
Fandom Trash


any/all , figuring stuff out, Legend of Zelda (linked universe) enjoyer!
WIP excerpt for Cheshire behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))

Is that bad, maybe? That he’s this glad about Lynn being easy for him to like? He’s gonna take care of him the best he can no matter what, just . . . it helps, a little, that Lynn’s this easy to like. Makes it feel less . . . intimidating, maybe. 

Billy likes a lot of people, technically. He likes most of the other League members, and he likes a lot of people he’s met on the street, and he even liked a few of the kids he met in foster care, and obviously he’s always liked Tawky, but . . . 

But it wasn’t really easy to like most of those people, he has to admit. Not after . . . everything. 


But oh god Raz and Mina closing the gap between their families. Each knowing the history that lies between them, between their two names, and choosing to be friends, to be family anyway. I love them so much. They’re both so fundamentally different from their families from a young age and no matter what that never really changes. They find the familiarity and comradery they can’t find in their family with each other. They’re too so vastly different and yet the same and above all else they get each other, they care about each other, they would do anything for each other. 

In their youth they both just want to be able to embrace the person they KNOW they are, but are shackled by the expectations their family have burdened them with. And at the same time, they both want nothing more than the approval they crave. Mina seeks it from her family, Raz seeks it from his heroes, and when they finally meet they teach each other that they don’t have to be what others want them to be. They don’t have to bend over backwards to be worth something. They have the safety net in each other, to know that even if the world kicks them while they’re down, even if they never find that approval they crave, at least they have each other, where approval isn’t needed. 


I know I’ve posted this before but like. God. Before they meet?? How Mina thinks she needs to be the perfect daughter, how Raz is desperate to be the hero. The ambition, the loneliness, the determination to be better when they think they aren’t enough


Whiskers and I are giving Mina some siblings for a thread and I can't stop thinking about them. Anyway this is all you need to know about them right now 😘


Hey, man, we all can't be like you I wish we were all rose-colored too My rose-colored boy

I listened to this song upwards of seventy times today.

It's definitely a vibe for the ever optimistic Raz and his glass-half-empty cousin - especially for any verse in which they meet as adults, after Mina's already thoroughly disillusioned after twenty-odd years with the Galochios.

Featuring @2hoothoots FSAU Raz because God threatened to strike me down if I didn't use the design that came with rose-colored glasses pre-installed.


Razputin Aquato was born and raised in a circus and if you don’t think this ten year old has the largest, most colorful collection of swears that he uses on the daily then you are dead wrong.


Augustus gets mad if he hears them coming out of Raz’s mouth, though, I reckon.

I misread this as ‘sweaters’ and was very confused as to why they would be coming out of Raz’s mouth and how Augustus could hear them.


I like how ALL of the “ALL PSYCHONAUTS 2 CUTSCENES” videos are missing just… a ton of cutscenes because whoever recorded them never took time to explore between major cutscenes.


Give me the rundown on your dudes in as much or as little detail as you like


I put up the OC asks thing the other day and then just went ham on updating my references and toyhouse instead whoops!!

Basic rundown of all my psynauts ocs for u <3


they're my characters that aren't directly related to any of the canon characters . jameela's an intern a few years after the events of pn2, gusty is a whispering rock camper and also temporarily lives at the motherlobe, veranda is an agent who works with them both in their collective story.

jameela is the highly intelligent daughter of tech guru dallas delmarro. she has incredible inventing skills that are aided by her psychic abilities, namely her precognition. her precognition is both a blessing and a curse, especially when she keeps seeing horrible apocalyptic doom scenarios.

gusty is a rowdy ragamuffin who accidentally gave his entire town brain damage when he found out he could abuse the psychic power of confusion to do whatever he wanted. he was mostly unaware of the repercussions of his actions. after making his own living situation unsafe, he was taken in to the psychonauts, becoming one of the "motherlobe kids" while his town was put under observation and check-ins.

veranda is a 30-something new zealand immigrant who loves cowboys and the wild west. they feel like they've been running from their problems for years now. they had a fear of growing up when they were little and accidentally time-bubbled some of their child relatives as a teenager. ever since they've been afraid of making the wrong decisions AND of being around children.

NEXT is my Oleander family members

midge is oleander's mother. she's got a potent sad energy and mostly keeps to herself.

eagle is an all-american boy scout who makes his mother proud.

rock is the oldest brother who eventually works in the butcher shop with his father. both rock and eagle bully morry when he's little (well, a little kid....)

NEXT is the Zanotto family members

laurel is bob's older sister and truman's mother. she was an artsy jack of all trades, she was a beatnik and avid music-festival-goer in her younger years

jonny is truman's father, laurel's short-term psychic boyfriend who disappeared under mysterious circumstances (he was doomed)

delphine is truman's ex-wife and lili's mother. she has a big fancy corporate banking job. despite being a total workaholic she calls lili on the phone every single night <3


ophelia was a distant relative of houston thorney who lived at thorney towers when loboto was a patient. she is the mother of his mentioned child (who is bobby zilch in my hc) and she also died because of a longstanding "family curse"

lester was a character i made for an oleander fic that's in progress. he was originally just going to be in the beginning chapter as a kid but i also decided on a way to bring him back as an adult. maybeeee someday i will write that part of the story too ^__^

nostradamus is my least developed oc, he's more of just a brain concept and a character design.... one of these days i will find a way to tie him properly into the universe.

thank u 4 ur time <3


Realising that the events of Psychonauts 1 + 2 are meant to be set throughout the 20 year timespan between the 60's/70's/80's honestly makes so much sense when you think about the specific aesthetics of the different generations you see coming together throughout the storyline of the games.

It's most evident when we first enter Helmut's mind and help him regain his senses as well as his sense of himself, and in how "dated" the clothes of the first iteration of the Psychonauts appear in contrast to the interns who are evidently styled after the fashions of the 80's era. Even in how different the home bases of the separate generations are, with the Motherlobe being isolated from nature, shiny and sleek while Green Needle Gulch is surrounded by dense forests, well worn and vividly colourful.


Thinkin real hard about the role of propaganda in Psychonauts 2. I’ve already rambled about how it probably impacted Gristol Malik’s actions, but that’s not the only example.

While Lucrecia’s most extreme actions were blamed on the Maligula persona taking over, it’s still implied that she was oppressing Grulovia well before the Dam Disaster. Throughout the mailroom level we see letters and threats (although these are possibly imagined by ford) pushing her towards increasingly questionable actions. So basically I think Theodore Malik’s skill at propaganda created both of PN2′s main villains.

Another thing that hit me like a brick a while back: Raz (and by extension probably most Psychonauts) has also been influenced by propaganda. The majority of depictions of the Psychic Six/Seven–like the portraits in the Motherlobe, and True Psychic Tales–erase Lucrecia’s entire existence. Sure, she does appear in another issue of TPT later on, but it very clearly omits some crucial details, like her involvement with the Psychic Seven, and her actual name, and seems to depict her as being motivated entirely by a desire for power. After all, mentioning other details, like the like the effects their reckless experiments had on her mind, would make the Psychic Six, and by extension the Psychonauts, look bad.

At the end of the game we see Lucrecia’s portrait in the Motherlobe uncovered, and she’s been included in Adam’s history exhibit. idk it makes me feel some things

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