SIXP Family Guidelines

5 min readJul 9, 2023

Building a Thriving and Supportive Community in the Sixpack Miner Ecosystem.

♦️ Sixpack Miner revolutionizes the wellbeing landscape as a community-driven web3 platform, introducing the world’s first marketplace for active energy. Our innovative platform empowers the SIXP family to trade and monetize their burned calories and fitness data, leveraging groundbreaking technologies like blockchain, NFTs, and immersive phygital gamification.

🔻About SIXP Family

The SIXP family comprises individuals of all ages, ranging from 7 to 76 years, including athletes and non-athletes, as well as both crypto and non-crypto users. SIXP family is spread across various countries such as UAE, Croatia, USA, Canada, UK, and more. Since embarking on our Fitchness journey on January 1, 2023, with the support of Sixpack Miner’s disruptive ideas, we have strived to achieve both fitness and richness through cutting-edge technologies and its innovative phygital sports game provided by Sixpack Miner.

As a valued member of the SIXP family, your daily battery charges have the power to energize factories within the lands owned or rented by industry leaders and top brands. Your contribution plays a vital role in supplying high-quality active energy within the Sixpack Miner ecosystem. Together, we create a dynamic and thriving environment for all, while upholding and respecting the SIXP family guidelines.

SIXP Family Guidelines:

The SIXP Family Guidelines serve as a blueprint for fostering a high-quality culture within the Sixpack Miner ecosystem. Our aim is to create an environment where individuals can thrive both physically and mentally. By following these guidelines, we cultivate an active community that embodies positivity, respect, discipline, consistency, and mutual support.

Our ultimate goal is to empower our family to harness the full potential of the ecosystem’s tools and features, enabling them to achieve the unique blend of fitness and richness we call “Fitchness” — all without the need for traditional monetary investments.

🔻Focus on Quality:

In SIXP Family, we prioritize quality over quantity. Our emphasis is on building a trusted and dependable community rather than simply amassing numbers. We believe that by nurturing an atmosphere of integrity and excellence, we can collectively work towards our Fitchness goals while uplifting and motivating one another.

🔻Mutual Support and Coaching:

Central to our family is the principle of mutual support and coaching. We encourage every member to actively contribute to the growth and development of others. By joining a team and sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights, we strive to uplift and empower each individual on their Fitchness journey. Together, we can achieve remarkable progress and create lasting positive change.

🔻Embracing a Positive Culture:

A positive and inclusive culture lies at the heart of SIXP Family. We value open-mindedness, kindness, and constructive communication. We foster an environment where everyone feels respected, heard, and encouraged. Through our words and actions, we inspire one another to become the best versions of ourselves, both physically and personally.

🔻Discipline and Consistency:

Discipline and consistency are key tenets of our family. We encourage all members to commit themselves to regular physical activity and engagement within the ecosystem. By cultivating discipline and embracing consistent efforts, we lay the foundation for personal growth and lasting results.

SIXP Disciplinary Committee

In Sixpack Miner, we prioritize fair play and adherence to guidelines through our vigilant POPA Nodes. When a user violates the rules, the POPA Nodes reach a consensus, referring the case to the Disciplinary Committee (Master Nodes) for prompt review and action. Penalties, such as fines, suspensions, and more, are determined based on the offense’s gravity and the player’s past conduct.

Moreover, the implementation of actions, including suspension and restoring status through burning SIXP tokens, follows a collective decision-making process. A 51% confirmation in the Master Nodes DAO ensures fairness and accountability, fostering an environment of respect and integrity within the Sixpack Miner community. Together, we uphold the spirit of sportsmanship and maintain the authenticity of the SIXP family.

Four User Statuses in Sixpack Miner

In Sixpack Miner, users can have one of the following four statuses:


Users with this status have registered in the Sixpack Miner app and have successfully charged a battery.


If a profile is Watchlisted, it undergoes a more detailed examination by SIXP Nodes, requiring additional confirmations to ensure compliance with all POPA requirements. This process may take up to 24 hours and is carried out by experienced Nodes in the community, not the Sixpack Miner Dev Team.

🔻Red Flagged:

When an account receives a Red Flag, its status is limited to “Take Photo” only for future battery charging. Users with this status can no longer use fitness reports or screenshots from step counters like STEPN or Pacer. Instead, they must provide real-time photos from fitness wearables on their hands (smartwatches or smart bands) during or immediately after their workouts to prove their activity.


If an account is suspended, the status of all teammates’ accounts and the team they belong to will be changed to “Watchlisted.” The suspension lasts for 15 days, and immediate KYC verification is required. During this period, suspended user cannot engage in any activities within the Sixpack Miner platform.

Please note that these statuses are part of our commitment to maintain a fair and secure environment within the Sixpack Miner community, ensuring that all participants adhere to the SIXP family guidelines and rules of the ecosystem.


As mentioned above, our growth strategy prioritizes quality over quantity, embracing a slow and steady approach. We provide an incredible lifestyle roadmap with the innovative features of Sixpack Miner, supported by our dedicated coaches.

In Sixpack Miner platform, cheating is strictly discouraged as it undermines fair play and compromises the experience for all users. We urge everyone to adhere to our guidelines and engage on the platform with honesty and integrity.

By adhering to the SIXP Family Guidelines, we build a thriving community of individuals dedicated to the pursuit of Fitchness. Together, we strive for a physically active, positive, cool, respectful, and disciplined lifestyle, utilizing the facilities and personality-building tools provided by Sixpack Miner. Let us embark on this journey of personal transformation and become the leading, trustworthy community that inspires and supports one another every step of the way.

Aren’t you part of the SIXP family yet? Start your Fitchness journey today with Sixpack Miner and experience a new level of wellbeing and prosperity.

Charge Your Battery Here!




Sixpack Miner is a fit-fi platform, allowing you to convert calories into SIXP and transform SIXP into various assets such as crypto, NFTs, and loyalty points.