We, at IU hereby pledge to act with the utmost integrity and respect to pursue and support Global Education Coalition’s mission to mitigate learning losses and facilitate access to education for everyone.

IU International University of Applied Sciences

Bad Honnef, Germany
Academic or research
Established : 2000
Education and COVID-19 Response


Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Close digital divides and enhance connectivity for education

We, at IU would like to take concrete actions in support of the Global Education Coalition and Global Learning House specifically to participate in the activation of remedial programmes to mitigate learning losses. Whereby, we envisage contributing via the following:

1. Facilitate learning and educational development to mitigate unprecedented educational disruption.
2. Provide no-cost, online Bachelor-level educational courses and content (each equivalent to 5 ECTS) within the fields of computer science, engineering, and data science, to learners in crisis situations.
3. Support and benefit from GEC’s networking initiatives between the Coalition partners and beyond.

Regional Focus


Member Video

Taking the recent global events into perspective, innovative solutions are indeed deeply sought for to support learning, especially for the most disadvantaged learners. The GEC’s dedication to working with a broad range of stakeholders to maintain the educational equity and inclusion, hereby elevating the importance of proportional responses to mitigate the unprecedented educational disruption are invaluable. As we strive to support uninterrupted learning and provide access to education for everyone, we would be honoured to join the Global Education Coalition and support the mission of the Global Learning House. We, at IU would like to take concrete actions in support of the GEC and GLH specifically to participate in the activation of remedial programmes to mitigate learning losses. Whereby, we envisage contributing via the following:

1. Facilitate learning and educational development to mitigate unprecedented educational disruption.
2. Provide no-cost, purely online state-of-the-art Bachelor-level educational courses and content within the fields of computer science, engineering, and data science.
3. Upon successful completion of the provided modules, offer certificates which could be stacked towards a specific degree.
4. Support GEC’s networking initiatives between the Coalition partners and beyond.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Digital Learning Content

Digitize curriculum
Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Develop or provide free and contextually appropriate learning content

Primary Contact

Mr. Konstantinos Bardis

Project Manager – Strategic Partnerships

Senior Contact

Mr. Peter Egorov

Academic Director International