

Industria manifatturiera

Milan, Italy 406.788 follower

The world leader in energy and telecoms cable systems

Chi siamo

We work to be the sustainable link to the future. For more than 151 years, our company has been leading the industry of high-technology cables & systems for energy and telecommunications. Headquartered in Milan, Italy and spanning 50 countries (in North America, Europe, MEAT, LATAM, APAC), 105 plants, 25 research and development centers, and about 30,000 employees as of July 2023, we have a strategic footprint that allows us to service emerging markets and communities across the globe with ease. Our business model is diversified by portfolio and geographical area. In 2022 we registered +16 billion € in sales and 509 million € net profit. Today we drive the energy transition and worldwide digitalization. Learn more about the new Group on Follow us also on:

Sito Web
Industria manifatturiera
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Italy
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Manufacturing, Energy, Telecommunications, Optical Fibre, Cables, Offshore Wind, 5G, Broadband, Construction Products Regulation, HV&Submarine Transmission, Cable Lay and Installation Vessels, Transportation & Mobility, Construction & Infrastructure, Power Grids, Solar & Photovoltaics, Wind Turbines, Sustainability, Automotive, Monitoring & Maintenance, Technology, Elevators, Industrial, Electronical, Internet, Oil and Gas e Mining


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    406.788 follower

    At Prysmian we strongly believe in fostering digital culture among our employees worldwide, this is why in the past months we launched Prysmian Broadcast, a multi-platform channel dedicated to sharing knowledge in an engaging way and sparking curiosity about technology among our teams worldwide. At the core of Prysmian Broadcast is our dedication to cultivating a culture of innovation and inclusivity. Through broadcast groups on WhatsApp and Facebook, all subscribers regularly receive a series of videos covering various intriguing topics related to digital innovation: from AI in manufacturing to smart cities, from cybersecurity to fake news and digital wellbeing.   This editorial idea was conceived in collaboration with LiveXtension

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    406.788 follower

    Hoy, en el Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil, alzamos la voz para denunciar la explotación infantil que aún afecta a millones de niños en todo el mundo.🌍 Realidad Inaceptable: En muchos países, los niños son obligados a trabajar, negándoles sus derechos fundamentales a la educación, la salud y una vida plena que les permita su desarrollo y bienestar integral.✋ Unidos por un Futuro Mejor: Es nuestra responsabilidad colectiva asegurar que todos los niños puedan disfrutar de una infancia libre de explotación, donde puedan aprender, jugar y crecer en un entorno seguro y saludable.📢 Hazte Escuchar: Únete a nosotros en la lucha contra el trabajo infantil. Promovamos políticas y acciones que protejan a los niños y garanticen sus derechos Actualmente Prysmian aplica la  Politica de DDHH y los abordamos con los proveedores#DíaMundialContraElTrabajoInfantil #NoAlTrabajoInfantil #DerechosDeLosNiños #EducaciónParaTodos #InfanciaLibre

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Prysmian, immagine

    406.788 follower

    Last week at Eurocities 2024, we connected communities to a new digital era.  As strategic partners of the Rural-Urban Hub in Cluj, we unveiled a digital portal at the event to bridge the rural-urban gap and provide an immersive experience into locally initiated processes. Our premium data solutions are fostering community bonds and setting the stage for a transformative journey. The Eurocities 2024 conference, held from May 29 to 31 in Cluj-Napoca, brought together representatives from various European cities to discuss attracting investments and talents for a greener, more innovative, and resilient future.  Stay tuned for updates as we continue to bridge gaps and unite people with innovation. A heartfelt thank you to the wonderful community of Cluj for joining us on this path. Together, we’re stronger! ❤️ #Eurocities2024 #Prysmian #innovation #connect2lead #Romania

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Prysmian, immagine

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    🌍 **CEE Management Conference, Warsaw** What an incredible event! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the CEE Management Conference in the beautiful city of Warsaw. Your presence and active participation truly made this event a success. 🙏  We had insightful discussions and forged new connections. It was inspiring to see so many leaders and professionals from across Central and Eastern Europe come together to shape the future of Prysmian and achieve our ambitious targets. 🎯 We've captured some of these wonderful moments. Feel free to browse through the pictures and relive the experience. 📸 Stay tuned! In the upcoming days, we will be sharing more interesting content and highlights from the event! 🎉 #CEEMC #Management #Conference #Warsaw #Prysmian 

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Prysmian, immagine

    406.788 follower

    "Prysmian chose to be Co-Partner of Alinghi on this project to build a stronger brand awareness supporting our ambition of being a global player in the energy transition and digitalization challenge", stated Massimo Battaini, CEO of Prysmian. Prysmian is strongly committed to sailing because the wind and renewable energies are core elements of both our business and future. Looking forward to supporting our partner, Alinghi Red Bull Racing, during the next regattas and beyond!

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    406.788 follower

    💚 Siente el latido 💚 Un corazón que late, un ecosistema de arterias que conecta personas, energía e inteligencia en todos y cada uno de los rincones de la tierra, fluye para construir un mañana más verde y brillante. Un latido que nos conecta con el futuro y el poder de la innovación para impulsar la transición energética y la transformación digital, un compromiso con el planeta y la responsabilidad con las generaciones futuras. #SienteElLatido, es la energía que nos mueve, el firme compromiso con nuestro planeta. 🙌 Descubre todos los latidos del evento:

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    406.788 follower

    Today is World Environment Day 2024, in addition to helping bring clean power to the market, Prysmian is also working to reduce its own footprint. The company has set science-based targets (SBTi) to achieve net zero for its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040 and for Scope 3 emissions by 2050. Let’s join hands and build a sustainable future for our land and our planet!

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Prysmian, immagine

    406.788 follower

    At Prysmian we are focused on continuous improvement as a strategic approach to enhancing organizational processes, products, and services through ongoing changes. "For us at Prysmian, data is at the centre of the new word that we are building together" Petra, Automotive Operation VP, said. Read more about the opportunities at Prysmian

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Prysmian 1 round in totale

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Debito post-IPO

127.509.683,00 USD

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