Emilio Vergani

Emilio Vergani

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  • Grafico KOPRON
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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Milan Area, Italy




    Support for new OCD Setup and Implementation:
    - Po clean up process (critical to ensure expenses incurred before DAY 1; All PO’s where service was provided before DAY 1 should stay in J&J (GR to be done or manually accrued in J&J)
    - Requisitioners / Approvers must be ready to work with the new LE. There are mandatory roles: preparer, approver, LE Approval Manager, Approval Officer, LE Procurement Lead, etc.
    - Check traslation of the T&C that will replace J&J by OCD legal names for post…

    Support for new OCD Setup and Implementation:
    - Po clean up process (critical to ensure expenses incurred before DAY 1; All PO’s where service was provided before DAY 1 should stay in J&J (GR to be done or manually accrued in J&J)
    - Requisitioners / Approvers must be ready to work with the new LE. There are mandatory roles: preparer, approver, LE Approval Manager, Approval Officer, LE Procurement Lead, etc.
    - Check traslation of the T&C that will replace J&J by OCD legal names for post Day 1 requisitioning process through Ariba.
    - Finalize process for the invoices with WHT; Verify which tax code to use
    - Training (Material & Deployment);
    New WWID’s activated Open POs (Jul to Dec); All PO’s where service will be provided after DAY 1 should be closed in J&J and opened in new LE
    - Beginning balances
    Management of VAT codes
    Withholding Tax
    Intercompany Invoices posted in ARIBA
    - Verify if documents received in Praha are scanned and sorted for long-term storage based on the POBox address or the long term storage will be locally.

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