System Metrics

MLflow allows users to log system metrics including CPU stats, GPU stats, memory usage, network traffic, and disk usage during the execution of an MLflow run. In this guide, we will walk through how to manage system metrics logging with MLflow.

Extra Dependencies

To log system metrics in MLflow, please install psutil. We explicitly don’t include psutil in MLflow’s dependencies because psutil wheel is not available for linux aarch64, and building from source fails intermittently. To install psutil, run the following command:

pip install psutil

If you want to catch GPU metrics, you also need to install pynvml:

pip install pynvml

Turn on/off System Metrics Logging

There are three ways to enable or disable system metrics logging:

  • Set the environment variable MLFLOW_ENABLE_SYSTEM_METRICS_LOGGING to false to turn off system metrics logging, or true to enable it for all MLflow runs.

  • Use mlflow.enable_system_metrics_logging() to enable and mlflow.disable_system_metrics_logging() to disable system metrics logging for all MLflow runs.

  • Use log_system_metrics parameter in mlflow.start_run() to control system metrics logging for the current MLflow run, i.e., mlflow.start_run(log_system_metrics=True) will enable system metrics logging.

Using the Environment Variable to Control System Metrics Logging

You can set the environment variable MLFLOW_ENABLE_SYSTEM_METRICS_LOGGING to true to turn on system metrics logging globally, as shown below:


However, if you are executing the command above from within Ipython notebook (Jupyter, Databricks notebook, Google Colab), the export command will not work due to the segregated state of the ephemeral shell. Instead you can use the following code:

import os


After setting the environment variable, you will see that starting an MLflow run will automatically collect and log the default system metrics. Try running the following code in your favorite environment and you should see system metrics existing in the logged run data. Please note that you don’t necessarilty need to start an MLflow server, as the metrics are logged locally.

import mlflow
import time

with mlflow.start_run() as run:


Your output should look like this:

<RunData: metrics={'system/cpu_utilization_percentage': 12.4,
'system/disk_available_megabytes': 213744.0,
'system/disk_usage_megabytes': 28725.3,
'system/disk_usage_percentage': 11.8,
'system/network_receive_megabytes': 0.0,
'system/network_transmit_megabytes': 0.0,
'system/system_memory_usage_megabytes': 771.1,
'system/system_memory_usage_percentage': 5.7}, params={}, tags={'mlflow.runName': 'nimble-auk-61',
'': '/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/',
'mlflow.source.type': 'LOCAL',
'mlflow.user': 'root'}>

To disable system metrics logging, you can use either of the following commands:

import os


Rerunning the MLflow code above will not log system metrics.

Using mlflow.enable_system_metrics_logging()

We also provide a pair of APIs mlflow.enable_system_metrics_logging() and mlflow.disable_system_metrics_logging() to turn on/off system metrics logging globally for environments in which you do not have the appropriate access to set an environment variable. Running the following code will have the same effect as setting MLFLOW_ENABLE_SYSTEM_METRICS_LOGGING environment variable to true:

import mlflow


with mlflow.start_run() as run:


Enabling System Metrics Logging for a Single Run

In addition to controlling system metrics logging globally, you can also control it for a single run. To do so, set log_system_metrics as True or False accordingly in mlflow.start_run():

with mlflow.start_run(log_system_metrics=True) as run:


Please also note that using log_system_metrics will ignore the global status of system metrics logging. In other words, the above code will log system metrics for the specific run even if you have disabled system metrics logging by setting MLFLOW_ENABLE_SYSTEM_METRICS_LOGGING to false or calling mlflow.disable_system_metrics_logging().

Types of System Metrics

By default, MLflow logs the following system metrics:

  • cpu_utilization_percentage

  • system_memory_usage_megabytes

  • system_memory_usage_percentage

  • gpu_utilization_percentage

  • gpu_memory_usage_megabytes

  • gpu_memory_usage_percentage

  • gpu_power_usage_watts

  • gpu_power_usage_percentage

  • network_receive_megabytes

  • network_transmit_megabytes

  • disk_usage_megabytes

  • disk_available_megabytes

GPU metrics are only logged when a GPU is available and pynvml is installed.

Every system metric has a prefix system/ when logged for grouping purpose. So the actual metric name that is logged will have system/ prepended, e.g, system/cpu_utilization_percentage, system/system_memory_usage_megabytes, etc.

Viewing System Metrics within the MLflow UI

System metrics are available within the MLflow UI under the metrics section. In order to view them, let’s start our MLflow UI server, and log some system metrics to it:

mlflow ui
import mlflow
import time

with mlflow.start_run() as run:

Navigate to in your browser and open your run. You should see system metrics under the metrics section, similar as shown by the screenshot below:

system metrics on MLflow UI

Customizing System Metrics Logging

Customizing Logging Frequency

By default, system metrics are sampled every 10 seconds and are directly logged after sampling. You can customize the sampling frequency by setting environment variable MLFLOW_SYSTEM_METRICS_SAMPLING_INTERVAL to an integer representing the logging frequency in seconds or by using mlflow.set_system_metrics_sampling_interval() to set the interval, as shown below. In addition to setting the frequency of system metrics logging, you can also customize the number of samples to aggregate. You can also customize the number of samples to aggregate before logging by setting environment variable MLFLOW_SYSTEM_METRICS_SAMPLES_BEFORE_LOGGING or using mlflow.set_system_metrics_samples_before_logging(). The actual logging time window is the product of MLFLOW_SYSTEM_METRICS_SAMPLING_INTERVAL and MLFLOW_SYSTEM_METRICS_SAMPLES_BEFORE_LOGGING. For example, if you set sample interval to 2 seconds and samples before logging to 3, then system metrics will be collected every 2 seconds, then after 3 samples are collected (2 * 3 = 6s), we aggregate the metrics and log to MLflow server. The aggregation logic depends on different system metrics. For example, for cpu_utilization_percentage it’s the average of the samples.

You will see system/cpu_utilization_percentage logged a few times.