Bug 1485620 - add gtest for PrioEncoder r=bholley,hsivonen
authorRobert Helmer <rhelmer@mozilla.com>
Mon, 17 Sep 2018 17:38:36 +0000
changeset 436781 ed612eec41a44867a1330aa893040bacb7ac5b74
parent 436780 02c9085d46861ba4cf6bf19af8428fc94616335c
child 436857 87a95e1b7ec691bef7b938e722fe1b01cce68664
child 436858 d6196584952864d2f3354d1ff495e094cd43c9a0
push id34659
push user[email protected]
push dateMon, 17 Sep 2018 21:55:13 +0000
treeherdermozilla-central@ed612eec41a4 [default view] [failures only]
perfherder[talos] [build metrics] [platform microbench] (compared to previous push)
reviewersbholley, hsivonen
first release with
nightly linux32
nightly linux64
nightly mac
nightly win32
nightly win64
last release without
nightly linux32
nightly linux64
nightly mac
nightly win32
nightly win64
Bug 1485620 - add gtest for PrioEncoder r=bholley,hsivonen Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D6049
--- a/dom/prio/PrioEncoder.h
+++ b/dom/prio/PrioEncoder.h
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
 #ifndef mozilla_dom_PrioEncoder_h
 #define mozilla_dom_PrioEncoder_h
 #include "mozilla/dom/PrioEncoderBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h"
 #include "mprio.h"
 class nsIGlobalObject;
 namespace mozilla {
 namespace dom {
--- a/dom/prio/moz.build
+++ b/dom/prio/moz.build
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ LOCAL_INCLUDES += [
 EXPORTS.mozilla.dom += [
+TEST_DIRS += ['test/gtest']
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/prio/test/gtest/TestPrioEncoder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "jsapi.h"
+#include "PrioEncoder.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h"
+TEST(PrioEncoder, VerifyFull)
+  SECStatus prioRv = SECSuccess;
+  PublicKey pkA = nullptr;
+  PublicKey pkB = nullptr;
+  PrivateKey skA = nullptr;
+  PrivateKey skB = nullptr;
+  PrioConfig cfg = nullptr;
+  PrioServer sA = nullptr;
+  PrioServer sB = nullptr;
+  PrioVerifier vA = nullptr;
+  PrioVerifier vB = nullptr;
+  PrioPacketVerify1 p1A = nullptr;
+  PrioPacketVerify1 p1B = nullptr;
+  PrioPacketVerify2 p2A = nullptr;
+  PrioPacketVerify2 p2B = nullptr;
+  PrioTotalShare tA = nullptr;
+  PrioTotalShare tB = nullptr;
+  unsigned char* forServerA = nullptr;
+  unsigned char* forServerB = nullptr;
+  const int seed = time(nullptr);
+  srand(seed);
+  // Number of different boolean data fields we collect.
+  const int ndata = 3;
+  unsigned char batchIDStr[32];
+  memset(batchIDStr, 0, sizeof batchIDStr);
+  snprintf((char*)batchIDStr, sizeof batchIDStr, "%d", rand());
+  bool dataItems[ndata];
+  unsigned long output[ndata];
+  // The client's data submission is an arbitrary boolean vector.
+  for (int i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
+    // Arbitrary data
+    dataItems[i] = rand() % 2;
+  }
+  // Initialize NSS random number generator.
+  prioRv = Prio_init();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Generate keypairs for servers
+  prioRv = Keypair_new(&skA, &pkA);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = Keypair_new(&skB, &pkB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Export public keys to hex and print to stdout
+  unsigned char pkHexA[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX + 1];
+  unsigned char pkHexB[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX + 1];
+  prioRv = PublicKey_export_hex(pkA, pkHexA);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PublicKey_export_hex(pkB, pkHexB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Use the default configuration parameters.
+  cfg = PrioConfig_new(ndata, pkA, pkB, batchIDStr,
+                       strlen((char*)batchIDStr));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(cfg != nullptr);
+  PrioPRGSeed serverSecret;
+  prioRv = PrioPRGSeed_randomize(&serverSecret);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Initialize two server objects. The role of the servers need not
+  // be symmetric. In a deployment, we envision that:
+  //   * Server A is the main telemetry server that is always online.
+  //     Clients send their encrypted data packets to Server A and
+  //     Server A stores them.
+  //   * Server B only comes online when the two servers want to compute
+  //     the final aggregate statistics.
+  sA = PrioServer_new(cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A, skA, serverSecret);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(sA != nullptr);
+  sB = PrioServer_new(cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B, skB, serverSecret);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(sB != nullptr);
+  // Initialize empty verifier objects
+  vA = PrioVerifier_new(sA);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(vA != nullptr);
+  vB = PrioVerifier_new(sB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(vB != nullptr);
+  // Initialize shares of final aggregate statistics
+  tA = PrioTotalShare_new();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(tA != nullptr);
+  tB = PrioTotalShare_new();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(tB != nullptr);
+  // Initialize shares of verification packets
+  p1A = PrioPacketVerify1_new();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(p1A != nullptr);
+  p1B = PrioPacketVerify1_new();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(p1B != nullptr);
+  p2A = PrioPacketVerify2_new();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(p2A != nullptr);
+  p2B = PrioPacketVerify2_new();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(p2B != nullptr);
+  //
+  // Read in the client data packets
+  unsigned int aLen = 0, bLen = 0;
+  mozilla::dom::AutoJSAPI jsAPI;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(jsAPI.Init(xpc::PrivilegedJunkScope()));
+  JSContext* cx = jsAPI.cx();
+  mozilla::Preferences::SetCString("prio.publicKeyA",
+    nsCString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pkHexA)));
+  mozilla::Preferences::SetCString("prio.publicKeyB",
+    nsCString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pkHexB)));
+  mozilla::dom::GlobalObject global(cx, xpc::PrivilegedJunkScope());
+  nsCString batchID;
+  batchID = (char*)(batchIDStr);
+  mozilla::dom::PrioParams prioParams;
+  prioParams.mBrowserIsUserDefault = dataItems[0];
+  prioParams.mNewTabPageEnabled = dataItems[1];
+  prioParams.mPdfViewerUsed = dataItems[2];
+  mozilla::dom::RootedDictionary<mozilla::dom::PrioEncodedData> prioEncodedData(cx);
+  mozilla::ErrorResult rv;
+  mozilla::dom::PrioEncoder::Encode(global, batchID, prioParams, prioEncodedData, rv);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(rv.Failed());
+  prioEncodedData.mA.Value().ComputeLengthAndData();
+  prioEncodedData.mB.Value().ComputeLengthAndData();
+  forServerA = prioEncodedData.mA.Value().Data();
+  forServerB = prioEncodedData.mB.Value().Data();
+  aLen = prioEncodedData.mA.Value().Length();
+  bLen = prioEncodedData.mB.Value().Length();
+  // II. VALIDATION PROTOCOL. (at servers)
+  //
+  // The servers now run a short 2-step protocol to check each
+  // client's packet:
+  //    1) Servers A and B broadcast one message (PrioPacketVerify1)
+  //       to each other.
+  //    2) Servers A and B broadcast another message (PrioPacketVerify2)
+  //       to each other.
+  //    3) Servers A and B can both determine whether the client's data
+  //       submission is well-formed (in which case they add it to their
+  //       running total of aggregate statistics) or ill-formed
+  //       (in which case they ignore it).
+  // These messages must be sent over an authenticated channel, so
+  // that each server is assured that every received message came
+  // from its peer.
+  // Set up a Prio verifier object.
+  prioRv = PrioVerifier_set_data(vA, forServerA, aLen);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PrioVerifier_set_data(vB, forServerB, bLen);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Both servers produce a packet1. Server A sends p1A to Server B
+  // and vice versa.
+  prioRv = PrioPacketVerify1_set_data(p1A, vA);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PrioPacketVerify1_set_data(p1B, vB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Both servers produce a packet2. Server A sends p2A to Server B
+  // and vice versa.
+  prioRv = PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(p2A, vA, p1A, p1B);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(p2B, vB, p1A, p1B);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Using p2A and p2B, the servers can determine whether the request
+  // is valid. (In fact, only Server A needs to perform this
+  // check, since Server A can just tell Server B whether the check
+  // succeeded or failed.)
+  prioRv = PrioVerifier_isValid(vA, p2A, p2B);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PrioVerifier_isValid(vB, p2A, p2B);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // If we get here, the client packet is valid, so add it to the aggregate
+  // statistic counter for both servers.
+  prioRv = PrioServer_aggregate(sA, vA);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PrioServer_aggregate(sB, vB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // The servers repeat the steps above for each client submission.
+  //
+  // After collecting aggregates from MANY clients, the servers can compute
+  // their shares of the aggregate statistics.
+  //
+  // Server B can send tB to Server A.
+  prioRv = PrioTotalShare_set_data(tA, sA);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  prioRv = PrioTotalShare_set_data(tB, sB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  // Once Server A has tA and tB, it can learn the aggregate statistics
+  // in the clear.
+  prioRv = PrioTotalShare_final(cfg, output, tA, tB);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(prioRv == SECSuccess);
+  for (int i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(output[i] == dataItems[i]);
+  }
+  PrioTotalShare_clear(tA);
+  PrioTotalShare_clear(tB);
+  PrioPacketVerify2_clear(p2A);
+  PrioPacketVerify2_clear(p2B);
+  PrioPacketVerify1_clear(p1A);
+  PrioPacketVerify1_clear(p1B);
+  PrioVerifier_clear(vA);
+  PrioVerifier_clear(vB);
+  PrioServer_clear(sA);
+  PrioServer_clear(sB);
+  PrioConfig_clear(cfg);
+  PublicKey_clear(pkA);
+  PublicKey_clear(pkB);
+  PrivateKey_clear(skA);
+  PrivateKey_clear(skB);
+  Prio_clear();
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/prio/test/gtest/moz.build
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
+# vim: set filetype=python:
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    'TestPrioEncoder.cpp',
+    '/dom/prio',
+    '/third_party/msgpack/include',
+    '/third_party/prio/include',
+FINAL_LIBRARY = 'xul-gtest'