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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

eefos asked:

Do you like to write about Solo? Is it difficult to write about him? He is kind of like Gaby in some way

I do. He’s an interesting character to me in many ways, so it’s fun to think about his psychology and why he would react to certain things. He’s more challenging for me to write than Illya I think because Solo is a less straightforward character if that makes sense? There is a bit more mystery and flexibility with writing stories around Solo which is fun because he’s the type of character who can do anything and be anything. Illya is a bit more of a fixed character; he’s very good at what he does, he’s unwavering, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, he can become what he needs to become if it’s for the right reason in his mind, etc., etc. I agree with you he is similar in complexity to Gaby. Solo and Gaby are both the kind of characters who can become very, very dangerous if put in the right circumstances; I think they’re more likely to really, really, cross their own lines if a situation calls for it. They’d make interesting antagonists if a story turned in that kind of direction.

ask tmfu the man from uncle illya kuryakin man from uncle gaby teller napoleon solo

Anonymous asked:

Imagine an elf is given a job to do at a human institution. The humans think elves don’t need bathroom breaks, since they know they can hold it for days, but this elf has been traveling to reach their job, and has already been holding it to the point they are in pain. They ask for a break, but their job is important and time sensitive, so they admit they can still hold it when asked. After a full day of work, the elf tries to reach the bathroom in time, but they were never told where it is.


…so then what happens? this is very random…

anon im so confused right now what does it meeeeean

Anonymous asked:

Please, you liked Armie Hammer once! How can you be a fan of this movie and then coldly erase him like this?! Isn't this a bloated sense of entitlement on your part?! Do you know that Armie Hammer had a pec tear on the day of this fictional 'rape'?! To believe women blindly is dangerous!

(tw: rape mention by anon)

this anon ask is just wild on so many levels. “bloated sense of entitlement for not liking an actor? Like bRUh really? are you good? are you okay? i can be a fan of the movie and not like the actor, I know, that’s shocking but it’s true and it’s okay. you really got your panties in twist huh. boggles my mind that you’re getting butthurt with me. i have so much I could say right now but I won’t because im civilized

tw rape tw: rape rape mentioned anon when will my inbox not be full of anon hate why am I being attacked sheesh

Anonymous asked:

I was very excited when I saw your blog as I am a huge fan of TMFU. Imagine my horror when I saw that you replaced Armie Hammer with this nondescript pretty boy who can never be "hotter than baking soda"! Good Lord! Did you know that the cannibal DMs were faked?! Did you know that AH's accusers have conflicting stories?! Did you know that never a lawsuit against Hammer?! Of course Illya is not Hammer! He's an actor! Want the truth go to Team Armie UK2 to at least find the truth before you cancel

listen. for one, “hotter than baking soda” is the best thing I’ve read all year. so thank you for that.

but, like, why are you coming at me? like really. what did I ever do to you? im just here minding my sweet little business. why am I getting so many anon messages as if I was the one who cancelled him???? like the anons just keep coming

this is very simple. i have never liked mr. hammer as an actor. before the man from uncle and also after the movie. k? I can watch a movie, enjoy the character, but not care for the actor. i. don’t. like. the. dude.

i can replace the actor’s face with another person all I want. if I want to replace Illya’s face with chicken little i can. this is doctor who illya can regenerate into another face I like more.

go cry about it

why me anon does this count as hate mail? why do I keep getting this

Anonymous asked:

I was randomly Googling and I found this photo of Brigitte Bardot & two guys and it's used in the end credits but with the cast's faces photoshopped in & the background changed, similar to the Napoleon WWII paintings photo. I can't send a link but if you search "Brigitte Bardot trench coat" you'll find it. I wonder if that was the case for all the Istanbul group shots in the credits?? Anyway, I thought this was a pretty cool find & wanted to share!

Anon, you legend. Thank you for telling me this!

tmfu the man from uncle illya kuryakin man from uncle gaby teller napoleon solo anon a nice anon for once thank you