Glimpses V ❄️
Happy holidays! Stay safe and warm. β›„
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Glimpses V ❄️

Happy holidays! Stay safe and warm. ⛄

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Huevember #7 πŸŒ‡
Last one in the series, I only managed to do 7 but I’m still happy with the results! This is the most I’ve painted in years, so nice to get back into it.
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Huevember #7 🌇

Last one in the series, I only managed to do 7 but I’m still happy with the results! This is the most I’ve painted in years, so nice to get back into it.

Tip jar | Wallpapers | Prints | Twitter | Bluesky

Huevember #6 🐈‍
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Huevember #6 🐈‍

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“ Botanist’s Window 🌱
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Botanist’s Window 🌱

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Henlo~ How did you code your page? It's gorgeous c:


Oh thank you! I used theme #08 by dreyar and modified the CSS:

  • border-radius for rounded corners
  • box-shadow for the glowing edge (several layers of it)
  • border-style: outset and border-style: inset for that sweet retro win98 looking sidebar
  • text-shadow for those sweet vaporwave text effects

I love playing around with CSS, though sadly I have no idea how to make themes for mobile 😔

Huevember #5 🌳
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Huevember #5 🌳

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Huevember #4 ✨
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Huevember #4 ✨

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Huevember #3 πŸ’§
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Huevember #3 💧

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Huevember #2 🌸
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Huevember #2 🌸

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Huevember #1
I wanted to give this challenge another try this year! ✨🌈
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Huevember #1

I wanted to give this challenge another try this year! ✨🌈

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Howl’s castle at dusk 🌠
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Howl’s castle at dusk 🌠 

Tip jar | Wallpapers | Prints | Twitter | Bluesky