Cheers to a Smoother Web3 Experience with*VIC Name Tokens

3 min readJun 20, 2024


The future of digital identity is here, and it’s built on ease, security, and empowerment. We’re thrilled to announce the official launch of *VIC Name Tokens, your gateway to a more seamless Web3 experience.

But what exactly are *VIC Name Tokens? Let’s dive into the details and explore how they’ll revolutionize the way you interact with the decentralized world.

Simplifying Crypto Transactions Across Blockchains

One of the biggest challenges users face in Web3 is the complexity of managing multiple wallet addresses for different blockchains. *VIC Name Tokens tackle this head-on by functioning as your multichain wallet address. This means you can use a single, human-readable token to send and receive crypto across hundreds of blockchains, eliminating the need to remember and juggle long, cryptic wallet addresses.

A Unified Web3 Identity: One Token, Many Possibilities

Beyond simplifying transactions, *VIC Name Tokens act as your cross-platform username. Whether you’re exploring DeFi protocols, venturing into the Metaverse, or battling it out in GameFi, your single *VIC Name Token becomes your universal identifier. Say goodbye to the hassle of creating new usernames for each platform and embrace a unified digital identity that travels with you across Web3.

Bridging the Gap Between Web2 and Web3

Transitioning from Web2 to Web3 can often feel like a bumpy ride. *VIC Name Tokens bridge this gap by making the process more user-friendly. Unlike the complex nature of traditional wallet addresses, these human-readable tokens make sending and receiving crypto on the Viction blockchain a breeze. This fosters smoother adoption of Web3 technologies and empowers users who may be new to the decentralized world.

Unlocking Exclusive Benefits and Rewards

Owning a *VIC Name Token isn’t just about convenience; it’s about unlocking exclusive benefits within the Viction ecosystem. Early access to upcoming features, special discounts on platform fees, and unique experiences designed specifically for *VIC Name Token holders are just a few of the ways you can reap the rewards of being an early adopter.

A Stepping Stone to a More Connected Web3 Future

The potential of *VIC Name Tokens transcends the Viction ecosystem. They pave the way for a more connected Web3 future by facilitating seamless interaction across different blockchains and dApps. Imagine a world where your *VIC Name Token acts as a universal passport, allowing you to navigate the decentralized landscape with ease and unlock the full potential of Web3.

Security Remains Paramount

In today’s digital world, security is paramount. *VIC Name Tokens leverage the power of blockchain technology, ensuring your digital identity and assets remain secure and under your control. This focus on security gives you peace of mind as you explore the vast possibilities of Web3.

Your Ticket to the Future of Web3

Ready to embrace a more empowered and user-friendly Web3 experience? Head over to the D3 website and secure your *VIC Name Token today. Let’s build a future where digital identities are simplified, secure, and empower individuals to take control of their online presence.

This is just the beginning for *VIC Name Tokens. D3 is committed to continuous innovation, constantly exploring new features and functionalities to further enhance your Web3 experience. Stay tuned for exciting updates as we shape the future of digital identity together.

Join the Conversation

We invite you to share your thoughts and questions about *VIC Name Tokens in the comments below. Let’s work together to make Web3 a more accessible and user-friendly space for everyone.


Viction is a blockchain platform designed to make Web3 accessible and secure for everyone. They offer zero-gas transactions, enhanced security, and support for web3 builders. Follow Viction on all social media to learn more via. 👇

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Emebok appears is an Influencer and Web3 KOL. Currently working with Layer 1 blockchains like Injective, Viction, Areon Network and Mantra Chain as a Brand Ambassador.
Emebok is influential in the community and has a mass an active follower base of over 40K on Twitter (Formerly X) alone. He often engaging with their followers and the crypto community as well as share updates and news related to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and AI development focused on security and privacy advancements.

Occasionally, Emebok is involve in promoting and organizing NFT giveaways, online and offline event.

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