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  • Hello! We’re very sad to announce that this blog will no longer be active. We’ll leave this blog up as an archive, but we will not be posting nor reblogging content anymore. We came to this decision after months of careful thinking, considering our schedules and the posts in our tracking tag, which were very little.

    Thank you for understanding!

  • opalofoctober:
“““what’s up, doc?”
(the background is an image from the anime!)
” ”
  • opalofoctober

    “what’s up, doc?”

    (the background is an image from the anime!)

  • honeymeh


    i like humans too. kind things, warm things... people, animals, and spirits, everyone... we all like hearts that seek something dear, and burn with life.

    [click for better quality <3]

  • shysheeperz

  • shysheeperz

  • shysheeperz


    You were born a little earlier than your due date, Akane. Tohru had to be away at work and he didn't get to the hospital until the evening after you were born...

    "How about we name her Akane?"

    He thought of Aka, meaning "scarlet," because of that sunset. Scarlet also has other beneficial meanings, like averting evil and long life. Add Ne for "sound," and that's what Akane means.


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