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very cool game, but man, is it frustrating. i won the first run i played, despite being quite challenging. but the others i did were impossibile to complete, thanks to the unbalanced rng. my main issue is with the shops and upgrades. it is very, very annoying to fail two times in a row the encounters that are fundamental to actually progress the game. maybe i'm doing something wrong?


The underlying game mechanic (entering a room and events happening based on percentages) makes the game heavily reliant on rng. Victory/defeat doesn't solely hinge on this, but it's possible to lose solely because of bad luck. Personally, I appreciate games that rely heavily on rng(such as The Binding of Isaac), but I understand that this can be frustrating for some players. I'm sorry you found it so frustrating, I'll try to improve the balance with the upcoming updates to make it less rng-based and to reward skill more. I don't think that you're doing anything wrong, but the game becomes easier and easier as you unlock more upgrades and uncover some gameplay mechanics

Yeah you're right! It's actually cool that there's much rng involved, but i guess just a tiny buff to the upgrade encounters would be fine. I'm very stubborn, and I really want to know the full lore and story, so I'll just keep playing 'till I make it. That should tell that you made a really cool and special experience


I really appreciate that you've decided to keep playing! I shouldn't say this, but the game actually secretly adjusts the percentages to help the player, for example by increasing the chance of shops appearing every time an enemy is encountered in the room where the shop can spawn. I'll try to further improve this aspect and general balancing in the upcoming updates, thank you for your feedback!


Juegazo, enhorabuena!!

Muchas gracias por tus comentarios!


es buenisimo jugálo

Muchas gracias!

(1 edit) (+1)


thats the first ever time i've been so amazed by an game its truly a good simple roguelike with the deliriant horror elements working like a charm


on top of that the pixel art is top quality simply an amazing game


Thank you for the kind words you've shared about my game <3


One of the best games (if not the best) I've played on here for sure. Can't wait for more. 

Thank you for your kind words, I hope you will like the future content


I'm sure I will. I've already recommended it to my friends


I wanted to wait until this game have at least one more big update, but was too bored and decided to try it in current state. This is ALREADY great, great gameplay, great atmosphere, great story and the way it told, great ways of unlocking content. I told about it to all my friends and waiting for more updates.

Thank you for this huge support <3


this game is awesome! i did not expect so much depth going into it, but it's absolutely great! it's interesting to witness the story development too, I wish there were more dialogue options/other opportunities to find out story bits, i love being anle to talk to enemies in games


Thank you! I tried to include as much plot as I can in the enemy dialogues, but I will add more in future updates

just do what you think makes for a great game! i thought i would give some feedback on features i like to see in other stuff, but im no dev to actually know what's better for a game lol


This is amazing. I'm getting huge Earthbound vibes from not just the gameplay, but the eeriness, too. I love the art style. It nails that retro horror aesthetic that I love so much.


Thank you so much, I think that the background also gives you that vibes haha


This is so good!

Thank you!

Hey, I've unlocked every dream diary ending except for the final one. I don't want to spoil anything but does it have to do with L**a ? Can you give me some hints/pointers as to how to unlock it?
Or is it not accessible yet?

The last dream diary ending is accessible. I can only say that you can unlock it with every chara, but with L**a it's much easier, due to its peculiar mechanic. You just have to "act outside the box" ;)

Does it have to do with the shape of the rooms? 

How did you get the second to last entry


A magnificent roguelike game, excellent graphics that immediately attract attention, the sound is gloomy but not annoying and much more complex than it seems at first where you need to be strategic with each room you try to visit.

I already played the Ver. of the game and and I hope to have some free time soon to try the new version.


Truly an amazing roguellike, the depth, everything you need to consider, the preparation to face the bosses, everything makes for the perfect mix of horror, strategy, and gambling.

Thank you so much for your feedback!


Very interesting and atmospheric game. 

Thanks for playing!


oooo im going to try it now


Forse la pelle sono gli amici che abbiamo ucciso fatto durante il viaggio


Ahahahah, eh chissà...


The game is just great! I've played it a few times now and I totally love it!


Thank you for the kind words!


I like this game!I like roguelike games so I really enjoyed this game.The character selection interface is cool.Hope that I can see this game completed one day.

(Sorry for my poor English,which may make it difficult for you to read,but I have to leave a comment to tell you that how fun your game for me )

Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate a lot that you find the game so fun(don't worry, your english is perfectly understandable!)

(1 edit) (+2)

Had an absolute blast with this game, it has such a good feeling of tension and momentum once you get into it. Literally didn't put it down once I started playing until I finished! I'm excited to follow its development!!

(also i think the phrasing you're looking for on the skill Passive Smoking is Second-Hand Smoke)

Thank you very much for your feedback! I'm not a native english speaker, so there might be some translation errors, thanks for the report


Amazing game, i hope this game will get more update soon                                         I reviewed this game a little. But it's in Thai. I hope it helps make this game even more popular.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for your video! I don't speak Thai but I appreciate a lot that you made a review


I really liked it! the only thing that didn't make much sense was the intro or "story", but well everything else I really enjoyed it! I end up finishing it! (or well getting the ending about "spoilers" the game not being finished)


Thanks for playing! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the intro, I hope you'll appreciate it more in future updates!


awesome! I can't wait to try it again :D


The game is intended to be played in english?
I saw some enemies name change between languages so i was wondering

(2 edits)

The enemy names are adapted across languages, but they have the same meaning! You can comfortably play it in english

the fact is that in italian the enemy named "holy spirit" is named "arso vivo" if i remember correctly, so i had the doubt

It's very strange, the enemy's name has been updated in english too and now it's called "Burned Alive"

okok, that was probably a old version, thanks anyways

How do I reset the game?

I've already tried deleting and redownloading the game, but the character selection keeps appearing.

You can delete the save file manually, it's located in "%localappdata%\NO_SKIN_ver02". The option to delete saves will be added in the next update


Do you have any plans on making a Wonderswan or LeapsterGS version? I think this game would be perfect for mobile


Do you have any plans on making a mobile version? I think this game would be perfect for mobile


Unfortunately, a mobile version is not in the plans at the moment! This game would fit perfectly on mobile but I'm a bit worried about the controls


great game cant wait for the 1.0 release , reminds me a bit of world of horror art style , love the mechnis as well its very well polished cant wait to see how you will improve upon it :)

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I hope the final version will meet your expectations!


Si disfrutas con los roguelites, con una atmósferas y unos gráficos espectaculares; y con una jugabilidad especial, en esta DEMO te enseñamos por qué NO-SKIN sin duda te va a dejar sin palabras. NO-SKIN es un juego roguelike caracterizado por una atmósfera de terror y una jugabilidad fluida pero compleja. ¡Enfréntate a los horrores que la casa esconde detrás de cada esquina y descubre quién es realmente el Hombre Sin Piel!

This game is really good! The horror atmosphere can scared me sometimes, especially with the "unexpected event". I cannot wait for this game to be completed!

And one question, is there only 2 characters available for now?

Thanks for playing! Yes, currently there are only 2 playable characters


Really cool game, looking forward to new updates!


Amazing game! I beat the No-skin man!


Though I assume its less of an accomplishment considering I did it with Root. Hope to see more from this game! Also, that NoEye thing, I really dont like it! I'm saying it did its job well! I cant stand the thought of an eye being damaged for some reason, its really unsettling, and one of the 1% things that are "just messing with you" really freaked me out! Hope there isnt any actual thoughts of harm or anything, if there are, I hope everything gets better.


Thank you for your feedback and for completing everything the game has to offer so far! Everything you see only makes sense within the context of the game, nothing is going on in real life :)

(1 edit)

More spoilers

Thank you for confirming! If you'd be willing to tell me, what were some points of inspiration for you and why/how did you start making this game? I only ask because all of the 1% stuff, while some of them were some good taunts and gaffs, I really felt like there was a certain vibe for a few. I say that though I only hit 1%'s a couple of times, maybe 4-6? I should really have a better memory but I remember the ones I liked a bunch! or disliked! The one in particular I really liked was the one where it felt like they were breaking the forth wall? and it was just all a dream? I dont know why but I really liked it for grounding and comedic effect it had. idk thats prob just me. For some reason your NoEye-Soft fight gave me vibes of "There is no game" mixed with "Simulacrum"? I feel like thats a poor comparison, but still! Lastly, is there any chance you'd like to challenge some of us to win the game a certain way or are there certain, long term secretes to unlock by buying or unlocking certain gifts or items? I still have to get 48 and the blooding mirror but is there anything thats less obvious or not directly told or hinted at?


The game is inspired by many roguelike and RPG genre games. To create it, I started from an old mockup that featured a photo in the background and a pixel art drawing in the foreground. Currently, the interactions are quite straightforward, but in the future, many "secret" interactions will be added ;)

hope to see it some day! have a good day and thanks for letting me know! 


Tried the game and absolutely a piece of art ! Would love to see more background and maybe more environments to the game to make sure we're totally immerse in it. Interesting gameplay would love to see more from it you're in a good way !


Thank u for your feedback!


nice game,wait for more now

Thanks for playing, I hope you'll enjoy the new content!


littery one of my favorite games now :3

I saw you play it live! Glad you enjoyed it


Really enjoy the various events, the theming for each character, the rooms - super curious to see where the game goes next. Can't wait to see more lore, rooms, bosses, things of that nature. I'm soo curious about the lore and Goddess! The no skin man is very fun! I played to the end of the current content (I think), it was very fun!


The unexpected events are truly ... unexpected.
I'm always caught of guard when they happen.
I love everything about this game !! I'm excited for more updates ^

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the unexpected events!


Dude great job on this game. I REALLY enjoyed playing it.  i just gotta ask, was the "Blooding mirror" Intentional? Seriously though, this game was a work of art.


Thank you so much for your feedback. Do you mean it's not very accurate? Unfortunately, my english isn't perfect, so there might be some errors here and there, haha


Yeah, the correct conjugation is "Bleeding mirror", but yeah, I totally understand if its not your first language, just wanted to give some feedback. And again, wonderful job on the game.


This was a nice game to play. You did a good job making the atmosphere very scary. 5/5

Thank you, I'm very pleased that you enjoyed the atmosphere of the game!

(3 edits) (+1)

The game REALLY doesn`t like telling you anything and then laughing at you when you smash your forehead against the rakes developer set up.
For the sake of "not ruining your experience" i will not spoil everything, but just a fair warning - dont bother playing on easy difficulty, and be prepared that the dev has set up a casual filter (and a resource drain) right before the boss battle (which you can beat first time only with Dream`s luck and faith in that so called "goddess")

If you got bored with World of horror and wanna try something similar, but slightly different, you might like this game, but i found it somewhat frustrating, and dropped it after the forementioned casual filter (skill issue)


The game is not yet complete, I intended the "final boss" as an extra for those who want to continue playing a few more runs even after completing a run! I'm sorry you found it frustrating, I'll try to make things clearer in the next updates


the game is really good, had a fun time playing it. also I like all the art for the game. had only one problem, i like all of the locations but the game is kinda long and they get somewhat repetitive. i also found a bug: when emerging from another dimension #0 is at 1 hp and sacrifices 1 hp, he doesn't die and you get stuck. it was kinda annoying having to restart and lose all my progress.
btw what were some inspirations when creating NO-SKIN?
good luck in updating the game and I hope to see it on steam one day!

Hi Alex, thank you so much for your feedback. I'll address your questions in order:

  • I'm working to add as much variety and content as possible, so that each run is less boring!
  • I'm really sorry you had to start over due to the bug. Thank you very much for reporting it, the bug has been identified and will be fixed soon.
  • The idea for the game stemmed from wanting to create a game similar to roguelike deckbuilders, but without the cards and with a horror theme! Everything in the game naturally evolved from this initial concept

thx for the info, didn't expect you to respond so soon. i have a bit more questions if that's ok
do you plan to release the game on steam in the future? if yes, do you have an estimated date? cause i would definitely buy it
is there like a discord server where i can interact with others, get news about the state of the game, report bugs and that kind of stuff?
what references/things do you draw inspiration from when creating the art for NO-SKIN?

  • With the upcoming updates, I'll assess whether the game will have enough content for an early access release on Steam!
  • The game is still too unknown for a Discord server, I'll consider opening one in the future.
  • The game doesn't draw inspiration from any particular artistic style, my aim was to create something visually original! I began with an old mockup featuring a photo for the background with a pixel art character in the foreground. All other assets were crafted while trying to adhere to the artistic direction of this mockup! (fun fact: it's also present in the game's data ;) )

thanks and I hope to see more updates soon!


That was really great, even though i don't know how i died xD  .    I like how it gets progressively more messed up as time goes on.

 one thing i would say, if you plan on continuing to update it, is maybe combat music for different enemies.


Thank you for playing and for your feedback! You reached the end of the faith0 difficulty, there's nothing beyond that battle at that difficulty level

oh, ok


ciun ghiale

hello, i open the app and it says "fatal error" i can do something

If the fatal error is something like "Vertex Shader Compilation", you just need to install the Directx9 API!

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