Tools and Formats

This page gives advice about tools and formats for document editors.

See also:

Getting Started

Once you’ve been appointed as an editor by the Chairs, your first task will be to get a -00 draft published.

  1. Send your GitHub username to the Chairs if you’re not already a member of the Editors team, and they’ll add you.
  2. Create a PR with your new draft added to the root directory of the repo, with a name in the format (assuming you’re using Markdown; see “Editing Formats” below).
  3. Ask for review by the Chairs to make sure everything is in order.
  4. Once it’s merged by the Chairs, follow the instructions in to publish your -00.

Usually, a -00 draft has few, if any, differences from the draft that was adopted, to serve as a stable basis for future diffs. By convention, however, we add a section to the top of our drafts with links for the convenience of readers; e.g.,

--- note_Note_to_Readers

*RFC EDITOR: please remove this section before publication*

Discussion of this draft takes place on the HTTP working group mailing list
([email protected]), which is archived at <>.

Working Group information can be found at <>; source
code and issues list for this draft can be found at

Editing Formats

The canonical format for RFCs is now XML. However, we recommend authoring in Markdown – specifically, kramdown-rfc2629. That format is not only easier to edit, it’s also easier for the community to review (think of the diffs) and provide input to in the form of PRs.

See this cheatsheet for details of that syntax.

You can of course use any text editor; however, we encourage using one that supports EditorConfig.

See also our style guide for HTTP specifications.

Repo Etiquette

You can use PRs to manage your edits, or you can commit directly to the main branch. Please refrain from making edits to drafts other than your own, even if you feel they are helpful. Of course, you can propose changes with PRs, just as any other participant can.

Likewise, please refrain from making edits to the repository administrative files (e.g.,, adding labels, etc. without consulting the Chairs.


We use Martin Thomson’s I-D template for most of our specification repos. It uses CI to automatically build text and HTML versions of the draft(s) on the gh-pages branch so that they can be referenced.

Note that on the http-extensions repo, make lint will run rfc-http-validate. That will assure that all artwork and sourcecode blocks with a type of http-message are proper HTTP messages – either complete or partial (e.g., just headers).

In the markdown syntax, you can flag sections for validation like this:

~~~ http-message
Foo-Header: bar
Bar-Header: baz

If you use Structured Fields, add the fields your specification defines to sf.json to validate their basic syntax.