
Fueled by a deep concern for Angola's ongoing struggle with desertification and its impact on indigenous communities, "Ofeka Earth" was born. This game, tells the story of Ngola, a young Mucubal, and his community's fight against climate change, unsustainable resource use, and the need for change.

What it does

In this game, you will embark on a journey of Ngola and his friend Mayouma, a young and courageous Angolan, sadly witnesses the devastation of her home village, Iona, by desertification. The once vibrant forest is being decimated by rampant deforestation, river pollution and unsustainable agricultural practices. Determined to save Iona, Ngola embarks on an epic journey to restore nature and raise awareness in the community about the importance of environmental preservation.

Reforestation and Sustainable Agriculture: Players engage in planting trees, cultivating crops through eco-friendly practices, and mitigating the effects of desertification.

Water Resource Conservation: The game emphasizes the importance of protecting rivers and water sources from pollution.

Renewable Energy: Ngola explores alternative energy solutions like solar and wind power, promoting a shift away from charcoal use.

Environmental Education: Players are encouraged to raise awareness within the community about the impacts of climate change and promote sustainable practices.

How we built it

The Game 'Ofeka Earth' have been developed with flutter framework to craft an interactive and captivating experience. Through this game, users are empowered to actively engage in Ngola's narrative and acquire knowledge through immersive gameplay. Presently, we've constructed this using the Flutter framework alongside Bonfire and Flame Engine."

Challenges we ran into

Balancing engaging gameplay, educational value, and a impactful social message proved to be a significant challenge. Striking this balance required extensive research, choosing the right library, sometimes we've trouble with the lastes versions and the currents verions of somes library on flutter, but we stick working to make the most amazing game.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

"Ofeka Earth" goes beyond being just a game. It acts as an educational tool and a call to action. Ngola's story serves as an inspiration for players of all ages to understand the importance of environmental protection and contribute to building a more sustainable future for Angola and the planet.

What we learned

At certain time our don't haved expirencie working with librays like bonfire and flame engine, and getting throug we learned a lot and we belive that could make impact on our life and carrier. The journey of developing "Ofeka Earth" reinforced the importance of collaborative efforts, continuous learning, and a commitment to creating a positive impact.

What's next for Ofeka Earth

The development of "Ofeka Earth" is ongoing. Our vision is to expand its reach, refine the gameplay experience, and potentially integrate elements of local languages and cultural traditions further. We believe that Ngola's story has the potential to inspire real-world change and empower communities to embrace a sustainable future.

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posted an update

Hello dear community of gamers, we are very happy and grateful that you are playing our game, we have received a lot of positive feedback and that has helped us a lot in improving Ofeka Earth, we have a new version updated today, we have made some updates regarding a dialog when our character's health ends, we have updated the values of the garbage collection around the river and the replanting of trees, we hope you continue to play our game, thank you all very much.

The new release OfekaEarth 3.7: [].

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