To enable access to high-quality online learning for anyone, anywhere in partnership with institutions around the world.


Mountain View, United States of America
Private sector company
Established : 2012
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Supporting and empowering educators

Through Coursera for Campus, instructors can connect students with relevant supplemental learning and also leverage course authoring tools to create hands-on projects for students, spanning the confines of a traditional online learning environment.

To help make the transition online easier for higher education institutions, Coursera developed CourseMatch, a tool that automatically maps on-campus courses to courses on Coursera. A truly global solution, it can ingest catalogs in 100 languages and map to courses on Coursera in 50+ languages.

In response to the increasing number of instructors delivering lectures via Zoom, Coursera recently announced Live2Coursera. The new feature allows instructors to seamlessly integrate pre-recorded live Zoom lectures into a private course on Coursera. Moving forward, Coursera will keep seeking tech-driven solutions to widespread challenges facing instructors.

Regional Focus


Countries of Interest

Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Russian Federation

Member Video

COVID-19 has caused unprecedented disruption to education, and we share the coalition’s commitment to act together to uplift those affected by the crisis. As the leading online learning platform, Coursera’s mission is to provide anyone, anywhere with access to high-quality learning.

Through Coursera’s Coronavirus Response Initiatives, we have made Coursera available for free to universities and governments responding to the crisis with the hope that individuals around the world can continue to learn essential skills.
The Coursera Campus Response Initiative provides any impacted university in the world with free access to 3,800 online courses from top universities and industry leaders.
The Workforce Recovery Initiative similarly enables any local, state, or federal government to offer displaced workers free access to 3,800 online courses. The initiative’s goal is to help impacted workers develop the knowledge and skills to become re-employed.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Universal Connectivity

Distribute hardware and relevant software to disadvantaged learners and teachers

Digital Learning Content

Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Develop or provide free and contextually appropriate learning content
Build or strengthen learning platforms
Validate and certify learning

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support distance learning
Capacity development to strengthen system resilience and response to future shocks

Primary Contact

Mr. Chad Pasha

Senior Advisor for Government Partnerships at Coursera

Senior Contact

Mr. Kevin Mills

Senior Director/Head of Public Sector Partnerships at Coursera