Swiping Into Some Exciting New Changes

2 min readJun 29, 2017

We’ve introduced some exciting changes to improve your broadcast creation and viewing experience — a broadcast title screen, swipe through broadcast viewing on iOS, a new and improved Broadcast Details page, and a View Stats option for broadcasters.

Broadcast Title Screen

We’ve added the broadcast title screen to provide more context when you join a broadcast. This screen will show up for a few seconds after you join and will show the status (live or replay), viewer count, broadcast title, location (if enabled), and the broadcaster’s display name.

Broadcast title screen

Swipe Through Broadcast Viewing on iOS

Swipe through broadcast viewing on iOS makes it easier to view a series of broadcasts once you’ve opened one. When you open a broadcast, you can swipe left to join the next one on the home feed, global feed, a profile or channel, and swipe right to return to the previous broadcast. Now, watching multiple broadcasts feels much more seamless.

Swipe through broadcasting on iOS

A New and Improved Broadcast Details Page

Now that we’ve introduced swiping for broadcast navigation, you can find broadcast details by tapping on the overflow menu () next to the comment field and selecting Broadcast Details. You’ll be able to see location, total viewers, and live and replay viewer lists while the broadcast continues to play in the background. This allows you to learn more about the broadcast without interruption.

The new and improved Broadcast Details page

View Stats Option

Lastly, we’re making it quicker and easier to access your broadcast stats with a new View Stats option that shows up once you’ve ended a broadcast. When you tap this icon, you’ll see all of your viewership and watch time stats, and if you have Super Hearts enabled, stars earned in that broadcast.

Broadcast stats (note: star count)

We hope these new changes will enrich your broadcast creation and viewing experience. As always, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or on Twitter @PeriscopeHelp with any feedback!

