mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to [email protected].)

List Description
anti-censorship-alerts Notification list for anti-censorship service alerts.
anti-censorship-team Discussion list for the anti-censorship team
dei Discussion & coordination list for Tor's diversity, equity, & inclusion committee.
global-south Tor in the Global South
meeting-planners The list for planning the bi-annual Tor Meeting
metrics-alerts Notification list for Tor Metrics service-related alerts
network-health Tor Network Health Team coordination list
ooni-bugs OONI related bugs status mails
ooni-dev Ooni-probe development discussion list
ooni-operators OONI mailing list for probe operators
ooni-talk Ooni-probe general discussion list
regional-nyc NYC-area Announcement List
tbb-commits auto: Tor Browser Bundle related commits
tbb-dev discussion regarding Tor Browser Bundle development
tor-access Discussion about improving the ability of Tor users to access Cloudflare and other CDN content/sites
tor-announce announce: Important announcements relating to Tor
tor-censorship-events auto: censorship-detection system reports
tor-commits auto: code repository commits
tor-community-team Community Team List
tor-consensus-health auto: consensus problem system reports
tor-dev discussion regarding Tor development
tor-l10n tor l10n team
tor-mirrors mirroring the tor website and distribution directory
tor-onions technical discussion about running Tor onion (hidden) services
tor-packagers Platform specific package maintainers:
tor-project Moderated discussion list for tor contributors.
tor-qa quality assurance and testing
tor-relays support and questions about running Tor relays (exit, non-exit, bridge)
tor-relays-universities Tor relay ops at universities, colleges, and other education institutions.
tor-research-safety Internal discussion list for the Tor research safety board.
tpa-team discussion forum for members of the sysadmin and web team
UX UI/UX discussion list
www-team Tor Website Team

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