{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"Author: https://github.com/L2jLiga\n\nI ve wrapped MatterBridge in HomeAssistant addon with zigbee2mqtt onboard\n\nhttps://github.com/L2jLiga/ha-addons https://github.com/L2jLiga/ha-addons-built\n","created":"2024-06-13T07:52:31.000+01:00","hl_text":null,"hl_title":"HomeAssistant addon with zigbee2mqtt onboard","id":"6814999","num_comments":0,"number":49,"repo":{"repository":{"id":761692590,"name":"matterbridge","owner_id":132135057,"owner_login":"Luligu","updated_at":"2024-06-16T16:02:51.208Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"HomeAssistant addon with zigbee2mqtt onboard","url":"/Luligu/matterbridge/discussions/49","updated":"2024-06-13T07:52:32.000+01:00","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/132135057?s=48&v=4","user_id":132135057,"user_login":"Luligu"},{"body":"Good morning, I have acquired Raspberry PI5 and it can only work with Debian 12, but I have a problem with Onboard, it\ninstalls correctly, but when I try to press any key, it closes and it does not overload the applications. So it changes\nthe window when I try to type and try to select any key.\n","created":"2024-06-11T15:49:47.000Z","hl_text":"Good morning, I have acquired Raspberry PI5 and it can only work with Debian 12, but I have a problem with Onboard, it\ninstalls correctly, but when I try to press any key, it closes and it does not overload the applications. So it changes\nthe window when I try to type and try to select any key.\n","hl_title":"Onboard en Debian 12 (bookworm)","id":"6808644","num_comments":1,"number":91,"repo":{"repository":{"id":525279710,"name":".github","owner_id":102278842,"owner_login":"deepin-community","updated_at":"2024-06-14T18:05:17.580Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Onboard en Debian 12 (bookworm)","url":"/deepin-community/.github/discussions/91","updated":"2024-06-11T17:09:45.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/172415018?s=48&v=4","user_id":172415018,"user_login":"Enrike110"},{"body":"Description\n\nCan we have an onboarding block? like a small wizard to collect data from users\n\nExample\n\nNo response\n","created":"2024-05-31T05:10:30.000Z","hl_text":"Description\n\nCan we have an onboarding block? like a small wizard to collect data from users\n\nExample\n\nNo response\n","hl_title":"[blocks]: Onboarding","id":"6754626","num_comments":0,"number":3878,"repo":{"repository":{"id":585146387,"name":"ui","owner_id":139895814,"owner_login":"shadcn-ui","updated_at":"2024-06-16T13:32:07.722Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"[blocks]: Onboarding","url":"/shadcn-ui/ui/discussions/3878","updated":"2024-05-31T05:10:30.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36244069?s=48&v=4","user_id":36244069,"user_login":"ahmed-adly-khalil"},{"body":"What exactly steps are included to completing technical onboarding such as creating portfolio only?\n","created":"2024-05-31T07:07:04.000Z","hl_text":"What exactly steps are included to completing technical onboarding such as creating portfolio only?\n","hl_title":"Technical Onboarding","id":"6754995","num_comments":1,"number":135,"repo":{"repository":{"id":445286783,"name":"SATechnicalOnboarding","owner_id":6154722,"owner_login":"microsoft","updated_at":"2024-06-04T04:28:01.057Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Technical Onboarding","url":"/microsoft/SATechnicalOnboarding/discussions/135","updated":"2024-05-31T07:19:51.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/130151311?s=48&v=4","user_id":130151311,"user_login":"mehboob14"},{"body":"Website\n\nhttps://airchains.io/\n\nGithub\n\nhttps://github.com/airchains-network\n\nBlog\n\nhttps://blog.airchains.io/\n\nDocumentation\n\nhttps://docs.airchains.io/\n\nCommunity stats\n\n - Followers on Twitter : 8,600\n - Users on Discord: 6,100\n\nShort Summary\n\nAirchains Network is a cutting-edge ZK-rollup framework that enables developers to build scalable, privacy-preserving,\nand interoperable decentralized applications (dApps) across multiple blockchain networks. By leveraging zero-knowledge\nproofs and a modular architecture, Airchains empowers developers to create innovative solutions that prioritize\nscalability, security, and user privacy.\n\nWhy should Wormhole add this chain?\n\nBy adding Airchains Network chain, Wormhole can expand its cross-chain capabilities, support privacy-focused use cases,\nand tap into a growing ecosystem of dApps and users. The lightweight integration process and potential for cross-chain\nliquidity make Airchains an attractive addition to the Wormhole network.\n\nExpanding Wormhole s Cross-Chain Capabilities: • Airchains Network is a modular and interoperable ZK-rollup framework\nthat enables scalable and privacy-preserving dApps across multiple blockchains. • By integrating Airchains, Wormhole can\nextend its cross-chain messaging and token bridging capabilities to a broader range of blockchains supported by\nAirchains, such as Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana. • This integration would enhance Wormhole s value proposition as a\nuniversal interoperability protocol, allowing seamless communication and asset transfer between Airchains-based\nZK-rollups and other supported chains.\n\nEnabling Privacy-Focused Use Cases: • Airchains ZK-rollup technology offers enhanced privacy features for dApps and\ntransactions. • Integrating Airchains would enable Wormhole to support privacy-focused use cases, such as confidential\ntoken transfers, private voting systems, and secure data sharing across different blockchains. • This would attract a\nnew set of developers and users who prioritize privacy and confidentiality in their cross-chain interactions.\n\nLightweight Integration for Guardians: • Integrating Airchains into Wormhole would be a light lift for Guardians, as\nthey would not be required to run a full node for the Airchains chain. • Connectivity can be established via a Gateway\nIBC connection, simplifying the integration process and reducing the operational burden on Guardians.\n\nGrowing Ecosystem and Partnerships: • Airchains has a growing ecosystem of dApps, developers, and users leveraging its\nZK-rollup framework. • Key metrics: • 2300 dApps deployed on Airchains Switchyard Testnet • 6900 monthly active users\ninteracting with Airchains-based dApps • 900000 transactions processed per month on Airchains ZK-rollups • Airchains\nhave established partnerships with leading blockchain projects and infrastructure providers, such as Eigen, Avail,\nEspresso, Celestia and Gevulot to foster ecosystem growth and interoperability.\n\nLeveraging Wormhole for Cross-Chain Liquidity: • Airchains plans to utilize Wormhole s token bridging capabilities to\nenable seamless liquidity transfer between Airchains-based ZK-rollups and other supported chains. • This would allow\nusers to efficiently move their assets across different blockchains, unlocking new DeFi opportunities and enhancing the\noverall liquidity of the Airchains ecosystem. • Airchains is exploring incentivized liquidity programs to encourage the\nadoption and usage of Wormhole-wrapped tokens within its ecosystem.\n\nComplementing Existing Bridge Integrations: • Airchains has already integrated with other popular blockchain bridges,\nsuch as IBC and CCIP, demonstrating its commitment to cross-chain interoperability. • Integrating with Wormhole would\ncomplement these existing bridge connections and provide users with more options for cross-chain communication and asset\ntransfer.\n\nTechnology and Features\n\n- Cosmos SDK-Based Settlement Layer: Airchains is built on the Cosmos SDK, providing a robust and scalable settlement\nlayer for blockchain applications. - zk-Rollup Integration: Implements zk-rollup technology to enhance scalability and\nreduce transaction costs by bundling multiple transactions into a single proof. - SNARK-Based Proving Mechanism:\nUtilizes advanced SNARK-based proving mechanisms, including Groth16 and Plonk, to ensure efficient and secure\ntransaction validation. - Shared Sequencer and Decentralized Proving Network: Supports a shared sequencer architecture,\nworking closely with the Espresso team, and is implementing Gevulot for a decentralized proving network. -\nInteroperability via IBC: Fully supports Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC), allowing seamless interaction and asset\ntransfers with other chains in the Cosmos ecosystem.\n\nNative token details\n\n1. Total Supply: The native token of Airchains has a total supply of 10 billion AMF tokens. 2. Governance: Token holders\ncan participate in governance decisions, allowing them to vote on protocol upgrades, parameter changes, and other key\nproposals, ensuring a decentralized and community-driven development process. 3. Transaction Fees: The native token is\nutilized to pay transaction fees on the network, facilitating smooth and efficient operations while preventing spam and\nmisuse. 4. Staking Rewards: Holders can stake their tokens to contribute to network security and consensus mechanisms,\nearning rewards for their participation and support. 5. Ecosystem Incentives: The token is used to incentivize various\nactivities within the ecosystem, such as rewarding developers, validators, and users who contribute to the growth and\nsecurity of the network.\n\nTechnical requirements for running a node\n\nNone - Airchains will emit messages to Gateway via IBC. Guardians should not have to run anything additional (except for\nguardians who may run IBC relayers).\n\nIBC Relaying Strategy\n\nWe are planning to handle IBC relaying between Wormhole Gateway and our chain by leveraging the services of a\nspecialized IBC relaying provider. Currently, we are in discussions with DAIC, a reputable company known for their\nexpertise in providing reliable and secure IBC relaying services. We are finalizing a service agreement with them that\nincludes comprehensive support and maintenance to ensure seamless relaying operations.\n\nShould this arrangement change or should we decide to engage a Wormhole Guardian for IBC relaying, we will update our\nonboarding documentation accordingly to reflect the new provider and any relevant service agreements.\n","created":"2024-06-11T08:10:10.000Z","hl_text":"... , we will update our\nonboarding documentation accordingly to reflect the new provider and any relevant service agreements.\n","hl_title":"[Cosmos chain onboarding proposal]","id":"6806710","num_comments":0,"number":3978,"repo":{"repository":{"id":282684311,"name":"wormhole","owner_id":110117883,"owner_login":"wormhole-foundation","updated_at":"2024-06-15T08:45:00.856Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"[Cosmos chain onboarding proposal]","url":"/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/discussions/3978","updated":"2024-06-11T08:10:11.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/44940694?s=48&v=4","user_id":44940694,"user_login":"kritarth1107"},{"body":"Wrapping up the Developer Onboarding Program\n\nIntroduction\n\nThe Developer Onboarding Program is officially at a wrap and here is how it went.\n\nThe community program targeting marketing and education is complete! Three months of missions, WG-meetings, and tons of\ninteractions was run successfully and most of the goals were met. At the end, the program had received both public\nendorsement and donations from different Overclock Labs employees.\n\nExpected Outcomes\n\nTotal user count ✔️\n\n - Expected outcome: 250-1000 unique users partaking in missions learning and earning from the different missions. This\n is about 3x or more than the pilots achieved but all learnings and ideas will help adapt the program to achieve\n these goals.\n - Actual outcome: While not all users are developers and new, we got the lower end of our expected user count at 326\n total unique users with 255 users completing missions. The available statistics are not super precise but it grew by\n by about 219-234 users during the duration of the proposal.\n\nGetting users to be active ✔️\n\n - Expected outcome: a big number of traffic to other Akash-related topics such as: the Insiders program, Akash EDU,\n the bounties page, different WGs/SIGs and more. Missions will be created to encourage the participation of these\n other Akash activities but will be carefully thought over as not to bring spam into these topics.\n - Actual outcome: during wg-zealy meetings, we recognized that a lot of new users and old inactive users were able to\n complete the full process of dockerizing and deploying on Akash with guides. Other users also recognized that\n members that came from Zealy engaged in the Discord channels. Even 22 insider applications came from the program!\n\nDesigning a user flow ✔️\n\n - Expected outcome: A clear path for users will be created so that they can learn how to use Akash with minimal\n technical experience, and get enough AKT to get started whilst doing so. The hope is that users will stick around\n and remain active for longer than just the bare minimum that the missions are requesting.\n - Actual outcome: We successfully delivered on this through making missions where many users followed the full process\n of creating and deploying a Python app on Akash and multiple missions related to deploying, building, and tweaking\n different apps on Akash. This was huge and we want to reintroduce something similar in a more permanent way in the\n future.\n\nSpending budget ✔️\n\n - Expected outcome: $6500 USD worth of role payments, $7500 USD worth of rewards payments, and no additional spending.\n - Actual outcome: $6500 USD worth of role payments, $6576 USD worth of rewards payments, and $630 for a Zealy\n subcription. This leaves us $294 to spare in the original budget.\n\nPS: We received an additional $10-15k USD worth of AKT (2500 AKT) from Greg Osuri (link), founder of Overclock Labs,\nwhich remained unspent. This was to be used on rewards, but we did not have the reach nor the missions to spend this in\nthis quarter. This will be kept in the rewards pool regardless of the results of the next proposal and is to be used on\nmission rewards only.\n\nThe unspent budget will be returned to the community pool if the next proposal does not pass or by the original deadline\nwithin a month. The plan is to release a discussion and submit the proposal before the end of this month.\n\nZealy Roles ❌\n\n - Expected outcome: successful implementation of Zealy Developer Roles on Discord or Zealy Developer Certificates\n where users can get access to a private channel on Discord and have a colored name and badge on Discord.\n - Actual outcome: these roles were never implemented due to security concerns from some members of Overclock Labs\n related to the permissions required for this bot. More discussion can be made on this topic to introduce this in the\n future if there is demand for it.\n\nWhat we want to do next\n\nWe want to craft better missions than ever before. A lot of the missions we created could have been improved, and we\nwant to dedicate more time for this.\n\nFurthermore, we want Zealy users to be able to contribute to the network to grow the number of contributors.\n\nWe are currently considering different ideas to improve the program and whether or not to try alternative platforms and\nwe will release more information soon.\n\nThanks for this run everyone! Huge thanks to everyone who participated in the #wg-zealy meetings and the original\ndiscussion, this could never have been done without your collaboration.\n\nSubmissions\n\nAkash Alpha s walkthrough for a mission LukeWarmer s Akash AI Animation Project cr07nis s TTS on Akash Project\n\nPlus countless of other fun and serious projects!\n","created":"2024-06-10T13:37:12.000Z","hl_text":"Wrapping up the Developer Onboarding Program\n\nIntroduction\n\nThe Developer Onboarding Program is officially at a wrap and here is how it went.\n\nThe community program targeting marketing and education ...","hl_title":"Wrapping up the Developer Onboarding Program","id":"6803969","num_comments":3,"number":599,"repo":{"repository":{"id":580592065,"name":"community","owner_id":120607601,"owner_login":"akash-network","updated_at":"2024-06-14T14:22:47.071Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Wrapping up the Developer Onboarding Program","url":"/akash-network/community/discussions/599","updated":"2024-06-11T13:35:31.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/138930882?s=48&v=4","user_id":138930882,"user_login":"piber-dev"},{"body":"!-- ✏️ Optional: Customize the content below to let your community know what you intend to use Discussions for.\n\n👋 Welcome!\n\nWe’re using Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our community. We hope that you:\n\n - Ask questions you’re wondering about.\n - Share ideas.\n - Engage with other community members.\n - Welcome others and are open-minded. Remember that this is a community we build together 💪.\n\nTo get started, comment below with an introduction of yourself and tell us about what you do with this community.\n\n!-- For the maintainers, here are some tips 💡 for getting started with Discussions. We ll leave these in Markdown\ncomments for now, but feel free to take out the comments for all maintainers to see.\n\n📢 Announce to your community that Discussions is available! Go ahead and send that tweet, post, or link it from the\nwebsite to drive traffic here.\n\n🔗 If you use issue templates, link any relevant issue templates such as questions and community conversations to\nDiscussions. Declutter your issues by driving community content to where they belong in Discussions. If you need help,\nhere s a link to the documentation.\n\n➡️ You can convert issues to discussions either individually or bulk by labels. Looking at you, issues labeled “question” or “discussion”.\n","created":"2024-06-03T15:42:01.000Z","hl_text":"!-- ✏️ Optional: Customize the content below to let your community know what you intend to use Discussions for.\n\n👋 Welcome!\n\nWe’re using Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our community. ...","hl_title":"Welcome to Learning-test-onboarding Discussions!","id":"6772200","num_comments":0,"number":3,"repo":{"repository":{"id":801454734,"name":"Learning-test-onboarding","owner_id":163326699,"owner_login":"gringuardian","updated_at":"2024-06-03T15:32:06.263Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Welcome to Learning-test-onboarding Discussions!","url":"/gringuardian/Learning-test-onboarding/discussions/3","updated":"2024-06-03T15:42:22.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/163326699?s=48&v=4","user_id":163326699,"user_login":"gringuardian"},{"body":"Good morning MLSA_HELP! please I would like to know why I am being sent this email although I am following the program\nwith my community at ICT University. I did everything as a prerequisite, whether it was on GitHub with my portfolio,\nwhether it was organizing an event, and currently my community is following the challenge that I centralized in my\ncommunity s platform ( https://portal.ngcodex.com ). pls help me to understand. Thank you\n\n - My community 600 members website\n - Event preview\n - [Challenge preview](https://learn.microsoft.com/training/challenges?id=63317b09-fcae-417f-b9fb-67c77dc38593\n WT.mc_id=cloudskillschallenge_63317b09-fcae-417f-b9fb-67c77dc38593 wt.mc_id=studentamb_288877)\n - [Image Online and onsite\n preview](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pilotezebs_msftstudentambassadors-activity-7167441895692955648-mZoV?utm_source=share\n utm_medium=member_desktop)\n - Portfolio preview CI/CD with AZURE STATIC WEB\n - Another event coming soon with AI ...\n - you can also check the statistic of my MLSA_contributor ID\n\nBy: ZEBS HAUPUR MLSA CAMEROUN VICE PRESIDENT STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT ICT University\n\nDFFEFE\n","created":"2024-05-31T10:05:05.000Z","hl_text":"Good morning MLSA_HELP! please I would like to know why I am being sent this email although I am following the program\nwith my community at ICT University. I did everything as a prerequisite, whether it ...","hl_title":"Technical Onboarding Email issue","id":"6755748","num_comments":2,"number":137,"repo":{"repository":{"id":445286783,"name":"SATechnicalOnboarding","owner_id":6154722,"owner_login":"microsoft","updated_at":"2024-06-04T04:28:01.057Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Technical Onboarding Email issue","url":"/microsoft/SATechnicalOnboarding/discussions/137","updated":"2024-05-31T13:51:33.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/120027323?s=48&v=4","user_id":120027323,"user_login":"codeurzebs"},{"body":" - Is there a way to allow third-party access to the dashboard (while restricting the data they may see, filters)?\n - What if a consumer does not have a credit card or internet access, what about licensing certificates?\n - Can dashboard logins be restricted by geography or other values for sales teams or do we do this through REST API?\n - Can reports be filtered and delivered automatically (end of week/month) to a specific email?\n - Pricing plans, What do we need?\n - In the node-locked model, is the license time-based? (Is node-locked a specialized version of subscription?)\n - If a licensee had multiple licenses, does the server (netlicensing.io) find the correct license or do I need to\n interrogate the list of licenses for the licensee?\n - Shop URL. Just verifying that it only accesses the data for a specified licensee. What do we have control over, how,\n and which licensing model?\n","created":"2024-05-18T22:50:04.000Z","hl_text":" - Is there a way to allow third-party access to the dashboard (while restricting the data they may see, filters)?\n - What if a consumer does not have a credit card or internet access, what about licensing ...","hl_title":"Vendor onboarding Q&A","id":"6690177","num_comments":1,"number":141,"repo":{"repository":{"id":303787599,"name":"NetLicensing-Community","owner_id":1461983,"owner_login":"Labs64","updated_at":"2023-10-29T22:41:10.589Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"Vendor onboarding Q&A","url":"/Labs64/NetLicensing-Community/discussions/141","updated":"2024-05-18T23:04:54.000Z","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1361258?s=48&v=4","user_id":1361258,"user_login":"r-brown"},{"body":"hey folks,\n\nin #59 we are introducing a ci/cd method that creates two git repos per-team: infra and app .\n\nfor the nginx app, this is trivial (there s no app, really, just some k8s yaml, etc).\n\nbut for any other app, there is a question of which services go in which team set of repos?\n\nfor example, if we introduce https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo -- it has 12 services. it also\nhas some options: storage can be memorystore, spanner, or alloydb. (see in the kustomize/ folder)\n\nOptions:\n\n - should we create a pair for every service?\n - create one pair for the whole thing?\n - something in between? (maybe one pair for money services like currencyservice, checkoutservice, and cartservice)?\n\nFor infra, we can just choose a db option, or we might want to consider offering choices somehow.\n","created":"2024-05-09T15:52:20.000-07:00","hl_text":"hey folks,\n\nin #59 we are introducing a ci/cd method that creates two git repos per-team: infra and app .\n\nfor the nginx app, this is trivial (there s no app, really, just some k8s yaml, etc).\n\nbut for ...","hl_title":"onboarding demo code using new ci/cd onboard.sh and onboard-app/ tf, templates","id":"6637806","num_comments":0,"number":63,"repo":{"repository":{"id":644534620,"name":"reliable-app-platforms","owner_id":2810941,"owner_login":"GoogleCloudPlatform","updated_at":"2024-06-15T00:13:45.892Z","has_issues":true}},"title":"onboarding demo code using new ci/cd onboard.sh and onboard-app/ tf, templates","url":"/GoogleCloudPlatform/reliable-app-platforms/discussions/63","updated":"2024-05-09T15:52:20.000-07:00","user_avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/593929?s=48&v=4","user_id":593929,"user_login":"stevemcghee"}],"type":"discussions","page":1,"page_count":100,"elapsed_millis":124,"errors":[],"result_count":3847,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Donboard%2Bin%253Atitle%252Cbody%26type%3DDiscussions","metadata":null},"title":"Discussion search results"}