Image Based Sexual Abuse
Image-based sexual abuse (sometimes referred to as "revenge porn") is a criminal offence.
It's when someone shares sexually explicit images or videos of another person without their consent and with the aim of causing them suffering or harm.
It covers material that is shared both online and offline, and includes uploading images to the internet and social media channels, sharing via text and email, and showing a physical or electronic image or video.
Sexual abuse based on sharing an intimate image can happen to anyone, but the perpetrator will often be an ex-partner or someone you know. Image based sexual abuse is a violation of privacy, and victims often feel humiliated, angry or depressed. You may be too ashamed or embarrassed to report a crime to the police, but if you have experienced sexual abuse based on the sharing of your intimate images, it is important to remember that you are not to blame – only the perpetrator is responsible for this crime.