yes this is the dante theory list for those who liked this post but im also making it my pinned

First; Hi, I’m Md (they/it/she) and welcome to my autism hole. Boops you. HERE is my art blog, HERE is my eldritch sideblog, HERE is my berserkerlot sideblog, and HERE is my photoblog, HERE is my AO3, HERE is my Flight Rising, HERE is my BlueSky. Okay, now back to the actual post. Limbus FC is C092709920.

Md’s hot hot list of Dante limbus theories that I’ve been sitting on since I started playing

ONE OF THESE WILL BE RIGHT. MAYBE. cut for length. discuss in the comments. contains ruina and lobocorp spoilers. maybe even leviathan spoilers. assume spoilers for the newest content. pinning so i can keep adding to it in the future. (edited 6/13 for consistency) (up to canto 6.5)

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what do you mean people dont combine their favorite smt demon/characters into nahobinos

Why not


Your fav is intersex they told me themselves.


“Oh? You think I can’t dodge your attacks?” [Giant disembodied hand grabs me by the back of my shirt and ragdolls me out of the way]


i hope i am not only a mutual to you but also someone you can point at a fictional character and go “oh shit that guy on tumblr is super fucking mentally unwell about that one” about


Fallen London writing is 30% the most bone chilling terror you’ve ever experienced, 20% soul altering beautiful and poigiant prose, and 50% your character and the narrator looking at each other and trying to decide if the funny option is worth suffering the consequences of your actions


okay we’ve got forcemasc and forcefem what about forcemachine. forcetech? i’m gonna turn you into an angel made of steel and electricity and you’re gonna fuckin like it.



how do you tell if a boy likes you?




U just gotta ask ‘em, man. Boys are stupid as shit, I’m not even kidding.

aren’t you one though

I am giving you the inside scoop


Everyone knows that Scrappy Doo actually died on April 18th, 1993 after being gunned down in the streets of Belfast by a rival Loyalist drug gang.

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