourcing Magika, Google’s AI-powered file-type identification system, to help others accurately detect binary and textual file types. Under the hood, Magika employs a custom, highly optimized deep-learning model, enabling precise file identification within milliseconds, even when running on a CPU.

Magika command line tool used to recognize a identify the type of a diverse set of files
Magika command line tool used to identify the type of a diverse set of files

You can try the Magika web demo today, or install it as a Python library and standalone command line tool (output is showcased above) by using the standard command line pip install magika.

Why identifying file type is difficult

Since the early days of computing, accurately detecting file types has been crucial in determining how to process files. Linux comes equipped with libmagic and the file utility, which have served as the de facto standard for file type identification for over 50 years. Today web browsers, code editors, and countless other software rely on file-type detection to decide how to properly render a file. For example, modern code editors use file-type detection to choose which syntax coloring scheme to use as the developer starts typing in a new file.

Accurate file-type detection is a notoriously difficult problem because each file format has a different structure, or no structure at all. This is particularly challenging for textual formats and programming languages as they have very similar constructs. So far, libmagic and most other file-type-identification software have been relying on a handcrafted collection of heuristics and custom rules to detect each file format.

This manual approach is both time consuming and error prone as it is hard for humans to create generalized rules by hand. In particular for security applications, creating dependable detection is especially challenging as attackers are constantly attempting to confuse detection with adversarially-crafted payloads.

To address this issue and provide fast and accurate file-type detection we researched and developed Magika, a new AI powered file type detector. Under the hood, Magika uses a custom, highly optimized deep-learning model designed and trained using Keras that only weighs about 1MB. At inference time Magika uses Onnx as an inference engine to ensure files are identified in a matter of milliseconds, almost as fast as a non-AI tool even on CPU.

Magika Performance

Magika detection quality compared to other tools on our 1M files benchmark
Magika detection quality compared to other tools on our 1M files benchmark

Performance wise, Magika, thanks to its AI model and large training dataset, is able to outperform other existing tools by about 20% when evaluated on a 1M files benchmark that encompasses over 100 file types. Breaking down by file type, as reported in the table below, we see even greater performance gains on textual files, including code files and configuration files that other tools can struggle with.

Table showing various file type identification tools performance for a selection of the file types included in our benchmark
Various file type identification tools performance for a selection of the file types included in our benchmark - n/a indicates the tool doesn’t detect the given file type.

Magika at Google

Internally, Magika is used at scale to help improve Google users’ safety by routing Gmail, Drive, and Safe Browsing files to the proper security and content policy scanners. Looking at a weekly average of hundreds of billions of files reveals that Magika improves file type identification accuracy by 50% compared to our previous system that relied on handcrafted rules. In particular, this increase in accuracy allows us to scan 11% more files with our specialized malicious AI document scanners and reduce the number of unidentified files to 3%.

The upcoming integration of Magika with VirusTotal will complement the platform's existing Code Insight functionality, which employs Google's generative AI to analyze and detect malicious code. Magika will act as a pre-filter before files are analyzed by Code Insight, improving the platform’s efficiency and accuracy. This integration, due to VirusTotal’s collaborative nature, directly contributes to the global cybersecurity ecosystem, fostering a safer digital environment.

Open Sourcing Magika

By open-sourcing Magika, we aim to help other software improve their file identification accuracy and offer researchers a reliable method for identifying file types at scale.

Magika code and model are freely available starting today in Github under the Apache2 License. Magika can also quickly be installed as a standalone utility and python library via the pypi package manager by simply typing pip install magika with no GPU required. We also have an experimental npm package if you would like to use the TFJS version.

To learn more about how to use it, please refer to Magika documentation site.


Magika would not have been possible without the help of many people including: Ange Albertini, Loua Farah, Francois Galilee, Giancarlo Metitieri, Luca Invernizzi, Young Maeng, Alex Petit-Bianco, David Tao, Kurt Thomas, Amanda Walker, and Zhixun Tan.

By Elie Bursztein – Cybersecurity AI Technical and Research Lead and Yanick Fratantonio – Cybersecurity Research Scientist

Accelerate AI development for Digital Pathology using EZ WSI DICOMWeb Python library

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Digital pathology is changing the way pathology is practiced by making it easier to share images, collaborate with colleagues, and develop new AI algorithms that can improve the quality and cost of medical care. One of the biggest challenges of digital pathology is storing and managing the large volume of data generated. The Google Cloud Healthcare API provides a solution for this with a managed DICOM store, which is a secure, scalable, and performant way to store digital pathology images in a manner that is both standardized and interoperable.

However, performing image retrieval of specific patches (i.e. regions of interest) of a whole slide image (WSI) from the managed DICOM store using DICOMweb can be complex and requires DICOM format expertise. To address this, we are open sourcing EZ WSI (Whole Slide Image) DICOMWeb, a Python library that makes fetching these patches both efficient and easy-to-use.

How EZ WSI DICOMWeb works

EZ WSI DICOMweb facilitates the retrieval of arbitrary and sequential patches of a DICOM WSI from a DICOMWeb compliant Google Cloud Healthcare API DICOM store. Unlike downloading the entire DICOM series WSI and extracting patches locally from that file, which can increase network traffic, latency and storage space usage, EZ WSI DICOMweb retrieves only the necessary tiles for the desired patch directly through the DICOMweb APIs. This is simpler to use and abstracts away the following:

  • The need to fetch many tiles, which requires an understanding of DICOM data structure (e.g. offset & data hierarchy).
  • The need for a detailed understanding of the DICOMWeb APIs, REST payloads, and authentication, as well as addressing the possibility of redundant requests if several patches are fetched and there are overlapping tiles.
  • The need to decode images on the server if client side decoding is not supported, which increases the time it takes to transfer data and the size of the data being transferred.

EZ WSI DICOMWeb allows researchers and developers to focus on their ML tasks rather than the intricacies of DICOM. Developers do not need to have an in-depth understanding of DICOM data structuring or the DICOM API. The library provides a simple and intuitive functionality that allows developers to efficiently fetch DICOM images using only the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Resource Name and DICOM Series path without any pixel recompression.

Case Study: Generating Patches for AI Workflows

A typical pathology WSI could be on the order of 40,000 pixels in length or width. However, an AI model that is trained to assess that WSI may only analyze a patch that is 512 x 512 pixels at a time. The way the model can operate over the entire WSI is by using a sliding windows approach. We demonstrate how that can be done using EZ WSI DICOMWeb.

First, we create a DicomSlide object using the DICOMweb client and interface. This can be done with just a few lines of code.

dicom_web_client = dicom_web.DicomWebClientImpl() dwi = dicom_web_interface.DicomWebInterface(dicom_web_client) ds = dicom_slide.DicomSlide( dwi=dwi, path=gcp_resource_name+dicom_series_path, enable_client_slide_frame_decompression = True ) ds.get_image(desired_magnification) # e.g. '0.625X'

This DicomSlide represents the entire WSI, as illustrated below.

Image of a WSI at the magnitude of 0.625X rendered by matplotlib

The above image leverages EZ WSI’s DicomSlide module to fetch an entire WSI at the requested magnification of 0.625X and uses matplotlib to render it, see the sample code for more details.

By providing coordinates, DicomSlide’s get_patch() method allows us to manually extract just the two sections of tissue at supported magnification with coordinates as pictured below.

tissue_patch = ds.get_patch( desired_magnification, x=x_origin, y=y_origin, width=patch_width, height=patch_ height )
Left tissue sample and right tissue sample at 0.625X magnitude, rendered by matplotlib

We can effectively zoom in on patches programmatically by reducing the window size and increasing the magnification using the same get patch method from above.

image of three panels showing the same interesting patch at 0.625, 2.5X, and 40X magnitude, rendered by matplotlib

Our ultimate goal is to generate a set of patches that can be used in a downstream AI application from this WSI.

image showing patch generation at 10X with 0.625X mask, rendered by matplotlib

To do this, we call PatchGenerator. It works by sliding a window of a specified size with a specified stride size across the image, heuristically ignoring tissue-less regions at a specified magnification level.

patch_gen = patch_generator.PatchGenerator( slide=ds, stride_size=stride_size, # the number of pixels between patches patch_size=patch_size, # the length and width of the patch in pixels magnification=patch_magnification, # magnification to generate patches at max_luminance=0.8, # defaults to .8, heuristic to evaluate where tissue is. tissue_mask_magnification=mask_magnification, )

The result is a list of patches that can be used as input into a machine learning algorithm.

image showing patch generation at 40X with 0.625X mask, rendered by matplotlib


We have built this library to make it easy to directly interact with DICOM WSIs that are stored in Google's DICOMWeb compliant Healthcare API DICOM store and extract image patches for AI workflows. Our hope is that by making this available, we can help accelerate the development of cutting edge AI for digital pathology in Google Cloud and beyond.

Links: Github, GCP-DICOMWeb

By Google HealthAI and Google Cloud Healthcare teams

qsim integrates with NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK to accelerate quantum circuit simulations on NVIDIA GPUs

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

To make quantum computers useful, we need algorithms which cleverly use the unique properties of quantum hardware to solve problems intractable on classical computers. High performance quantum circuit simulation helps researchers and developers around the world build and test novel quantum algorithms. We recently launched major new features in qsim, Google Quantum AI’s open source quantum circuit simulator, that make it more performant, intuitive, and realistic.

Today, we are excited to announce an integration between qsim and the NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK. This integration will enable qsim users to make the most of GPUs when developing quantum algorithms and applications. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced the integration between Google Quantum AI's open source software stack and NVIDIA's cuQuantum SDK in the NVIDIA GTC conference keynote this morning.

To use the cuQuantum SDK with qsim, users can follow the usual workflow for simulating quantum circuits on a virtual machine, enabling cuQuantum in their simulation command.

Moving image depicting steps to create a quantum circuit setup Google Compute Engine and simulate circuit with qsim(cuQuantum SDK enabled) on GCP

Get started with quantum algorithm development using qsim+cuQuantum and the rest of the Google Quantum AI open source stack here.

By Sergei Isakov, Catherine Vollgraff Heidweiller (Google Quantum AI)

Upgrading qsim, Google Quantum AI's Open Source Quantum Simulator

Friday, November 5, 2021

Quantum computing represents a fundamental shift in computation and gives us the opportunity to make important classically intractable problems solvable. To realize the full potential of quantum computing, we first need to build an error-corrected quantum computer. While we are actively working on our hardware roadmap, today’s quantum hardware is expected to remain a scarce resource. This makes software for simulating quantum circuits and emulating quantum hardware a critical enabler for quantum algorithm development.

To help researchers and developers around the world develop quantum algorithms right now, we are making qsim, our open source quantum circuit simulator, more performant and intuitive, and more “hardware-like”. Our recently published white paper provides a description of the theory and software optimizations that underpin qsim.

Launched in 2020, qsim allows quantum algorithm researchers to simulate quantum circuits developed with our algorithm libraries such as TensorFlow Quantum and OpenFermion, and our quantum programming framework Cirq.

With the upgraded version of qsim, users can back their simulations with high performance processors such as GPUs and ultramem CPU’s via Google Cloud, and distribute simulations over multiple compute nodes.
Moving image of steps to create, setup, and simulate circuit with qsim on GCP

The enriched noisy simulation featureset provides researchers with a “hardware-like” simulation experience for developing applications for the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers (also referred to as NISQ hardware) that exists today. Trajectory simulation speeds up noisy simulations with an efficient stochastic procedure which replaces noiseless gates with quantum channels. A new software routine1 for approximating Google Quantum AI NISQ processor specific hardware noise in simulations, can be used by any developer to test and iterate on algorithm prototypes containing up to 32 qubits. Simulation with processor-specific approximate NISQ noise is expected to advance NISQ applications research, because it allows researchers to account for the dominant hardware error mechanisms in real NISQ devices when prototyping algorithms—using error measurements performed on Google quantum processors.

Get started with quantum algorithm development using the Google Quantum AI open source stack here.

By Sergei Isakov, Dvir Kafri, Orion Martin and Catherine Vollgraff Heidweiller – Google Quantum AI


  1. Public code release for this feature is coming up  

Introducing TensorFlow Recorder

Friday, August 7, 2020

When training computer vision machine learning models, data loading can often be a performance bottleneck, causing your GPU or TPU resources to be underutilized while waiting for data to be loaded into the model. Storing your dataset in the efficient TensorFlow Record (TFRecord) format is a great way to solve these problems, but creating TFRecords can unfortunately often require a great deal of complex code.

Last week we open sourced the TensorFlow Recorder project (also known as TFRecorder), which makes it possible for data scientists, data engineers, or AI/ML engineers to create image based TFRecords with just a few lines of code. Using TFRecords is incredibly important for creating efficient TensorFlow ML pipelines, but until now they haven’t been so easy to create. Before TFRecorder, in order to create TFRecords at scale you would have had to write a data pipeline that parsed your structured data, loaded images from storage, and serialized the results into the TFRecord format. TFRecorder allows you to write TFRecords directly from a Pandas dataframe or CSV without writing any complicated code.

You can see an example of TFRecoder below, but first let’s talk about some of the specific advantages of TFRecords.

How TFRecords Can Help

Using the TFRecord file format allows you to store your data in sets of files, each containing a sequence of protocol buffers serialized as a binary record that can be read very efficiently, which will help reduce the data loading bottleneck mentioned above.

Data loading performance can be further improved by implementing prefetching and parallel interleave along with using the TFRecord format. Prefetching reduces the time of each model training step(s) by fetching the data for the next training step while your model is executing training on the current step. Parallel interleave allows you to read from multiple TFRecords shards (pieces of a TFRecord file) and apply preprocessing of those interleaved data streams. This reduces the latency required to read a training batch and is especially helpful when reading data from the network.

Using TensorFlow Recorder

Creating a TFRecord using TFRecorder requires only a few lines of code. Here’s how it works.
import pandas as pd
import tfrecorder
df = pd.read_csv(...)

TFRecorder currently expects data to be in the same format as Google AutoML Vision.

This format looks like a pandas dataframe or CSV formatted as:

  • split can take on the values TRAIN, VALIDATION, and TEST
  • image_uri specifies a local or google cloud storage location for the image file.
  • label can be either a text-based label that will be integerized or an integer
In the future, we hope to extend TensorFlow Recorder to work with data in any format.

While this example would work well to convert a few thousand images into TFRecords, it probably wouldn’t scale well if you have millions of images. To scale up to huge datasets, TensorFlow Recorder provides connectivity with Google Cloud Dataflow, which is a serverless Apache Beam pipeline runner. Scaling up to DataFlow requires only a little bit more configuration.

What’s next?

We’d love for you to try out TensorFlow Recorder. You can get it from GitHub or simply pip install tfrecorder. Tensorflow Recorder is very new and we’d greatly appreciate your feedback, suggestions, and pull requests.

By Mike Bernico and Carlos Ezequiel, Google Cloud AI Engineers

AutoFlip: An Open Source Framework for Intelligent Video Reframing

Friday, February 14, 2020

Originally posted on the AI Blog

Videos filmed and edited for television and desktop are typically created and viewed in landscape aspect ratios (16:9 or 4:3). However, with an increasing number of users creating and consuming content on mobile devices, historical aspect ratios don’t always fit the display being used for viewing. Traditional approaches for reframing video to different aspect ratios usually involve static cropping, i.e., specifying a camera viewport, then cropping visual contents that are outside. Unfortunately, these static cropping approaches often lead to unsatisfactory results due to the variety of composition and camera motion styles. More bespoke approaches, however, typically require video curators to manually identify salient contents on each frame, track their transitions from frame-to-frame, and adjust crop regions accordingly throughout the video. This process is often tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone.

To address this problem, we are happy to announce AutoFlip, an open source framework for intelligent video reframing. AutoFlip is built on top of the MediaPipe framework that enables the development of pipelines for processing time-series multimodal data. Taking a video (casually shot or professionally edited) and a target dimension (landscape, square, portrait, etc.) as inputs, AutoFlip analyzes the video content, develops optimal tracking and cropping strategies, and produces an output video with the same duration in the desired aspect ratio.
Left: Original video (16:9). Middle: Reframed using a standard central crop (9:16). Right: Reframed with AutoFlip (9:16). By detecting the subjects of interest, AutoFlip is able to avoid cropping off important visual content.

AutoFlip Overview

AutoFlip provides a fully automatic solution to smart video reframing, making use of state-of-the-art ML-enabled object detection and tracking technologies to intelligently understand video content. AutoFlip detects changes in the composition that signify scene changes in order to isolate scenes for processing. Within each shot, video analysis is used to identify salient content before the scene is reframed by selecting a camera mode and path optimized for the contents.

Shot (Scene) Detection

A scene or shot is a continuous sequence of video without cuts (or jumps). To detect the occurrence of a shot change, AutoFlip computes the color histogram of each frame and compares this with prior frames. If the distribution of frame colors changes at a different rate than a sliding historical window, a shot change is signaled. AutoFlip buffers the video until the scene is complete before making reframing decisions, in order to optimize the reframing for the entire scene.

Video Content Analysis

We utilize deep learning-based object detection models to find interesting, salient content in the frame. This content typically includes people and animals, but other elements may be identified, depending on the application, including text overlays and logos for commercials, or motion and ball detection for sports.

The face and object detection models are integrated into AutoFlip through MediaPipe, which uses TensorFlow Lite on CPU. This structure allows AutoFlip to be extensible, so developers may conveniently add new detection algorithms for different use cases and video content. Each object type is associated with a weight value, which defines its relative importance — the higher the weight, the more influence the feature will have when computing the camera path.

Left: People detection on sports footage. Right: Two face boxes (‘core’ and ‘all’ face landmarks). In narrow portrait crop cases, often only the core landmark box can fit.


After identifying the subjects of interest on each frame, logical decisions about how to reframe the content for a new view can be made. AutoFlip automatically chooses an optimal reframing strategy — stationary, panning or tracking — depending on the way objects behave during the scene (e.g., moving around or stationary). In stationary mode, the reframed camera viewport is fixed in a position where important content can be viewed throughout the majority of the scene. This mode can effectively mimic professional cinematography in which a camera is mounted on a stationary tripod or where post-processing stabilization is applied. In other cases, it is best to pan the camera, moving the viewport at a constant velocity. The tracking mode provides continuous and steady tracking of interesting objects as they move around within the frame.

Based on which of these three reframing strategies the algorithm selects, AutoFlip then determines an optimal cropping window for each frame, while best preserving the content of interest. While the bounding boxes track the objects of focus in the scene, they typically exhibit considerable jitter from frame-to-frame and, consequently, are not sufficient to define the cropping window. Instead, we adjust the viewport on each frame through the process of Euclidean-norm optimization, in which we minimize the residuals between a smooth (low-degree polynomial) camera path and the bounding boxes.

Top: Camera paths resulting from following the bounding boxes from frame-to-frame. Bottom: Final smoothed camera paths generated using Euclidean-norm path formation. Left: Scene in which objects are moving around, requiring a tracking camera path. Right: Scene where objects stay close to the same position; a stationary camera covers the content for the full duration of the scene.

AutoFlip’s configuration graph provides settings for either best-effort or required reframing. If it becomes infeasible to cover all the required regions (for example, when they are too spread out on the frame), the pipeline will automatically switch to a less aggressive strategy by applying a letterbox effect, padding the image to fill the frame. For cases where the background is detected as being a solid color, this color is used to create seamless padding; otherwise a blurred version of the original frame is used.

AutoFlip Use Cases

We are excited to release this tool directly to developers and filmmakers, reducing the barriers to their design creativity and reach through the automation of video editing. The ability to adapt any video format to various aspect ratios is becoming increasingly important as the diversity of devices for video content consumption continues to rapidly increase. Whether your use case is portrait to landscape, landscape to portrait, or even small adjustments like 4:3 to 16:9, AutoFlip provides a solution for intelligent, automated and adaptive video reframing.

What’s Next?

Like any machine learning algorithm, AutoFlip can benefit from an improved ability to detect objects relevant to the intent of the video, such as speaker detection for interviews or animated face detection on cartoons. Additionally, a common issue arises when input video has important overlays on the edges of the screen (such as text or logos) as they will often be cropped from the view. By combining text/logo detection and image inpainting technology, we hope that future versions of AutoFlip can reposition foreground objects to better fit the new aspect ratios. Lastly, in situations where padding is required, deep uncrop technology could provide improved ability to expand beyond the original viewable area.

While we work to improve AutoFlip internally at Google, we encourage contributions from developers and filmmakers in the open source communities.


We would like to thank our colleagues who contributed to Autoflip, Alexander Panagopoulos, Jenny Jin, Brian Mulford, Yuan Zhang, Alex Chen, Xue Yang, Mickey Wang, Justin Parra, Hartwig Adam, Jingbin Wang, and Weilong Yang; MediaPipe team who helped with open sourcing, Jiuqiang Tang, Tyler Mullen, Mogan Shieh, Ming Guang Yong, and Chuo-Ling Chang.

By Nathan Frey, Senior Software Engineer, Google Research, Los Angeles and Zheng Sun, Senior Software Engineer, Google Research, Mountain View