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Organizations have now been selected. Find out more about the successful projects below. Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation

Let’s work together to build innovative climate solutions

The Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation committed $30M to fund big bet projects that accelerate technological advances in climate information and action. Selected organizations received $5M in funding, along with access to Google’s technical expertise and products, to accelerate progress toward a more sustainable and resilient future.

About the challenge

At Google, we believe that when it comes to solving a problem as big and urgent as climate change, we get more done when we work together.

We want to support the work of nonprofits, experts, and organizations around the world that will accelerate advances in climate information and action. We looked for solutions that will help the global community illuminate previously opaque climate challenges and enable collective climate actions. Past supported initiatives help map emissions on a global scale, restore ecosystems, and enable small businesses to understand their carbon footprint.

Google’s commitment to sustainability

At Google, we are committed to working together to build a more sustainable future for everyone. By organizing information about our planet, and making it actionable through technology, we help people make a more positive impact together.

Learn more about sustainability at Google.

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