it's whatever — But loopholes and a lack of transparency stall...

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Montreal, Canada – Human rights advocates are accusing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government of misleading the public over weapons sales to Israel, which have come under greater scrutiny amid the deadly Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

At issue is legislation that prohibits the government from exporting military equipment to foreign actors if there is a risk it can be used in human rights abuses.

But regulatory loopholes, combined with a lack of clarity over what Canada sends to Israel, have complicated efforts to end the transfers.

Dozens of Canadian civil society groups this month urged Trudeau to end arms exports to Israel, arguing they violate Canadian and international law because the weapons could be used in the Gaza Strip. [...]

But advocates say this misrepresents the total volume of Canada’s military exports to Israel, which totalled more than $15m ($21.3m Canadian) in 2022, according to the government’s own figures. [...]

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Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @vague-humanoid


Petition e-4745 is still active - it closes on the 19th this month but it should do something at least. It's an arms embargo on israel and it also includes checking for loopholes with the u.s. sending weapons as well. This would significantly help, and currently is being possibly shadow banned on instagram any mention of the petition either through automoderation or the banning of sharing news articles in canada on instagram. Please sign it & remember to check your email so it goes through.