%0 Master thesis %T Software Defined Networking in Wireless Mesh Networks %+ Protocols and applications for the Internet (PLANETE) %A Nguyen, Xuan Nam %C Sophia Antipolis %P 37 %I MASTER II IFI (Informatique : Fondements et Ingénierie) - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis %Y Giovanni Neglia %8 2012-08-31 %D 2012 %K Software-Defined Networking %K OpenFlow %K Content-Centric Networking %Z Computer Science [cs]/Networking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI]Master thesis %X The explosion of mobile devices and contents in recent years leads to high mobility demand. Wireless Mesh Network is considered as next generation of wireless networking, which supports high mobility and network access. Among user services, content delivery is an important service of the future Internet and Content Centric Networking is the most promising architecture for this service. To deploy new services over Wireless Mesh Network, we need the programmability in network and it comes from Software Defined Networking (SDN), a new approach to networking in which network devices and software controlling them is decoupled. However, mostly SDN implementations have targeted to wired, fixed network. Motivated by this vision, the objective of this work is to explore how to use OpenFlow- the leading SDN implementation - in Wireless Mesh Network and then improving content delivery service over Wireless Mesh Network with the support of OpenFlow. %G English %L hal-00790007 %U https://inria.hal.science/hal-00790007 %~ INRIA %~ INRIA-SOPHIA %~ INRIA-RHA %~ INRIASO %~ INRIA_TEST %~ TESTALAIN1 %~ INRIA2 %~ INRIA-RENGRE