[email protected] from April to June 2008 by subject

<Further LC Followup from IE> RE: Potential bugs identified in XHR LC Test Suite

<New: Tracking Issues in XHR that we raised>

<New: Tracking Issues in XHR that we raised>RE: <Was: Further LC Followup from IE> RE: Potential bugs identified in XHR LC Test Suite

[AC] Hardening against DNS rebinding attacks - proposal

[AC] Helping server admins not making mistakes

[AC] URI canonicalization problem with Access-Control-Policy-Path

[access-control] header black list

[Adding mouseenter and mouseleave events]

[D3E] Multiple keyboard identifiers

[Fwd: Offline data synchronization API]

[minutes] DOM3 Events Telcon, 11 June 2008

[minutes] DOM3 Events Telcon, 18 June 2008

[NOT] Microsoft's feedback on XHR2

[Progress events] There is no way to create progress events using document.createEvent

[Progress Events] unsigned long long for .loaded and .total

[progress-events] loaded member misnamed?

[selectors-api] What's the final call on NSResolver?

[WebIDL] Assigning to constants

[widgets] Device Specific APIs and Services

[widgets] icon text

[widgets] Minutes from 12 June 2008 Voice Conference

[widgets] Minutes of 19 June 2008 Voice Conference

[widgets] Minutes of 26 June 2008 Voice Conference

[widgets] Requirements document is ready for Last Call WD publication

[Widgets] Requirements LC

[Widgets] Requirements LC Comment Tracker

[widgets] Timeless' Widgets Requirements LC

[widgets] Widgets Requirements LC

[XHR2] upload complete flag

[XHR2] xhr.upload and abort and error events

[XHR] (Late) LC Comments

[XHR] Last Call comment on about dependencies

[XHR] LC comments from the XForms Working Group

[XHR] Request charset is limited to UTF-8 for x-www-form-urlencoded data

[XHR] Sending a Document with a mismatched encoding

[XHR] SVG WG LC comments

[XMLHttpRequest]HttpOnly cookies visibility in XMLHttpRequest

Agenda and logistics...

Agenda+ DOM3 Events (was: Agenda and logistics...)

Call for Review: Last Call WD of Widgets 1.0 Requirements

DOM3 Events Telcon Agenda, 11 June 2008 (Today!!)

DOM3 Events Telcon Agenda, 18 June 2008 (Today!!)

Element Nodelist - ISSUE-6

Element Nodelist - ISSUE-6 (was: ElementTraversal progress?)

ElementTraversal progress?

F2F Agenda Updated

Fwd: Registration now open for the Combined Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meeting

heads-up: /2006/webapi/Binding4DOM moved to /2006/webapi/WebIDL

How Open is Open?

Improving Communication and Expectations

Improving Communication and Expectations (was: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests])

Initial input for discussion of Widget security model

IRC logging

ISSUE-1 (Fix the Spec): DOM3 Events is Unfinished [DOM3 Events]

ISSUE-10 (client-server): Client and Server model [Access Control]

ISSUE-11 (security-model): What is the Security Model for the access-control spec? [Access Control]

ISSUE-12 (access-control-policy-path): IIS and Access-Control-Policy-Path [Access Control]

ISSUE-13 (opting-into-cookies): Opting into cookies [Access Control]

ISSUE-14 (opt-into-methods-headers): Opting into methods/headers [Access Control]

ISSUE-15: Allow or deny installing additional digital certificates on widget engines? [Widgets]

ISSUE-16: Do widgets need their own URI scheme? [Widgets]

ISSUE-17: Widgets (not just widget engines) should be able to specify which proxies they communicate through

ISSUE-18 (api-availability): Need to efine a mechanism to check for the availability of an API [Widgets]

ISSUE-19: Widgets digital Signatures spec does not meet required use cases and requirements [Widgets]

ISSUE-2 (OnFoo Attributes): Event Handler Attributes (onfoo Attributes) and Add/Remove Event Listener [DOM3 Events]

ISSUE-20 (Content multi-view): Current <content> model does not allow multiple views [Widgets]

ISSUE-21: should Widgets 1.0 allow fallback for <content> element? [Widgets]

ISSUE-22 (Is SHA1 good enough?): Is sha1 as a DigestMethod strong enough for Widgets digital signatures?

ISSUE-23 (Key Indentifier Case): Should Key Identifiers prioritize uppercase characters [DOM3 Events]

ISSUE-3 (eventType): [Progress] [D3E]

ISSUE-3 (eventType): [Progress] eventType [Progress events]

ISSUE-4 (SpecContent): Should specifications decide what counts as content for transfer? [Progress Events]

ISSUE-5 (Unexpanded Entities): Wording for the Treatment of Unexpanded Entity References and Entity Replacement Markup [Element Traversal]

ISSUE-6 (Element Traversal Nodelist): Should the ElementTraversal Interface Have a Nodelist? [Element Traversal]

ISSUE-7 (Transfer Old Issues): Transferring old WebAPI and WAF [All Products]

ISSUE-8 (mouseenter/leave): Adding mouseenter and mouseleave Events [DOM3 Events]

ISSUE-9 (Wheeling Units): How should wheel events represent pixel/line wheeling units? [DOM3 Events]

Issues and Actions

Issues and Actions (was: XHR2 Feedback As Tracker Issues)

LC comments.

Mass Subscription, and How to Unsubscribe

Microsoft's feedback on XHR2

Need PDF of MS' input [Was Re: Seeking earlier feedback from MS]

New Progress Events editor's draft

New Public Mailing List - pubic-webapps

Opting in to cookies - proposal

Opting in to cookies - proposal version 3

Origin (was: Re: XHR LC Draft Feedback)

Plans for after F2F?

Possible test for DOM Events

Process Re: Worker Threads and Site Security Policy

Progress Events

ProgressEvent unification / loaded attribute / "stalled" event

Registration now open for the Combined Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meeting

Reminder: DOM3 Events Telcon Cancelled, Resumes in 2 Weeks

responseXML/responseText exceptions and parseError

Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

TRACK, was: LC comments.

Tracker RSS and API (was Re: ISSUE-7 (Transfer Old Issues): Transferring old WebAPI and WAF [All Products])

Transitioning to WebApps Mailing List

Using #waf for June 26 Widgets Call [Was: Agenda for 26 June 2008 Widgets Voice Conference]

Welcome to the WebApps WG

Wheel events

Wheel events (ISSUE-9)

Worker Threads and Site Security Policy | Two Possible New Items for Standardization

XHR2 Feedback As Tracker Issues

XHR2 Feedback As Tracker Issues (was: [NOT] Microsoft's feedback on XHR2)

Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2008 23:44:15 UTC