The 25 Best Horror Movies and How to Watch Them

Here's how to find your favorite scary flicks on Max, Netflix, Shudder, and other services for the perfect Halloween movie marathon.

(Amazon Studios)

The Shining (1980)

If hotel bathrooms, kids on tricycles, and blizzards give you the creeps, this movie is not for you. Watch Jack Nicholson take it to 11 as Jack Torrance, a writer-turned-caretaker who works out his writer's block and isolation-induced psychotic break by terrorizing his family. (Watch on Max.)

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Night of the Living Dead wasn't the first zombie film. But it is the first modern zombie film that defined the undead genre. More than 50 years after its debut, this gritty little flick is still absolutely terrifying. There are any number of remakes, sequels, and similarly titled zombie fare of varying quality—but if you're looking for the best, make sure you choose the 1968 original. If you haven't seen the film, the cheesy original trailer above is far more of-the-time than the actual film. (Watch on Freevee or YouTube.)

Them ('Ils') (2006)

Like many other horror movies, this French-Romanian film about a couple being terrorized by a group of unknown intruders over the course of a night claims that it is "based on actual events." This claim—like that of so many others films—is dubious at best and intended to make the threats on screen feel more real. But the reality of the story is all beside the point: Them is an intense (but charitably light in the blood and gore department) horror film that jumps head-first into the terrifying concept of random, unprovoked violence. (Watch on Freevee)

Scanners (1981)

The phrase "If looks could kill" takes on new meaning in Scanners, a David Cronenberg sci-fi film about an army of mind-reading "scanners" who can murder people with a little concentration. (Watch on Max.)

Midsommar (2019)

PSA: If your douchey boyfriend invites you to join his friends on a trip to Sweden for a drug-fueled midsummer celebration at his buddy's ancestral commune, maybe say no. Midsommar is from the same people who brought you Hereditary, so it's similarly messed up. (Watch on Amazon.)

Crawl (2019)

Alexandre Aja's relentlessly tense 2019 film only has a few moving parts: a father, a daughter, and a bunch of alligators. Set in a house being swallowed by floodwaters, things get extremely cramped and damp as the scares stack up. Watch Crawl on Amazon Prime Video.

Let The Right One In (2008)

Let The Right One In is one of the most unique and compelling takes on vampirism ever lensed. When 12-year-old Oskar meets a curious young girl, he soon discovers that she's older and thirstier than he could have imagined. Great vibes and a shocking finale make this a must-watch on Prime Video.

Suspiria (2018)

Having the balls to remake a classic from giallo master Dario Argento is a bold movie, but Luca Guadagnino's 2018 stab at Suspiria was remarkably successful. It's more of a homage than a faithful reproduction, but the changes are smart, sensible, and visually stunning. (Watch on Amazon.)

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Disney+ isn't the most exciting streaming service for horror fans, but it is the only place where you can watch Henry Selick's stop-motion masterpiece. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a relentlessly inventive and charming movie. (Watch on Disney+.)

The Invisible Man (2020)

There have been countless takes on H.G. Wells' novel about a transparent psychopath, but Leigh Whannell's 2020 film still managed to shock. Elisabeth Moss captivates as a woman who is convinced that her tech bro ex-boyfriend faked his death and is stalking her invisibly. (Watch on Amazon Prime Video.)

The Wailing (2016)

Korean media is having another hot moment right now. If you haven't seen 2016's The Wailing, get on it. It's a soul-crushing story about the residents of a small farming town traumatized by a horrible murder. The disfigured killer has no memory of the deed, and things only get worse from there. (Watch on Amazon.)

Halloween (1978)

Remember babysitting before cell phones and the internet? It was rough out there, and Laurie learns that the hard way on Halloween night 1978. There's no raiding the fridge and gossiping on the landline for her. Michael Myers has escaped his mental institution and is feeling stabby. (Watch on Shudder.)

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Before he was an undercover teen on 21 Jump Street, Johnny Depp was trying to stay awake so a terrifying burn victim with knives for hands and questionable fashion choices didn't kill him in his sleep. (Watch on HBO Max.)

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Hey guys, let's not pick up hitchhikers and then walk into random, creepy homes uninvited out in the middle of nowhere. Especially in the 70s. We might end up on the wrong end of a chainsaw. (Watch on Tubi.)

It Follows (2014)

David Robert Mitchell's It Follows is a true horror for the modern age, tapping into fears of STDs, stalking, and constant surveillance. When a young woman acquires a curse from sexual intercourse, she needs to pass it on or die. Watch it on Netflix.

The Platform (2019)

I'm a sucker for bizarre new horror concepts, and The Platform—set in a featureless vertical prison where the most notable landmark is a descending pillar that brings food from the top to the bottom—delivers in a bunch of different ways. Lean, weird, and compelling, this is a hidden gem. Watch it on Netflix.

Super Dark Times (2017)

This 90s period piece follows a pair of teenagers who accidentally kill a kid and then have to cope with the ramifications. It's a sharp, tense, low-budget thriller with some great performances and insane attention to detail. Watch it on Tubi.

Re-Animator (1985)

H.P. Lovecraft is well-trod territory at this point, but Stuart Gordon's take on Herbert West: Re-Animator remains a quirky, gory delight. Jeffrey Combs is delightful as the titular character obsessed with bringing life from beyond the grave. Watch it on Tubi.

We're All Going To The World's Fair (2021)

A shot across the bow of what horror movies can be, We're All Going To The World's Fair is a claustrophobic, hallucinatory journey into Internet myth, where a teenage girl embarks on a quasi-supernatural "challenge." Things get extremely weird very quickly, and this movie will keep you thinking about what happens when you play a YouTube video for weeks. (Watch on Max.)

Hausu (1977)

Words don't do justice to Nobuhiko Obayashi’s disturbing and deranged Hausu (House.) Based on ideas from his pre-teen daughter, this is a phantasmagoria of mysterious events that might not be "scary" in the conventional sense but still hold the power to twist your brain in different directions. It's an all-time classic that every horror fan needs to see. (Watch on Max.)

The Thing (1982)

John Carpenter's Antarctic horror classic hasn't been topped in forty years. When a crew of researchers discovers an alien life form that's been buried for centuries, things get paranoid and grisly. Some of the best practical creature effects ever committed to film, great performances and a killer ending make The Thing one of the greatest of the genre. (Watch on Prime Video).

Infinity Pool (2023)

Brandon Croenenberg is a second-generation horror legend, and his movies just keep getting better. 2023's Infinity Pool follows a young couple on vacation in the country of Li Tolqa, where justice is brutal but the wealthy can buy their way out of punishment by having themselves clones and their clones executed. What follows is an orgy of perversion, violence and trauma. (Watch on Hulu.)

Creep (2014)

We burned out on found footage horror a while ago, but Creep, starring by mumblecore veteran Mark Duplass, makes it work again. Director Patrick Brice plays a freelance videographer hired to create a tape for a dying man to give to his unborn son. Needless to say, things aren't quite what they seem and Creep ramps up the uneasiness throughout. (Watch it on Netflix.)

Scream (1996)

The 90s were a pretty dire time for horror in a lot of ways, but Scream came along and managed to make the tired slasher formula feel fresh and new, with the help of a revitalized Wes Craven. When the mysterious Ghostface starts carving up high schoolers, our horror-aware cast has to fend for their lives while remaining extremely aware of how these movies work. (Watch it on Prime Video.)

Lake Mungo (2008)

This Australian mockumentary horror film is one of those movies that will cling to you way after the credits roll. After a seven-year-old girl drowns in the titular lake, her brother believes that her restless ghost is haunting their house and sets up cameras to catch it. Then the twists begin. Lake Mungo is wildly tense and unsettling, and definitely deserves more attention. (Watch it on Tubi.)

About K. Thor Jensen