CfC: Selectors API Level 1 Test Suite; deadline November 23

The RfR for the Selectors API Level 1 test suite passed WebApps' testing 
group's review (see below), and according to the agreed 
#Approvalprocess, this now means a group wide review should be done. As 
such, this is a CfC for this test suite:


If you have any comments, please send to public-webapps by November 23. 
If you review any set of the tests and find no issues, please state that 
as a reply to this RfR (so we can get a sense of "who reviewed what").

In the absence of any comments, these tests will be considered Approved.

Note: for all practical purposes, I suspect the set of people that will 
actually review our tests are already subscribed to the testsuite list, 
thus this extra CfC is unlikely to result in additional review. As such, 
if no one beats me to it ;-), I will (separately) start a thread about 
streamlining the testing process a bit (for example remove the separate 
group wide CfC for a test suite and include the test suite review in the 
CfC to move a spec from CR to PR). However, let's please not derail this 
CfC on testing process issues.

-Thanks, AB

#Approval <>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: RfR: Selectors API Level 1 Test Suite - deadline 14 November
Resent-Date: 	Thu, 15 Nov 2012 16:18:17 +0000
Resent-From: 	<>
Date: 	Thu, 15 Nov 2012 17:17:42 +0100
From: 	ext Charles McCathie Nevile <>
Organization: 	Yandex
To: 	<>, Lachlan Hunt 
<>, Charles McCathie Nevile <>

On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 16:07:08 +0100, Charles McCathie Nevile
<>  wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 14:28:41 +0200, Lachlan Hunt
><>  wrote:
>> This is a request for review of the Selectors API Level 1 test suite.

This is a formal resolution that the test suite has passed the review, and
is accepted.

Although the only review we are aware of is Opera's, there are 5 browsers
scoring 97-99% on the tests, and people seem to have checked the tests in


Chaals (as co-chair)

Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
       [email protected]          Find more at

Received on Friday, 16 November 2012 11:48:55 UTC