Our vision

MightyHive is the leading data and digital media consultancy that helps brands take control. Our global team of experts provides change and innovation advisory for business transformation, data consulting, and digital media services.

In August 2021, MightyHive rebranded to Media.Monks, the unitary brand that brings together the content, data&digital media, and technology services of S4Capital (SFOR.L), the new era, new media solution established by Sir Martin Sorrell. Read more from the MightyHive founders on what this means for our clients and partners.

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Fraud warning!
MightyHive does not provide an app and is not affiliated with social media profiles and accounts that promote an app. MightyHive also does not advertise its services or open positions through WhatsApp. We are taking action to address fraudulent uses of our company name.


Our clients partner with us to

  1. transform

    Build a Digital Media Transformation Strategy

  2. manage digital media

    Launch and Measure Digital Campaigns

  3. measure

    Create a Data Strategy

  4. master ecommerce

    Unlock Amazon eCommerce Solutions

To take control, you need more than vision. You need action. We can help transform your organization and capture every new opportunity.
Be the first to know about our transformative work.