
Fandom Creats


Just another fan Profile art by @https://mymelodyisme.tumblr.com/

Hey did I ever tell you about my theory pacman is a hermaphrodite species? Ya know, like slugs

specifically, Ms. Pacmen are the default form of the species and the only ones capable of engaging in reproduction. what we call ‘pacmen’ are in fact just the sterile worker drones. you see more pacmen in games bc as drones it’s their job to collect the majority of food (dots) for the hive.

my evidence is what happens when you flip an image of Ms. Pacman upside down

like the flounder, Ms. Pacmen have two eyes on one side of their head. the eyes are asymmetrical but fully functional. Thus, given the unusual symmetry of the Pac Man body, we may observe an interesting phenomenon:

that’s right! what we commonly identify as a hair bow may equally be described as a bowtie. this is because, as the external genitalia of a hermaphrodite species, it is capable of both impregnating and being impregnated. The sterile drones naturally lack this appendage (whether they or born sterile or forcibly neutered by fellow hive members is a matter of scientific disagreement.)

this leads to my next hypothesis, the pacmen are the larval form of clowns.

Gaud why

all i ever sought from life was to cause disquietude 

I mean, there’s evidence?

But if this is true, what are the other growth stages?

this leads to my third point, that pacmen regularly cannibalize their young, aka the ‘dot’ larval form. it is this act of infanticide around which gameplay revolves

*deep sigh*

Gaud, please tell me about how Pacmen are a parasite that turns its host intona clown. I don’t really want to know, but I think the alternative is worse…

A Queen Pacman that has reached full adult size may choose to take on a human host, depending on availability. it attaches itself to the host’s nose, which eventually withers and falls off, leaving the parasite to grow swollen and bright red as it fills with blood, and infecting the host with toxins that alter its physiology & neurology to that of the common Clown. 

Interestingly, the characteristic ‘clown honking’ comes from squeezing the parasite, which is typically mistaken for the Clown’s nose. Honking is the Pacman’s way of vocalizing displeasure at the sudden expulsion of blood (after which the Pacman immediately refills itself). It is said the host organism experience rare glimpses of lucidity in these moments, but this is unconfirmable. 

month ONE of quarantine. one month.


this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.

her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!


POV: A Late night swim with your Husband

I was supposed to reblog this around my brief Timeskip AU craze but forgot…. Might as well now


POV: A Late night swim with your Husband

I was supposed to reblog this around my brief Timeskip AU craze but forgot…. Might as well now


Imagine what you would want to say to me if I were a suitor.

BRIDGERTON (2020-) S03E02 "How Bright The Moon"

Imagine what you

would want to say to me if

I were a suitor.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


mk as chimera falin :3

and a bunch of sillies ^^

I had fun making these teehehehe


kill the rhetoric that americans are so lazy that they won't take farm jobs. americans take labor intensive jobs all the time. the reason no americans will take farm jobs is because agricultural work is exempt from the vast majority of labor laws and labor protections, including the use of child labor. so only immigrants - people who have little to no protection from the law or other options for work - take most of these jobs. we have created a permanent underclass of labor and then say that americans are just lazy for not volunteering to be part of the underclass.

there are actually good discussions to be had about how alienated many americans are from food production (hi hello that's what my only popular post is about), but the real solution to this problem is to protect agricultural workers, citizens or not. ban child labor in its entirety. punish corporations and farm owners that abuse and poison their workers. reform the immigration process so that these people aren't barred from legal protection and recourse.

agricultural workers have been exploited since the dawn of civilization, but the US in specific has been doing this since slavery, and it evolved in the 30s when FDR's labor laws excluded them specifically because most agricultural workers at the time were black. now it's mostly latino immigrants.

food doesn't fucking pick or slaughter itself. but citizens aren't going to take these jobs when the entire industry is rife with abuse - both legal and illegal - and horrific wages and working conditions.

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