Getting pinned to the wall by a beautiful girl named centrifugal force

they should invent a job that doesn't affect your schedule or energy level that you don't have to go to if you don't want but you still get paid

when someone is having a delusional/psychotic episode you need to be patient and kind to them, no amount of guilt tripping and making fun of the things they say in that state will help them, and in fact might just make their state worse. Psychotic people are still people and they need love all the same. Kindness and understanding goes a long way and helps them being grounded in the reality.

repeat after me: i am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014

I am a sexy bitch and no one ruins my 2014

‘what are you planning to do with your degree?’ maybe jerk off for a few years i dont know

it sucks being an American because people from other countries will make fun of you for liking burger and you will try to be like NO! I EAT OTHER FOOD TOO! but you can't get the words out because you're too busy salivating over the idea of burger

blackout poetry meme of the above post with all but American EAT burger hiddenALT

Penguins walking at 5x speed.

this pic is SOFAKE! These are actually MY black and white photos of my ants!
Why are you did you take MY ants white and black?


AND remove the trees!

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