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What does Meta Pay do with my payment information?
When you use our Products to buy things or make payments with Meta Pay, we collect information about the purchase, like the items you bought, transaction date, billing, shipping and contact details, and whether you completed the transaction, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
Your payment method (example: credit card or bank account information) will be stored in a separate, secured network. The credit card and bank account numbers you provide will not be used to personalize your experience or inform the ads we show you.
Your payment information will be collected, stored, and used to facilitate your purchases and transactions, including for renewal of your subscription products, and other products and services that you purchase in the future. Before you make a purchase, you will have the opportunity to confirm the purchase. For subscription products, you will be automatically charged on the next renewal date. You can learn more about how to update your payment methods. If you do not want your payment method stored for renewal of a subscription, you can cancel your subscription up to 24 hours prior to the next renewal date.
The purchase information we collect when you purchase a product or service you’ve requested or authorized to personalize your experience across Meta Products can be used to deliver you more relevant content and ads, to provide customer support, and to promote safety and integrity (e.g., to investigate violations of our payments policies). Your payment card and bank account numbers will not be shared with anyone for marketing purposes without your consent. Learn more about how we use information in our Privacy Policy.
When you check out using Shop Pay as a payment method, your purchase info (including your contact info and order details and order tracking info) is shared with Shopify. Shopify may use your purchase info to improve its products and services, according to its terms and policies, including to:
  • Provide you with services like order tracking and payment status updates
  • Recommend products, sellers and services in its Shop app
Note: If you are in the European Region and subscribe to use our Products without ads, we won’t use your autofill activity to improve ads or other parts of your experience.
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