%0 Report %T Source and channel adaptive rate control for multicast layered video transmission based on a clustering algorithm %+ Digital image processing, modeling and communication (TEMICS) %+ Protocols and applications for the Internet (PLANETE) %+ Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC) %A Viéron, Jérôme %A Turletti, Thierry %A Salamatian, Kavé %A Guillemot, Christine %N RR-4580 %I INRIA %8 2002 %D 2002 %K MULTICAST %K LAYERED %K VIDEO %K CONGESTION CONTROL %K AGGREGATION %K CLUSTER TCP-COMPATIBLE %K FGS %K FINE GRAIN SCALABILITY %Z Computer Science [cs]/Other [cs.OH]Reports %X This paper addresses the problem of congestion control for video transmission in large multicast groups. In order to solve the well-known feedback implosion problem in large multicast groups, we first present a mechanism for filtering RTCP receiver reports sent from receivers to the whole session. The proposed filtering mechanism provides a classification of receivers according to a predefined similarity measure. An end-to-end source and FEC rate control based on this distributed feedback aggregation mechanism coupled with a video layered coding system is then described. The number of layers, their rate and levels of protection are adapted dynamically to aggregated feedbacks. The algorithms have been validated with the NS2 network simulator. %G English %2 https://inria.hal.science/inria-00072005/document %2 https://inria.hal.science/inria-00072005/file/RR-4580.pdf %L inria-00072005 %U https://inria.hal.science/inria-00072005 %~ UPMC %~ EC-PARIS %~ UNIV-RENNES1 %~ CNRS %~ INRIA %~ INSA-RENNES %~ INRIA-SOPHIA %~ INRIA-RHA %~ INRIA-RENNES %~ IRISA %~ INRIA-RRRT %~ INRIASO %~ IRISA_SET %~ INRIA_TEST %~ TESTALAIN1 %~ IRISA-D5 %~ INRIA2 %~ UR1-HAL %~ LARA %~ UR1-MATH-STIC %~ UR1-UFR-ISTIC %~ TEST-UNIV-RENNES %~ TEST-UR-CSS %~ UNIV-RENNES %~ INRIA-RENGRE %~ INRIA-300009 %~ INSA-GROUPE %~ SORBONNE-UNIVERSITE %~ SU-TI %~ UR1-MATH-NUM %~ ALLIANCE-SU