Mara Lynn Johnstone (Posts tagged Patreon)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

The new Token Human story just went up on Patreon! (The $3 and up tiers get to see it before the rest of the world.) I’ll post it for the free tier on Monday, when it goes up here too.

This story involves Zhee complaining about things, which is always a good time.

so many opinions from this guy can't blame him for some of them Zhee The Token Human Patreon this one ended up much longer than I expected too I really thought it'd be quick but NOPE multiple pages of local mysteries and alien fauna and Opinions About Things it's fun though because of course it is I would hardly write it if I wasn't enjoying myself

Thanks to everybody who signed up for Patreon yesterday! We’re gonna go some fun places together.

I've really got to find a word other than 'fun' to describe my writing but it's so accurate that's why I write at any rate I write the stories I want to read live the lives I want to live and I will happily bring you along for the ride now if you'll excuse me I have another short story to write hopefully the witty banter in this one will be there it is again fun writer life Patreon it's off to a promising re-launch thanks everybody

Patreon is where the party is!

If you’d like the Token Human stories in your inbox weekly for free, good news! If you’d like to get them early, along with a whole range of other fun things, better news!

My Patreon is a cornucopia of stories, art, exclusive bits of creativity not seen by the wider internet, updates on the latest novels, and fun words like “cornucopia.”

Come join the party. We’re having a great time in here.

Pinned Post Patreon so much fun stuff with more to come and I take requests that free tier is pretty tempting isn't it a taste of all the excitement with no strings attached then I can lure you into spending just a little just a few bucks a month can't hurt then muahahaha I take over the world! or at least my monthly bills entirely reasonable megalomania anyways c'mon in it's fun in here

My Patreon is almost live!


I’m pushing all the buttons now. Can’t wait. It’s gonna be great.

you can even sign up for freeee gonna be so many great stories and concept art and comics etc etc etc yeah I know I post a lot of that here already but there will be exclusives unseen by regular mortals! *enticing handwaves* Patreon I love living in the future where things like this are possible I would have signed up for so many as a kid if I could humans are weird haso hfy eiad humans are space orcs and other interested parties

Nothing like putting together a quick series recap for the Patreon revival to make you realize there’s a lot more of something than you thought.

Seventy short stories in the Token Human series. Seventy! How did that happen?

Yadda yadda once again baffled by basic things like math and the passage of time. Apparently these things happen when you write a story a week for the better part of two years.

that's nuts I say way more than I thought I've written gonna put 'em all in the free tier for easy reference and then write more and who knows where this adventure is headed but I look forward to the trip The Token Human Patreon going live on May 1st! very excited! humans are weird haso hfy eiad humans are space orcs and other such tags

morealias asked:

I think there may be a problem, when I go to your Patreon page it redirects to patreonDOTcom/MarlynnOfMany/creators and there is no Patreon to join for you.

It’s not live yet! It’s still on hiatus, but it’ll open up again on the first of May. Thanks for checking!

I planned to do it sooner but didn't want people to get charged twice in the same week if they signed up right before the month rolled over soon though! very excited! and all the old stuff from before is still there with new stuff on the way Patreon

That new option to follow people for free on Patreon is addictive. “Oh, I’m not spending any money! I can follow this one excellent fanartist with no strings attached, oh and the archery poledancing guy; that’s a must, ooh who elllllse…”

I can just tell there will be posts later that make it sorely tempting to upgrade to a paying tier. But I can’t say I regret my choices today.

it'll be interesting to look back on this post in a year I can tell Patreon shaking my head but happily clicking Join anyway

All right, what’s on the ol’ professional to-do list for this morning? Ah yes, a photoshoot with Stabby the Roomba. Naturally.

gotta make the Patreon tiers look interesting living the dream I don't miss retail and that's an understatement 'a book sale a day keeps the soul-sucking job away!' crossing my fingers that all this is as promising as it looks anyways I'm off to tape knives to my Roomba again then work on editing other people's writing and do a bunch of other things never a dull moment Stabby the Roomba Patreon it should be coming back soon stay tuned and if the cat comes down to join the photoshoot in entertaining ways I will be sure to share writer life

Deciding what to put in the Patreon

gif of animated Merlin dancing while he shrinks a row of books to fit in his suitcaseALT

I’ve written a lot of stuff, you guys. It’ll be fun, whatever I settle on.

Patreon gonna bring it back to life from the musty limbo of hiatus that's the plan onward may or may not include dancing wizards actually now that I think about it I'd love to write about that one wizard character dancing the one who can make duplicates of himself he'd have a blast noting that idea for later writer life

morealias asked:

I'm surprised your patreon is sort of defunct, but I suppose I can read you "Humans are Weird" stories the old fashioned way on Tumblr. Just finished your First Time Traveler story, it's good, and sticking to my tradition of favoriting secondary characters Ro is my fav.

Yeah, I put Patreon on indefinite hiatus because there wasn’t that much interest at the time, and I needed to put all the time I was spending on it into other projects. I’d love to start it up again – there’s a half-finished serial novel on there that I’m sure SOMEbody wants to read. Plus all the eleventy billion other story ideas I have.

Maybe at some point I’ll see if people would be interested in getting exclusive stories and first looks at things again. For now, there’s a lot on Tumblr for free (especially in the Token Human tag).

And YES, what’s not to love about a spacegoing feathered pterodactyl who’s colored like a sunset margarita, and has never met a pronoun he doesn’t like? :D

he's definitely fun I liked writing him a lot and the captain space pterosaurs are an underrated concept that I don't think I've seen anywhere else though I'm open to recs anyways yes I'd happily open up the Patreon again if anyone was honestly interested asks Patreon