Joe Guay - Dispatches From the Guay Life!
Joe Guay - Dispatches From the Guay Life!

Howdy folks, welcome to Dispatches From the Guay (Gay!) Life, where I muse on self-discovery, showbiz tales, LGBTQ life, travel & more travel, the joys and anguishes of aging, mental health issues and books.

G-U-A-Y is pronounced GAY, and funnily enough, I am a gay guy but went by the pronunciation of Joe GWAY for 20-plus years because I had issues. :)

After 30-plus years of an "I'm an actor only" mentality, I finally claimed the designation as writer and have been my best self ever since.

Also a voiceover guy! No, not a cool animation/cartoon dude, but the guy who narrates those e-learning certification trainings, safety videos and sexual harassment narrations you hate to sit through (yay me!), and also some documentaries and commercials.

Find me also at

Thanks for reading.

Medium member since November 2023
Friend of Medium since November 2023
Joe Guay - Dispatches From the Guay Life!

Joe Guay - Dispatches From the Guay Life!

Friend of Medium

Joe Guay, a recovering people-pleaser, is an essayist, actor/voiceover guy with musings on mental health, LGBTQ, humor and travel & nature as church