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Push Notifications Drive More Views to Content

Populis' work culture and approach to engagement were transformed through the Local News Foundry program

The Challenge

Populis joined the Local News Foundry program with two key objectives. First, gaining the theoretical knowledge and exposure to strategies required for audience growth and advertising growth. Second, translating the lessons learnt into concrete actions, by acquiring skill sets and implementing the lessons learnt.

The Solution

Populis implemented the Push Notification on their website. This incentivised the Populis editorial team to produce more content, which resulted in a positive cycle of more content garnering more push notifications and increasing the probability of views.

Indonesia V2 (1)
We joined the GNI Local News Foundry program with the intention to improve the site performance. Not only has the program improved our site performance, it has also boosted the morale of the team and nurtured a culture of learning. EG How Push Notifications increase engagements.
Vicky Kulkiram
Head of Editorial , Populis
  • 504,780 New PWA Subscribers after implementing PPID solutions and push notifications.
  • 100%+ Traffic increase after the program
  • 100%+ Revenue increase after the program (YoY)
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