Fan and Aircon Search Trends in Singapore: A Local Market Insight Guide

For education purposes : A snapshot to support SMEs and curious individuals who are keen on exploring trends

Eric Lee
6 min readApr 27, 2024


Photo by Dan on Unsplash

Update 4th May 2024 : Notes and reflection- How air conditioning change the world

If you are keen on understanding how climate influences the search trends for fans and air conditioning in Singapore — whether it’s about products, sales peaks, or marketing strategies — this provides a quick overview of the trends for these keywords. Here are some questions it can help to answer, and it may also prompt further inquiries:

  • Should I start a business selling fans or air conditioners?
  • How should I launch a marketing campaign for cooling appliances?
  • What strategies can I use to expand my brand in the cooling industry?
  • What innovative approaches can I explore in the market for fans and air conditioning?

Trend Outlook

Google Trend

Considering the provided graph depicting the search trends for “Aircon” and “Fan” in Singapore, here is our hypothesis:

  • Increasing Efficiency and Affordability of Air Conditioners: The trend towards narrowing search frequency gaps between air conditioners and fans in Singapore can be partly attributed to the increased energy efficiency and affordability of air conditioning units. As these become more accessible, a broader segment of the population turns to the internet to find air conditioning solutions.
  • Cultural Shifts in Preference: The convergence in search frequencies may also reflect a cultural shift. Air conditioning is increasingly viewed as an essential household feature, rather than a luxury. This shift influences consumer search behavior and preferences towards air conditioning over fans.
  • Technological Innovations in Fans: While there have been significant innovations in fan technology, such as the introduction of bladeless fans and air-purifying features, there seems to be a growing consumer interest in the more advanced technological features offered by modern air conditioning systems.
  • Climate Change Effects: Changes in climate, with rising temperatures, have possibly amplified the need for more effective cooling systems. This could explain the increasing search trends for air conditioners, as they offer more powerful cooling compared to fans.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Marketing efforts and promotional activities could also be a factor, making air conditioners appear more appealing and thus influencing consumer searches. Such campaigns could close the search frequency gap by drawing attention to the benefits of air conditioning.
  • Housing Trends: The inclusion of built-in air conditioning units in new housing developments could be reducing the demand for separate cooling appliances like fans. This development in the housing market might contribute to the shifting search trends.
  • Economic Growth: Lastly, the general economic growth in Singapore might be playing a role in the increased search interest for air conditioners. With higher disposable incomes, consumers are more likely to invest in or upgrade to air conditioning units for their cooling needs.


  • In what ways might cultural attitudes towards environmental sustainability influence the development and adoption of greener cooling technologies?
  • With the cultural shift towards viewing air conditioning as a necessity, how might this affect the urban planning and architectural design of residential and commercial buildings in Singapore?
  • How will rising temperatures due to climate change impact the cooling appliance industry in terms of innovation, with the need for more effective and energy-efficient cooling solutions?
  • Considering the economic growth in Singapore, what potential is there for premium and luxury air conditioning brands to capture a larger market share?

The Pulse

Google Trend

The graph shows search trends for “Aircon” and “Fan” in Singapore over the past five years with notable peaks around May. Here’s a hypothesis and additional insights considering this pattern:

  • Hypothesis for May Peaks: The peaks in search trends during the May period each year could be attributed to the onset of warmer weather associated with pre-summer climatic conditions in Singapore. This period might represent a transition to hotter months, prompting residents to search for cooling solutions in preparation.
  • Consistent Need for Cooling: Comparing the two search terms, “Fan” seems to exhibit less variation in search interest over time than “Aircon”, implying that fans may be a more consistent need throughout the year, whereas air conditioners are sought after particularly as it gets warmer.
  • Rising Temperatures and Demand: The search interest for air conditioners appears to have more pronounced peaks, which may indicate that air conditioner purchases are more likely to be influenced by seasonal changes and possibly larger investments made in anticipation of the hottest months.
  • Comparative Shopping Behavior: The convergence of search trends for both terms around the May period could also indicate that consumers are comparing options, weighing the benefits of an air conditioner versus a fan for their immediate needs.


  • Considering the consistent year-round need for fans, what innovative features could manufacturers introduce to capture consumer interest during the pre-summer spike in cooling solutions?
  • In what ways could the data on seasonal search trends influence product development strategies to better align with the climatic conditions of Singapore?
  • What implications do the search trends have for energy providers and policymakers, especially in terms of managing the increased demand for electricity during peak months?
  • Could there be an untapped market segment that remains to be addressed by either fan or air conditioner producers, as indicated by the search trends?
  • How might these insights into consumer search trends shape the future of smart home technology integration with cooling systems?

Pick-and-shovel Business Model : Aircon Servicing

Google Trend

The graph indicates search trends for “aircon servicing” in Singapore, showing a recurring peak around May and an exceptional spike in May 2020. Here are the hypothesis and related insights:

  • Hypothesis for May Peaks: The regular peaks in May are likely due to Singapore’s pre-summer weather, prompting residents to service their aircon units in preparation for the impending heat.
  • Anomaly in May 2020: The extraordinary peak in May 2020 could be related to the COVID-19 pandemic. With more people staying at home due to lockdowns or movement restrictions, the demand for a comfortable indoor environment might have surged, leading to increased searches for aircon servicing.
  • Gradual Increase Over the Years: The gradual increase in search volume over the years could suggest several things: a growing number of aircon units installed, increased awareness of the importance of regular servicing, or perhaps the effect of rising temperatures due to climate change, prompting more frequent use and maintenance of aircon units.
  • Pick-and-shovel Business Model : The trends in aircon and fan searches can also suggest that as more units are sold, there will be a growing market for maintenance and servicing. It’s reasonable to infer that a surge in sales could precede a surge in servicing needs. Just as the gold rush miners needed shovels repeatedly, aircon units require regular servicing. This model is beneficial because it’s not just about the one-time sale of an air conditioner but also about the ongoing service that the product necessitates. The consistent need for servicing, highlighted by search trends, suggests a stable demand and potential profitability for businesses offering maintenance services.


  • What opportunities are there for aircon servicing companies to innovate in their service offerings, such as subscription-based models or eco-friendly servicing options?
  • How does the correlation between fan and aircon searches impact the planning of cross-promotional marketing strategies for appliance retailers and servicing companies?
  • How might the aircon servicing industry leverage the consistent need for maintenance to encourage consumers towards sustainable practices in air conditioner usage and care?


To enhance and substantiate these hypotheses, it would help to look at more information. We could look at how well air conditioners and fans are selling in stores, see how many new companies that specialize in heating and cooling systems are starting up, and check what people are talking about on social media regarding air conditioning services. Also, reading reports on the heating and cooling industry or studying the market could tell us more about what customers like and want when it comes to keeping their spaces cool.

For additional insights and trend reports, connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Medium.



Eric Lee
Editor for

A student of the world and also a 'smokejumper' ready for the unknown.