Silvi Nuñez

Silvi Nuñez

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📌 What I Do:
I specialize in empowering brands to thrive in the global digital landscape by crafting impactful SEO translations and innovative localization strategies. 🚀🌎

📌 About Me:
After completing my degree as English<>Spanish Translator, I delved into the world of marketing to fuel my passions for digital marketing, SEO, and international business development. My journey has encompassed various roles—from Project Management to Language Consultant. Currently, I'm steering Optimational toward growth and new business ventures.

I also wear the hats of a Spanish Translator and International Consultant, focusing on marketing & SEO, e-commerce, market research, and education.

🚀 Ready to expand your brand to new markets and connect with global audiences?
Let's start a conversation! 👉

🎙️ Sharing insights at international conferences is a facet of my journey. If you seek a dynamic voice for your event, I'm enthusiastic about making a significant contribution to your stage. Let's connect and make waves together!




  • Grafico Optimational
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    United States

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    Cordoba, Córdoba, Argentina

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    Estados Unidos

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    Estados Unidos

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    Reino Unido


  • Grafico


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Licenze e certificazioni


  • Spanish

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • English

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

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