JavaScript on Tumblr — Is it time to move off tumblr.js? There haven't...

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yasharf asked:

Is it time to move off tumblr.js? There haven't been any updates in many months. Using thumblrjs causes audit failures because it depends on requestjs that was deprecated over three years ago and has security vulnerabilities. I suspect migrating it off requestjs is more than a tiny task for you guys, so is it time for us to find a different solution?

javascript answered:

It it time to move off tumblr.js? No!

Thanks for calling this to our attention, we’ll put some time in polishing up the library and preparing a shiny new release. Keep an eye out for it in the next week or so ✨


We’ve pushed a pre-release (tagged next) which you can install as follows:

npm install tumblr.js@next

We’d love feedback and hope to have a full release announcement next week.