Despite video evidence, Byron Donalds denied implying that Black family's were better off under Jim Crow after being pressed by Al Sharpton.


Florida Rep. Byron Donalds was dragged by the Congressional Black Caucus for saying Black families are worse off now than they were living under Jim Crow laws.

Eric Trump said Black people are "swinging over to Donald Trump in spades” after Donald Trump was convicted of felonies. Here's why that's racist no matter how he meant it.


The long-term impact of AI in mental health delivery remains to be seen.

Enslaved Black people were stationed for labor and employed in Liverpool. Here's their story.

It’s been two years since a white supremacist tragically killed 10 Black people in a Buffalo supermarket and hate crimes are still up.

Here's where you can feel secure while trekking abroad or stateside.


All pending death penalty cases in Alameda County, California, were ordered reviewed after the revelation of a racist and antisemitic scandal that targeted Black and Jewish inmates.

The first Black-owned private rocket company wants to create more opportunities for inclusion in space exploration.

Reprieve, a non-profit organization advocating against the death penalty, shed light on a troubling aspect of the controversial form of capital punishment in a new report. 

Aliko Dangote's wealth primarily stems from his conglomerate.

Pop Culture

It was more about the fairness of the criminal justice system than it ever was about O.J.