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Meet Arc, a new innovative browser that challenges Chrome

Arc is an innovative browser with several features that are unique to it. Check what it has to offer here.

arc browser featuredArc organises tabs vertically (Image: Figma)
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Meet Arc, a new innovative browser that challenges Chrome
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Chrome continues to be the most popular browser in the world, with a user base larger than Edge, Firefox, and Safari combined. The browser comes pre-installed on most Android devices, and on Windows PCs where it’s not pre-installed, most users install it themselves on the first bootup itself. However, the company behind it, Google, has a massive ad business – and running a business like that involves copious amounts of data collection. Therefore, while Chrome is considered a highly secure browser, it may not be the most private option.

Enter Arc – an internet browser released in 2022 by The Browser Company by ex-Instagram engineers, former Heads of Design at Tesla and Medium, multiple Google Chrome alums, and others.

The Browser Company argues that while the internet has evolved over the years, browsers have largely remained the same. With Arc, the company is trying to do something different: “We’re imagining a browser that can think as quickly as we do, take work off of our plates, and pull our creativity forward.”


The platform is currently invite-only, meaning those who want access will have to add their email to the waiting list.

The biggest difference you’ll see when you launch Arc for the first time is that your tabs appear on a left sidebar instead of the top, giving the browser a unique look. Edge recently too introduced a sidebar for tabs but that’s not enabled by default. On Arc, you see that layout right off the bat.

“Arc Browser”, new browser based on chromium
by u/eric1707 in browsers

The left sidebar also includes other bits. Spaces are like windows within the window, each with its own tabs and folders. Pinned tabs are tabs you can pin to the sidebar for easier access. Easels are canvases that let you save images, text, links, and more to visualise ideas. Notes allow you to save stuff you want to work on later in the day or record any thoughts.

Festive offer

Sidebar aside, other unique features include a command bar, which you can use to quickly change browser settings. This can be accessed by hitting Command + T. Some of the things you can do using the command bar include clearing all tabs, activating browser extensions, and opening split view.

Split View is another Arc-specific feature. The feature lets you open and view four panels at the same time within Arc. These panels can be tabs or even notes, letting you work on multiple tasks at once.


Boosts are Arc’s own take on browser extensions, except you make them yourself. Creating a boost requires no coding language and you can create one by clicking the plus button on the left sidebar. Boosts let you change things on a particular website. It comprises four options: Style, Replace, Inject, and Custom. As an example, Inject lets you add your own content or features to a website.

While Arc obviously seems to challenge Chrome, it’s built on the same engine that the latter uses. Therefore, it supports Chrome extensions. The browser was initially available only on macOS, but recently it launched on iOS as well. A Windows app is in the works too. You can sign up for the browser via


First uploaded on: 28-03-2023 at 14:43 IST
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