MarTech Interview With Konrad Feldman, CEO at Quantcast

Konrad Feldman, CEO at Quantcast highlights more on what digital advertisers and marketers need to do more of to drive better online journeys and traction:


Welcome to this MarTech Series chat, Konrad, tell us about yourself and more on what inspired the Quantcast platform.

I’m the founder and CEO of Quantcast, a global advertising technology company. I started Quantcast with the goal of using machine learning to help publishers and marketers better understand digital audiences. Today, we serve publishers, brands and agencies and empower them to plan, activate and measure audience-based media to create relevant advertising experiences across the open internet.

I am a big believer in championing the free and open internet. With an internet connection and access to a computer, anyone can share content, their creativity, their point of view, and their observations with the world, and this has democratized content distribution and information. That’s a phenomenal asset for the world and 5 billion people rely on the open internet for all of those things, and more, globally. This was the inspiration for the Quantcast Platform. We believe access to the advertising budgets that fund most content creation and distribution shouldn’t be a privilege reserved to only the tech giants. We’re focused on bringing the same benefits of internet-scale data, machine learning, simplicity and reliable performance to all advertisers and publishers.

How are you seeing the adtech evolution change the game for today’s advertisers/marketers?

The internet is so vibrant, in large part, due to the ease with which businesses of any size and even individuals can publish content, have it discovered by audiences around the world and, importantly, get paid to produce more of it. The variety that makes the internet so rich also complicates the processes by which marketers spend their advertising budgets. Adtech’s role is to simplify this complexity and allow budgets to flow as frictionlessly as possible to where they are most effective. Adtech also plays a key role in helping marketers and publishers measure the value of audiences and advertising and address the rapidly changing regulatory and privacy landscape. When harnessed effectively, adtech has the potential to amplify the capabilities of marketers and empower them to create better online experiences, improve business performance and build brand trust through true relevance.

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What are some of the pitfalls you often notice among B2B teams when they try to deploy new adtech systems to drive ad revenue?

We’ve seen many projects fail because businesses wanted to implement buzzy technology and used that as a starting point. A more effective way to start thinking about implementing adtech, or any technology for that matter, is to begin with a really clear view of the fundamental business problem you’re looking to solve and work backwards from that. This allows you to focus on a specific solution and use technology in service of that.

At a time when businesses are trying to redefine processes to tide over problematic times/recession, what do you feel marketers/advertisers should consider to help continue driving impact?

Typically, economic downturns increase the pressure on businesses to prove the return on investments and historically this has meant a greater focus on performance advertising. However, it is also widely acknowledged that without continued investment in brand related awareness advertising, long term financial performance suffers.

At Quantcast, we’ve been laser focused on making brand advertising more accountable with real-time measurement. For example, today with the Quantcast Platform, marketers are using real-time feedback to modify CTV campaigns in-flight, in a manner akin to how performance campaigns have been optimized for years. Using technology to gather more information and adjust spending away from tactics that don’t have a strong impact will be crucial for marketers as they navigate through a potential recession.

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How do you feel marketers today can create better experiences with their adtech-martech: a few thoughts on how you’ve seen leading brands do this.

While undoubtedly hyped, AI is an incredibly effective way for marketers to create better experiences and remain relevant to consumers. According to Forrester, brands will flock to AI-powered audience solutions, fueling 20% of media and advertising category growth in 2022.

With AI and machine learning, marketers can gain insights in real time and at scale, providing them with the ability to better understand their audience, what they need and where they’re looking for it. If a marketer or advertiser is not using AI-driven solutions to enhance their campaigns, they are missing out on insights, new audiences, and productivity gains. Marketers that embrace AI and machine learning now will gain a long-term competitive advantage.

Some last thoughts, on making the most of your martech to drive marketing through the rest of 2022.

There’s been so much discussion over the past few months about the deprecation of the third-party cookie, and perhaps many marketers are now breathing a sigh of relief that the deadline is further pushed back to 2024. But the truth is that today in many global markets, including North America and Europe, over 50% of internet media consumption has no third-party cookie. If you are not trying cookieless solutions today you’re missing half of your target audience!

We’re seeing Quantcast customers deploy an ever-increasing share of their budgets against cookieless environments and reap the competitive advantage of access to new audiences, more inventory, and more scaled advertising results. So, don’t think of the delay in Chrome’s cookie deprecation as an opportunity to sit back, instead see it as the chance to take market share and get even further ahead of your competition.

Quantcast empowers brands, agencies, publishers to know and grow their audiences with an intelligent audience platform.

Konrad Feldman is CEO at Quantcast.

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