In support of UNESCO’s efforts, in particular of training 1 million teachers and upskilling 1 million youth, E3 pledges to offer technical expertise and innovation experience of TeacherConnect, an E3 digital programme to innovate, learn- and test at scale and contribute to the Global Skills Academy.

E3 (Entrepreneurship, Employability Programme of the South African Department of Education)

Pretoria, South Africa
Non-profit organization
Established : 2018
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Supporting and empowering educators

E3 is working towards a world where every learner is better prepared for their future and we invite you to join us in helping young people to achieve their highest potential. Using technology to reach, teach and connect at scale, E3 has a digital programme- TeacherConnect that helps teachers create the best classroom for our learners!

TeacherConnect gives access to an exciting new way of training, coaching and support. Resources available on TeacherConnect are customised for teaching needs.

Regional Focus


Countries of Interest

India, Brazil, Chile, Kenya, Belgium


During the pandemic and in recovery E3 used the science of learning to develop effective teaching for learning approaches and agile innovation processes. E3 pledges the support of its Research, Innovation & Development (RID), Implementation, Partnerships, Technology, Monitoring & Evaluation & institutionalisation (government capability) work streams.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Digital Learning Content

Digitize curriculum
Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Build or strengthen learning platforms
Create or enable access to teacher training resources

Advocacy and Communication

Back-to-school campaigns
Evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning strategies

Advocacy and Communication

Secondment of staff

Primary Contact

Ms. Julie Williamson


Senior Contact

Ms. Waheeda Carvello
