- - M I R A G E - -
Hello? Hello, hello?
Posted 1 month ago with 11930 notes


this blog stands with palestine and if you don’t you can get the fuck out. what israel is doing is genocide and i will not tolerate anyone who supports it.

Posted 10 hours ago with 90 notes
windowsmeisbest-jbp asked:

cerberus eats lemon


a simple two-panel comic of a cerberus holding a lemon half up to its face, then having its face shrink into itself from how sour it is. the apple in the cerberus's orb also shrivels upALT

day 53 - lemon

Posted 16 hours ago with 285934 notes







The problem with having lesbian moms is you try to be super cool and cut all your hair off and buy a leather jacket and wear boots all the time and then you go to some event in your neighborhood and all these women three times your age start cooing “oh you look JUST like your mother when she was your age, my gosh what a blast from the past, oh I just love your hair”

And let me be very clear, okay: I’ve seen pictures of my mom when she was my age, and she looked cooler than I ever will. My mom had exactly my fashion sense except she was two point five degrees butcher and habitually took over government buildings. My other mom was about six degrees butcher than that, and SHE had a motorcycle. Both of them have been charged with felony arson. I’m the prep member of my family and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Please tell me at some point in your life some dick was like “we’re calling your parents over your behavior” only to have a bigger, more badass version of you come strolling in

Look obviously that happened many many times, usually with misogynist or ableist teachers. But I have a BETTER story than that, which is that when I was in 3rd grade, I went to this tiny alternative hippy school—it was a regular public school, it was just small and staffed/run by hippie communists—and my 3rd grade teacher was a woman who had been in an organization with my mother, and they had done direct action together more than a few times. We’ll call her D.

One day I was sitting in D’s class, eight years old and bored out of my mind, and I scratched my name into the back of my plastic chair with a rock. Was this reasonable behavior? No. Why did I do it? Only the gods can say. I don’t actually remember doing the scratching, I just remember looking at the rock in my hand and my name on the chair and going, “HUH. That’s not good.” 

So obviously I got caught, bc I couldn’t reasonably convince anyone that I wasn’t the one who had done it, since it was MY NAME, and as punishment for this act of arbitrary vandalism I was sentenced to recess detention for two weeks. It was October so this included Halloween. Halloween, to be clear, is a high holy day in San Francisco, and I was devastated to miss the informal festivities that would be occurring at recess that day, and I wept and wailed about this at home for some time until my mother decided that this was disproportionate punishment and took it into her own hands to do something about it.  

So my mom walks into D’s office on a day when my mother does not have to be at work at a scheduled time, but D has to get her students from the yard in about ten minutes, and my mom sits down and says to her old friend and comrade, “Miranda is really upset about having detention on Halloween.”

And D explains to my mother why the detention was issued, what the circumstances were, and my mother nods, and listens, and doesn’t argue, and doesn’t show any sign of getting up from her chair. And just says again “She’s really upset about having detention on Halloween.” 

And D looks at my mother, and she looks at the clock in her office, which is telling her that she has to be on the yard in 2 minutes now, and then looks at my mother again, who shows no sign of having anywhere to be, my mother with whom D has organized and successfully executed multiple sit-ins and takeovers of government & corporate offices, and D says, “Okay, she doesn’t have to have detention on Halloween.”

Tell your moms that we love them.

You can express your love by donating to their organization, Prison Radio, which works relentlessly on a shoestring budget to amplify the voices of incarcerated people in the United States!


Posted 1 day ago with 485 notes


btw there isn’t a dress code for any queer identity. there isn’t a dresscode for intersex people, genderqueer people, non binary people, gay people, lesbians, bisexual people, trans men, trans women, genderfluid people, agender people, transmascs, transfemmes, pansexuals, polyamorous people, aromantic people, asexual people, bigender people, butches, femmes, crossdressers, drag performers, sapphic people, achillean people, mtfs, ftms, gender non conforming people, transsexuals, transvestites, dykes, faggots, trannies, queers, all transgender people, cishet people, men, women, and every person on planet earth. there’s no dress code necessary to be your given self. hope that helps

Posted 1 day ago with 11 notes


sorry to get serious but, for any trans followers, how old were you when you realized you were trans? I’m worried I’m both too young to know and realized it too old to know.

Posted 1 day ago with 6671 notes



Scout’s step towards self discovery

(sort of) a prequel to this


Posted 1 day ago with 21199 notes



On my summer grind


Reblogs appreciated <3

[This is a digital painting, not a photo]

Posted 1 day ago with 358 notes


occasionally I see that something won’t happen “until the 2030s” and I think well that’s not for *suddenly pales* five or six years–

Tagged: #THE WHAT,
Posted 1 day ago with 14189 notes



dad forcing his daughter to wake up for school

Posted 1 day ago with 1062 notes



the husks of ultrakill
this was going to be a bigger piece but i caught some fucked up virus and now im fighting for my life on my bed

Posted 1 day ago with 37 notes



issue 13: two familiar faces

april 26 2024

Posted 1 day ago with 5235 notes


My personal headcanon is that postcanon laios after he got hit with the spoilers curse got actually pretty depressed for a while. Marcille felt bad and decided to teach him how to create familiars, which is what he now does in his freetime. Just a bunch of Laios monster OCs which he meticulously crafts like those super detailed custom warhammer figurines. He has them move around inside a miniature dungeon

Posted 1 day ago with 30310 notes



ryoko kui’s AU art for her own characters is next level

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