
Subscribe to Information Matters

Subscribe to our monthly Information Matters newsletter for the latest news about our activities, events, guidance and other updates.

If you do not receive a confirmation email please contact us at [email protected]

Information Matters privacy notice

As a subscriber to our Information Matters list, your information is collected by the OAIC. The purpose of this list is to advise subscribers of news and events relevant to the OAIC, and that the OAIC suggests are relevant to subscribers. We will only use your email address and any other personal information that you give us for this purpose and will not disclose it without your consent, except where we are required to do so by an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

By subscribing to this mailing list, you give your express consent that Vision6 may use your data for analytics purposes. Analytics are performed when you click on links in the email, or when you download the images in the email. They include what emails you open, what links you click, your mail client (eg ‘Outlook 2016’ or ‘iPhone’), if your action occurred on ‘mobile’ or ‘desktop’ and the country geolocation of your IP address (the IP address itself is not stored).

For further information on our privacy policy and our complaints process please read our privacy policy on our website.
