Using Gemini to help write Synthetic Monitoring tests in Google Cloud

Romin Irani
Google Cloud - Community
7 min readApr 24, 2024


Last year, Google Cloud Monitoring had introduced Synthetic Monitoring and I covered in detail how you could write a Synthetic Monitoring Test Suite that could regularly perform tests on your deployed services.

The original blog post is here:

A lot has happened in the last 8–10 months since the article and with the integration of Gemini in Google Cloud and especially within Synthetic Monitoring, it was time to revisit the article and see if I could ask Gemini to generate the Test Suite for me completely. The results have been fascinating and I would like to demonstrate that.

First up, for those of you, who are new to Synthetic Monitoring, I repeat sections of the original article over here:

What is Synthetic Monitoring?

As the documentation states and allow me to break it down:

  1. Test the availability, consistency, and performance of your services, applications, web pages, and APIs.
  2. It works by periodically issue simulated requests and then records whether those requests were successful, and they record additional data about the request such as the latency.
  3. You can be notified when a test fails by creating an alerting policy to monitor the test results.

The original preview release of this feature required that we write the test cases in supported JavaScript Test Frameworks (Mocha) or with no frameworks too. These test cases would be wrapped inside of Google Cloud Functions (2nd generation powered by Cloud Run) and these functions would be invoked for you on a regular basis, depending on the recurring interval that you configure (every minute, 2 minutes, etc).

Sample Inventory API (from the original article)

To test out Synthetic Monitoring, we need something to test against. While we could have used some existing API endpoints and validated the results, its nice to see it all integrated within Google Cloud itself.

So the first thing that I am going to do is deploy a Sample Inventory API to my favourite service, Cloud Run.

The repository has a Python Flask API that I am going to Cloud Run. You can follow the instructions in the README, where it gives you the choice to use either VS Code with Cloud Code extension or if you prefer, directly via a gcloud command.

To keep things simple, just go to the python-flask-api folder and execute the following gcloud command to deploy the service to Google Cloud Run:

gcloud run deploy --source .

This will ask you multiple questions. Go ahead with them and within a couple of minutes, you should have the Inventory API deployed in Googele Cloud Run and you have a URL via which you can access the same. The Service URL will be of the format:


Let us refer to the above url as SERVICE_URL for the rest of the article.

Test out the Inventory API

Before we start writing the Tests and deploying the Synthetic Monitors, lets understand the basic API.

The Inventory API has 3 methods and it has pre-populated data of 3 Inventory Items (I-1, I-2 and I-3) along with their associated on-hand quantity. We can try out:

  • SERVICE_URL/inventory : This will give a list of all inventory items.
    [ { “I-1”: 10, “I-2”: 20, “I-3”: 30 }]
  • SERVICE_URL/inventory/I-1: This will give a specific Inventory record with its quantity.
    { “productid”: “I-1”, “qty”: 10}
  • SERVICE_URL/inventory/I-100: Since this record is not present, it is an incorrect product id and hence the qty returned is -1.
    { “productid”: I-200, “qty”: -1}

Asking Gemini to help us write the Tests

Login to Google Cloud Console and visit the Cloud Monitoring → Synthetic Monitoring page as shown below:

This will bring up the Synthetic monitoring page as shown below:

Click on the CREATE SYNTHETIC MONITOR button. This will bring up a form as shown below. I have given a name s1 to my monitor and then I click on the HELP ME CODE button as shown below.

This brings up a nice popup, where you are asked to describe the test scripts that you want in natural language (prompt). It also provides you a helpful Example text that you can modify/enhance and use.

I provide the following prompt:

Help me write a Node.js based synthetic test script that performs the following tests:
1. It does a GET operation on This should return a 200 HTTP status code.
2. It does a GET operations on This should return a 200 HTTP status code. It should contain a JSON reponse as an object and the object should have an attribute "productid", whose value should be "I-1".
3. It does a GET operations on This should return a 200 HTTP status code. It should contain a JSON reponse as an object and the object should have an attribute "qty", whose value should be -1.

I provide the above prompt and click on GENERATE.

This provides me a good snippet of test code as shown below:

const assert = require('assert');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

async function run(logger, executionId) {
try {
logger.log('Starting test');

// Test 1: GET
const response1 = await fetch('');
assert.strictEqual(response1.status, 200);

// Test 2: GET
const response2 = await fetch('');
assert.strictEqual(response2.status, 200);
const data2 = await response2.json();
assert.strictEqual(data2.productid, 'I-1');

// Test 3: GET
const response3 = await fetch('');
assert.strictEqual(response3.status, 200);
const data3 = await response3.json();
assert.strictEqual(data3.qty, -1);

logger.log('Test passed');
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} = run;

As you can see, its nicely generated the 3 test cases and I am happy with the code generated and can put it to test. What is very interesting is the attention given to reducing the friction further by allowing you to insert and package this code immediately into a Cloud Function. That is very helpful indeed.

Go ahead and click on the INSERT INTO CLOUD FUNCTION button. This brings up the Create Google Cloud Function dialog and the required fields and data is automatically populated for you. Notice the Cloud Function name, its trigger and the necessary code files (JS and package.json) that is generated for you:

Simply click on APPLY FUNCTION button. This will bring you back to the Create Synthetic check page, where you can further setup the Alert Name, Notification Channels and so on, should the check fail and you need to get notified. Click on CREATE button there to move forward.

This kicks off the process to deploy the Synthetic monitor and you are presented with the status as shown below:

Give it a few minutes, since this deploys the Google Cloud Function (2nd Generation) and once its applied, then the Monitoring tests will be executed automatically for you based on the interval that you specified.

I observed that the tests ran fine for me and here are a few executions of the same.

The details for each of the runs can be seen on clicking the Monitor, the details of which are shown below:


It is interesting to note that a few months back, I had to wrangle with Mocha Test code to get the test suite working well but now Gemini, as the Assistant gave me code that was able to run. It gives me a good basis on which I can further enhance the suite. Definitely, a great way on how to introduce Generative AI suggestions (in this case, Code Generation) into existing applications.

