Why multicasting is the ideal way to diversify and grow your audience (and how to do it)

Don’t put all your broadcasting eggs in one basket: Multicast to multiple social channels at once with Happs. You’ll grow your followers without becoming overreliant on a single platform.

Matt Ruby
5 min readDec 28, 2020


When it comes to social media and video platforms, the only constant is change. Just ask fans of MySpace, Friendster, or Vine. They were all raging successes once upon a time but slowly lost traction until they were eventually “sunsetted.”

The latest app to fade away is Periscope, which recently announced it will end operations as a standalone app by March, 2021. The Twitter-owned company referred to its current operations as “unsustainable.” The company explained, “Leaving it in its current state isn’t doing right by the current and former Periscope community or by Twitter.”

For Periscope users who’ve poured their heart and soul into broadcasting there (not to mention the fan bases they’ll leave behind), this is obviously disappointing. What lessons can broadcasters learn from this? And where does this leave Periscope users? Let’s explore…

Lesson: It’s smart to diversify

Many Periscope broadcasters have been moving over to Happs in recent weeks. Periscope has a tight knit community and as word of the changes started spreading, influencers there began touting Happs as a welcoming new home. Happs also offers personalized support to new users which was great news for Periscopers forced to switch to a different broadcasting app.

The bigger lesson here for broadcasters (and people who build followings on any platform) is the importance of diversifying your content creation across multiple platforms. Just like it’s smart to diversify your financial portfolio in order to minimize risk, it’s wise to make sure you’re not beholden to a single platform for broadcasting success.

The power of multicasting

So how can you start diversifying? Send your broadcasts to multiple channels using Happs (aka multicasting). A multicast is a one to many technology that sends data from one source to many destinations simultaneously.

Just like it’s smart to diversify your financial portfolio in order to minimize risk, it’s wise to make sure you’re not beholden to a single platform for broadcasting success.

The old way was messy
The old way of multicasting often involved broadcasting back-to-back shows on different platforms which can be exhausting. Others have tried “hacking” multicasting by logging onto different platforms and going live individually on each one by using multiple phones/laptops. This can be a chaotic scene requiring broadcasters to scan multiple screens for comments in order to react in real-time.

The old way of multicasting required back-to-back broadcasts or navigating a chaotic collection of laptops and phones.

A new, better way to multicast
Thankfully, now you can go live on Happs and simultaneously send your broadcast to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Persicope (until it shuts down), and Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). Twitch and LinkedIn Live are coming soon too.

Multicasting with Happs is a great way to reach more viewers and diversify your audience so you’re not overly reliant on a single tech company. Even if something were to happen to Happs (and don’t worry, we plan on being around for a while!), you’d still “own” all the viewers who follow you on other platforms.

A multicast is a one to many technology that sends data from one source to many destinations simultaneously.

Another advantage to multicasting with Happs: You can build your following everywhere and manage your interactions with them via Happs. Our platform aggregates all your comments, views, and reactions from these various platforms at Happs. That way, you can easily review and take action on them in one place.

See all your comments, views, and reactions from various platforms at Happs.

You can go live on Happs and simultaneously send your broadcast to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Persicope (until it shuts down), and Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP).

Introducing group multicasting: a great way to share audiences

And Happs provides a secret weapon you can’t get elsewhere: All your guests can multicast to their various social platforms too. Group multicasting this way means you can directly share audiences. You and your friends, guests, and/or co-hosts can send the same broadcast out to each of your social media accounts, including on Periscope, YouTube, up to 10 destinations on Facebook and custom RTMP outputs.

All your guests on a group multicast can share to their various social platforms too.

This approach lets you take one broadcast and reach viewers on dozens of different social channels at once. It’s a great way for everyone on the broadcast to grow their viewership exponentially. One thing to remember: If you’re trying to monetize your broadcasts, your viewers still have to sign up directly at Happs in order to financially reward you.

How to multicast at Happs

Multicasting at Happs is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Set up accounts at various social media platforms (if you haven’t already).
  2. Sign up and login to Happs.
  3. Create a new broadcast.
  4. Connect your social media channels.
  5. Authorize Happs to access your social media accounts.
  6. To group multicast: Invite friends or other members of the Happs community to join you on-air. You can invite up to 8 guests at a time.
  7. Invite viewers to join Happs so they can sponsor your broadcasts and/or earn coins they can award to you (yes, you’ll be able to cash them out for real money!).

That’s it! See the images below for more details.

Have a question about broadcasting on Happs? Contact us via email.

How to multicast (step one): Create a new broadcast.
How to multicast (step two): Connect your social media channels.
How to multicast (step three): Authorize Happs to access your social media account. That’s it! You’re all set to stream live to that platform now.

Get rolling with the safest way to build a following

By taking advantage of multicasting with Happs, you can 1) easily build a following while 2) enjoying the safety you get from building an audience on several different platforms. You get to build your following on various channels while enjoying the benefits of broadcasting via a single, free, easy-to-use platform: Happs. With a diversified audience, you’ll be safe no matter what happens in the topsy turvy world of social media platforms.

📡 Click here to start broadcasting at Happs

