[email protected] from January 2013 by subject

[Bug 17243] suggestion on "select camera function for getUserMedia()"

[Bug 20796] javascript identifier for each available camera

[Bug 20796] New: javascript identifier for each available camera

[Bug 20806] New: Section 15 (Security Considerations) is empty

[Bug 20807] New: End-to-end stream configuration unspecified

[Bug 20808] New: "Trickle ICE" unspecified

[Bug 20809] New: Stream rejection not possible

[Bug 20810] New: SDP inadequately defined

[Bug 20810] SDP inadequately defined

[Bug 20811] New: RTP usage not defined

[Bug 20812] New: Media protocol not specified

[Bug 20813] New: Protocol security not defined

[Bug 20814] New: Data channel protocol not specified

[Bug 20815] New: Stream multiplexing

[Bug 20816] New: "Hold" unspecified

[Bug 20817] New: Media loopback testing

[Bug 20818] New: TCP media unspecified

[Bug 20819] New: no priority API

[Bug 20819] no priority API

[Bug 20820] New: congestion control of data and audio/video

[minutes] Jan 10 teleconf

[minutes] WebRTC F2F Oct 29-30

[MMUSIC] Boston meeting agenda

[rtcweb] Proposed Agenda for Interim

A proposal on minute-takers for the WEBRTC WG meetings

ACTION-62, Priority API

addIceCandidate needs an error callback

Boston meeting agenda

Call for Consensus to publish a First Public Working Draft of "MediaStream Recording API", deadline 31 Jan 2013

Call for Consensus to publish a First Public Working Draft of "MediaStream Recording API", deadline 31 Jan 2013 [resend adding DAP]

Data teleconf Jan 10th


error handling slides for today

February Interim registration and logistics

First agenda draft Boston f2f meeting

Format of candidate-attribute string

Fwd: February Interim registration and logistics

Fwd: Proposal for some constrains we need

Fwd: Re: Proposed interim agenda

Integration of Stats API v2

Move to de-facto error reporting

New version of editor's draft (20130116)

PeerConnection event queue & "closed" state

Proposed interim agenda

Proposed topics for the Jan 10th Teleconf

Remote participation

RFE: Improve error handling

Scribe selection spreadsheet implemented

Specification of last onicecandidate event

Timestamps in stats

TPAC 2013: Nov 18-22 in Shenzhen

TURN URL syntax confusion

Wiki for the f2f next week

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2013 23:59:34 UTC