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Fig. 5 | Ophthalmology and Therapy

Fig. 5

From: Cost-Utility Analysis of Deep Learning and Trained Human Graders for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in a Nationwide Program

Fig. 5

One-way sensitivity analysis. Tornado diagram from one-way sensitivity analysis showing the percentage changes in incremental net monetary benefit (iNMB) of DL screening versus HG screening from the base case attributable to the change of each parameter. ATB antibiotics, BB bilateral blindness, CVD cardiovascular diseases, DL deep learning, DM diabetic mellitus, DME diabetic macular edema, DR diabetic retinopathy, HG human grader, IVB intravitreal bevacizumab, STDR sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, THB Thai baht. Labels on the chart (next to bars) indicate input values (minimum and maximum) of each parameter; all the values of costs are Thai baht in 2020

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