

Marcy often has brunch with Gabby and other high school friends of Sashanne in order to learn more lore of her girlfriends that they won’t tell her because it’s embarrassing…this being one example for Sasha.

1 day ago on 06.26.24   ♇ 148 notes  via / org




i hate you private jets i hate you bitcoin i hate you cars that go 200 mph i hate you golf parks i hate you yachts i hate you huge mansions with a pool i hate you luxery resorts i hate you exessive wealth causally killing the planet and using up ressources we all need

“okay but it’s their money! They can decide how to spend it!” Yeah okay but it’s our atmosphere! and water! and no amount of wealth should give you free reign over that!

“okay but it’s their money!“

No. It’s not.

No one makes that kind of money by themselves. That wealth is profit they’ve exploited from the backs of workers whose lives they ransom. You slave away to produce billions of dollars in profit, they pay you a few thousand a year in return. They make more money in a year than you will in your entire life.

They stole that money. It might not be legally classed as theft, but those same laws also said it wasn’t a crime when white settlers drove indigenous Americans from their land, or when we kidnapped millions of free people from Africa and told them they were slaves now.

So no, it’s not their money, and they shouldn’t be allowed to spend it destroying our ability to live on this planet.

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 120201 notes  via / org
2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 16873 notes  via / org




when i say i like hiking, i don’t mean “eight mile backpacking trip with special gear and an emergency beacon” sort of hiking, i mean a three mile loop to go look at pretty things and then a huge brunch after.

this is in no way a slam on hardcore hiking, it’s very fun, but i mostly just need to lower people’s expectations when i say hiking is a hobby of mine

“No no, that’s ranger hiking. I like hobbit hiking.”

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 89272 notes  via / org
“some angst i never posted, whoops!


some angst i never posted, whoops!

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 108 notes  via / org

Oh, oh, for the ask thing: question 9 for Words like Kindling? Did you envision other versions/other events of it before settling down on that storyline?

A few ideas but the bones stayed the same! The second chapter originally was much slower paced and had more private moments with just Sasha or Marcy. The idea was gonna be that Anne would insist they go spend time with their partner and not with her. It ended up being scrapped for just being kinda… I dunno. Boring? It wasn’t fun to write mostly.

A lot of the ideas came from an AMV in my head set to curses tbh lmao

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 2 notes  


extremely fucked up that one of the symptoms of adhd is forgetfulness and difficulty sticking to habits and schedules and one of the best ways to alleviate those symptoms is by remembering to take a pill every morning at the same time

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 41655 notes  via / org


Anne my darling

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 1551 notes  via / org



fandom tumblr was another casualty of streaming services. we used to be on here posting about the episodes that were coming out weekly and posting gifs and writing insane shit about the tv shows we liked. now a new season of a show will drop and we’ll talk about it for a week. two weeks tops. and then that show will leave collectively conscious for 1+ year till the next season drops. there’s a reason succession sundays was a blast on here

we used to have real television

This has also negatively impacted the shows themselves.

An easy example of this is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Parts 1-5 of JJBA were all released weekly and every single one of them has at least one meme that developed because people were talking about the show week after week for months on end.

Stone Ocean was distributed by Netflix and released in two big batches. People talked about the show leading up to the release, but it was silence after that. It’s a great season with lots of memorable moments but nothing developed in the culture because the release schedule made it a flash in the pan.

So if there’s a show coming up that you’re really excited for other people to get into, you better hope it’s a weekly.

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 17658 notes  via / org

Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it


1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?

2: What scene did you first put down?

3: What’s your favorite line of narration?

4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?

5: What part was hardest to write?

6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?

7: Where did the title come from?

8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?

9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?

10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?

11: What do you like best about this fic?

12: What do you like least about this fic?

13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?

14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?

15: What did you learn from writing this fic?

2 days ago on 06.25.24   ♇ 79486 notes  via / org