
Who am I following?

You can view and manage who you follow by clicking or tapping the account menu (the little human), then clicking or tapping “Following.”

To toggle sharing your following list on and off in a web browser, visit your settings and look for “Share the Tumblrs you’re following.” In the apps, tap the palette icon while viewing your blog, then tap “Following” and “Change.”

Who’s following me?

You can also see a list of the current followers of your blog. To see that list on the web, click “Account” on the left, select the desired blog, and then click “Followers” on the right.

To see that list in the apps, tap the profile icon at the bottom-right, select the desired blog at the top-left, then the settings icon at the top-right, and scroll down to “Followers.”

If you see someone on that list that you’d rather not be following your blog (hi Mom!), you can choose to block them using these instructions.

Your follower count

It’s natural to be curious or frustrated about fluctuations in your blog’s follower count. Other Tumblrs can decide to follow and unfollow based on all kinds of whims of their own, and we also sometimes take action to keep the Tumblr ecosystem safe (like removing spam accounts). That’s why you’ll see your blog gaining (and, yes, losing) followers at different rates.

The best approach for finding and keeping your audience is the tried-and-true, organic approach: be an active member of the Tumblr community. Here are some tips:

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